/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Only eight more months till I can roll.

Are we really gonna be doing early Lucina threads again?

Azura a shit.



Every FE game so far isn't even good.

I love Azura

she did nothing wrong


Lyn is the cutest!

Nice deflection with a low-hanging fruit, Lucinafag, but just because it's a new thread doesn't mean we'll all magically forget the whining and shitflinging you caused. Maybe don't sperg out the next time anyone mentions Ike in any context.

PLEASE let there be another banner with new characters

You realize that filthy fucking waifuposters like you are the reason for them, right? Do you understand just how much hypocrisy is behind that statement? It's disgusting. You're complaining about a problem you created and exacerbate in every single thread. If you don't like early threads, then maybe don't jump to them ASAP to post your fucking cartoon waifu you unbelievable faggot.


more of her fanart please

Heroes would be the best game in the series without the mobage shit and the features of a full game like a real story and more gameplay features like class changing promotions and some larger maps.

Every video game so far isn't even good.

>trying to use ike to shitpost
Cuckzurafags folks.

It's okay, she'll eventually be kidnapped and brainwashed by Kiran into the closest to happiness she will ever feel.


Fuck off drill.


Even if I or other waifuposters don't post in them people migrate into early threads anyway.

/feg/ is just clinically retarded.

Lucinafags are mentally ill.

>Heroes would be the best game in the series if the shitty parts which constitute 99% of it were changed

what's worse? early Lucina threads? or waifufaggot tripfaggotry? you guys decide

Kellam when

t. Kagacuck

With Intelligent Systems? NO WAY!

You guys have fun with your bunnies.
I'll be over here.
Holding all muh orbs.

Is it worth rolling for Heroes at this point or should I wait for the new ones?

Lucina IS the mascot and face of the series. She WILL be in every single game from now on and she WILL have a major roll to play in all of them. Not one single character is more popular than her and her popularity will never decline only increase as Intelligent Systems keeps giving her more and more focus until she gets her own spin off titles.

>It's fine if I do it because if I wasn't the driving force behind the problem somebody else would be

Cognitive dissonance, ladies and gentlemen.

Quality Shitcinafag post. Homegrown with no preservatives.

If anyone responds to this bait besides me I'm going to laugh at you.
Point, and fucking laugh.

>Not one single character is more popular than her

Objectively incorrect.

Please no. I have no orbs left and this shit banner is the perfect opportunity to stockpile them.

What is she good for?

I want Catria to fuck the shit out of my while closing her eyes and thinking of Marth!

Waifu-ism ruined this series.

So how many hours till the new banner?
My orbs can't wait to roll for a Lucina and get a gay Xander


Name ONE game she has a chance of appearing that isn't a spin-off game

>implying I'm not baiting him to see how far he goes down the rabbit hole

Even when I'm not posting /feg/ still uses early threads, not hard to understand user. Very rarely does anyone ever bother to report and ignore, last time I remember it happening was a few days ago with the Kempf thread but that was after he had been spamming it for like 7 threads straight.

Don’t complain about getting the better, cuter unit.

I want to heal her
With my dick


the game of love~

Awakening 2: The Reawakening.

Maybe we looked at brainwashing the wrong way. Perhaps it is a force for good. Time to learn how to perform it.

>post has (lol in it
>100% of the time is attached to a post with absolutely no insight or contribution, may as well be the hallmark of a post that literally only exists to spite

At least it helps you determine what posts you should listen to and which you should discard. I may even filter it.

>It's fine if I murder people because they would've died anyways and still died even when I wasn't actively murdering them

I think the Lucina haters post more about Lucina then the Lucinafags.

Stopped reading right there

Atleast bring is a subtopic about heroes or something. This isn't funny anymore.

Lynn was babbies first waifu tho, its a mechanic of the series. It was only when people become overwhelmingly defensive over their favorites that the generals turn to shit. Oh its its literally one troll and everyone else tossing breadcrumbs at it.


Reawakening: The Awakened Awakening.

And about the hours till the banner?

Crowning into a Sentinel to clean up 4-2

Past that eh, I mean I guess she's good for the one chapter where she's the Lord in Part 2 (although not really without Transfers aside from having no other option)

awakeningbabbies are the common core of the fire emblem world
we need a purge

>tripfaggotry is comparable to murder

Kiran, stop raping people.

4 hours

Every notable waifu's hatebase posts more about the waifu than the fanbase.

You've seen it with Camilla, you've seen it with Azura, you're seeing it with Lucina.

It's not rape if she never said no

>says tharjafag, sweating nervously, hoping nobody will recognize him without his trip on

>make a myrmidon
>give her a lance
Top stuff.

>Lyn was babies first waifu
Literally objectively wrong.

Female main character != waifu, you dumb fucking nigger. Just because you were 10 and it was your first experience with Japanese anime art doesn't mean she was designed for being a waifu.

Sorry to burst your bubble awakeningbabby.

He does the same exact shit in the WWD, and guess what nobody fucking likes him for it either. He will never learn

So next seasonals are gonna be swimsuits right? Should start saving orbs for a future micro bikini Nowi.

With ISIS being the biggest Lucinafags of them all it means there's always something to post about.

Jesus Christ please tell me that's not real. Even if you want to be anal about it, 4 × 6 is 4 multiplied by 6, so the kid had it right.

How will Necromancers work in Heroes?

>Summon a random NPC character to fight
>Killing an enemy converts them as a zombie for the rest of the fight
>Something else?

fuck she's cute

She only said yes because you own her at this point.


And that's all what love's about

Any idea what those question marks are?

was I defending tripfaggotry in that post though? nice boogeyman you got there. I am 0% Mexican thanks

I like Hana

Nice detective work user

Well yeah all the amiibo characters are going to appear in the games goy.


Innes is so charming and handsome!

I want to marry Innes!!

nice, I'll stay awake then

I might be too dumb for this.

You're cute, using all your internet buzzwords and online forum dick measure by video game.
Here's a you.

>I have never played fe7
>the game with literally (You) interacting with the characters
>where the one that does it the most is Lyn and closes off Lyn mode with a tearful goodbye

Alright Oscar

Does Life to Serve restore the amount that you heal the ally (e.g. Lucina got healed 10 HP so Live to Serve is based on that 10 HP) or the amount that your staff can heal (e.g. Lucina got healed by a Recover staff so Life to Serve is based on that 15 HP restoration of Recover)?



shut up Innes

As dark mages

You can't roll 5-star dorito head man anymore can you?

Marth was there first, buddy boy.

Skills, probably based on weapon. Speculation seems to be that using weapon = gaining points towards a skill, or something like that.
I haven't bothered with it though, we'll know it soon enough.

1 sucks
2 sucks
3 is okay
4 is pretty good
5 is good but it makes me want to die so fuck it
6 is badly designed but almost good
7 is good
8 is good
9 is okay
10 is okaaaayyyyy
11 is terrible and makes my eyes bleed
12 might be good but it makes my eyes bleed
13 is enjoyable but way too easy
14 is enjoyable but way too easy

Fire Emblem Recollection

Both Kamuis are a bit over the top in the 5* dialog.
MaMui already gets nervous when he doesn't see you and Femui is using the headrubs of seduction.