Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


>What's new?
>Cassia, D2 Amazon
>2.0 Beta Patch Notes:

>For Azeroth reactivated; get a WoW mount by playing Warcraft Assassins

> Two Heads Are Better Than One; get your free Cho'gall (if you haven't already)

>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest patch notes

>Hero Rankings, various Statistics, Talent Calculator:

>Current Tier List

>Where can I find you autistic NEETs?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

>Tips and other useful resources:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



>Always thought it was cool how HotS gave you character recolors just for leveling a character
>That's gone in 2.0
That's not cool

>be happy you get anything at all
>you're rewarded for buying heroes with real money by tints
>buying stimpacks rewarded you because in the old system you got gold for hero levels
>you would have everything unlocked, where is the fun with that
>just make a smurf
>this is a game not a job
>you play for fun, not for rewards
>70 is such a big number anyways
>the rewards are meaningless anyways
>you only don't like it because it's change
>blizzard would lose too much money by giving you more
>why are you always complaining

>just make a smurf
pretty much


>the only way to get existing skins is either waiting for a sale or buying these crates for a chance to get one colour variant of it
All you can do is buy the hero you want before the update, and you get all 3 colours regardless of your hero level on patch day.

Does Hots 2.0 bring Abathur buffs?

ETC nerfs and minor buffs to some other character.

>>buying stimpacks rewarded you because in the old system you got gold for hero levels
You still get 500 gold for every 5 hero levels
>>just make a smurf
Just kill yourself
is such a big number anyways
Not nearly enough, also most people won't get all the 10 epic boxes

Reposting since it was at the end of last thread:

Cheerleader skins are out.

Comes with new walking/riding animations, new /dance and new hearthstone animation.


>buff annoying lardball


That's the entire point of that post user.

It's all retard blizzdrone arguments

So what I'm hearing is that you should spend as much gold as you can right now before the patch comes out?
Also what the hell are you doing not posting smol boobs.

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

Go back to wow for your big bandas my man.

No, certainly not all the gold you have, as you'll potentially need 1500 per crate to maximize them. However for each 10k hero you buy you'll have a chance to get 400 shards, one fourth of directly buying a legendary skin, if you unbox a duplicate.

I'm the support slut now!

gas all lili fags

why dont you show me your name so i can message you baby

Mind you I was the Leoric in that screen cap.

Is titty angel good?

like, cool, dude, wow, boobies, like, whoa

i know it's pretty cool man

If you meet her does she give complimentary tit fucks? If not I'm not terribly interested.

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

only if you're a top donor so no they're not complimentary


does no one play bot games to burn through dailies with classes they hate anymore? I came back after not playing since chromie came out and have a support daily I need to do but dont want to go into real games to do it. Before I left I could find bot matches in like 10 seconds and they could be finished in less than 5 minutes but now i'm sitting here for 3 minute not even finding a match.

Then I'm not terribly interested.

unranked and ranked complete quests regardless of the hero you choose

stop playing quick memes

When is this whole 2.0 thingy gonna release ?

3 weeks

you cant burn through an unranked match in 3 minutes.

Yeah, if you suck

very soon. so start leveling up all your heroes as high as you can

T-thank you Mike Morememe, our jewish overlord, thank you

Is the new webm of Diablo a new skin, base skin, or fanmade thing?

Legendary skin

>you will never defeat me ! AHAHAHAH
diablo 3 truly sucked balls

Azula hero when

At least reaper of souls was a lot better. Malthael was a great antagonist.

Malthael when

is Valeera worth buying? I just came back after a year and have 10k to spend.

Yes she is fun.

I haven't been paying attention to these threads and just heard about 2.0.

What does this mean for me, someone who owns every character and 90% of the skins?

No she is not fun.


>owns every character and 90% of the skins

im sorry

That if you want to get any more skins in the future, don't level up your heroes that are under level 11, unless you enjoy sacrificing tons more money than before to the gods of RNG.

>you'll potentially need 1500 per crate to maximize them
How so?

Who else is planning to go full meme at 2.0?

I wouldn’t say he was a “great antagonist”, but at least he wasn't facepalm inducing like most villains in Diablo III

can i get a source on that sonya pic?

Don't apologise, I deserve everything that happens to me.

At least i stopped.

But I don't have a single character above level 10 since I would get the gold for them and then move on.

Wait 3 weeks before playing again

define full meme

every single thread some retard asks this question

Just saying you should be prepared to re-roll any (especially epic quality, as those are the rarest ones to get and have a guaranteed epic drop) lootboxes until you get what you want, and that costs 250, then 500, and finally 750 gold.

You can play any level 9 heroes, any lower and you will be missing out on loot boxes coming in 3 weeks

You aren't already?

how would one do that?

you know, the usual /hotsg/, but now with even more emojis.

A part of me wants to buy heroes to get their tints when the patch hits. Another part of me want to save the gold incase I really want one of the two heroes we haven't seen.

Oh, so you're just telling me not to level up heroes untill 2.0 comes out.

I thought you were saying that if I level up heroes after 2.0 comes out I'd be losing out on something.

Can you reroll after you have seen the actual items you get? I thought it would only show you the rarity

no i wont
cause i will be busy doing lewd emoji stuff

The PTR implies that you unlock the basic 3 tints instantly when you buy a hero now.

You see the whole set and then you decide if you want it, the last one you have to keep. The quality might be better or worse after you reroll.

I'm here to ____!

Ok panda lovers, what to do before 2.0?

My first lootbox gave me tracer and the second gave me a cassia skin.
Don't know if I have good luck or bad luck

Kill yourself

Draw Chen as Chris Pansen

I know, that's why I want to buy the heroes.

is tassadar still a specialist disguised as a support?

Remember when Kael'thas used to be first pick/first ban?

No, like it will work that way in hots 2.0 as well. In hots 2.0 buying a hero should give you the basic tints regardless of whether you buy them before or after it goes live.

isnt it level 5 on the live servers?

He is now equal to Tyrande, Medivh and Abathur in QM matchmaking

They made internal divisions between healers and supports now. Tassadar and Tyrande no longer qualify as healers to matchmaking.

Exp required for 1-5 has been raised a bit so that is probably why

Remember when Tyrande + Diablo was a broken as fuck combo that essentially gave you a free win?

Well that's nice. I thought the basic tints were split off like other tints.

Remember when Abathur was good?

I don't

I played him back during the Technical Alpha

Abathur could use the cloned hero's chosen Heroic ability
double Hyperion, double Odins

this was also back when Tychus got a second health bar when using Odin

Best skin coming through.

Remember when Artanis was a tank that could win 1v3s if he was lucky?

My girlfriend and I dunked the fuck out of so many people with the Abathur + Gazlowe Robo clone combo. That shit was fun.

Who should I buy if I haven't played in a long time? I dont own Xul, Varian, Dehaka, or Alarak

Remember when the entire community got so ass blasted about Nova Blizzard had to do something to stop the crying?.

As a new player I'm really considering starting it all over again. I have like half of the roster at level 5+ and some 150+ games played. What really sucks is that I'll be missing out on some account rewards like Valla and a couple mounts if I do make a new account. But missing out on over 150 loot boxes that would only take like a week or two of playing to get really sucks ass. Chances are starting over and reaching the same point I'd be left with much more unlocks than I currently have.

I really hope they provide an option to reset all hero levels to 1.

Wait 3 weeks before playing low level characters, so in your case, don't play for 3 weeks

uhhhh blizzard why does tracer have a butt???? normal human females do not have butts!!!!!

holy fuck the octograb buff

then do it, faggot
we're not your fucking diary

Remember when Zagara was the ultimate lane bully?

Protip, make the account before patch and play one hero. You get 5 common boxes for having played before the patch or something, check the site for the actual requirement

I just want to buy something so I can get their colors.

>every 5 hero levels 500g

sheeit nigga

I member.
Good times.
Zagara is still fun, but I never feel like i'm doing enough

Apparently you get them even if you buy after patch

With some insanity it might be most optimized to make a new account and play brawl only to get to 40 before the patch hits. That way you get a bunch of dailies and brawl weeklies for gold and the old account level benefits without leveling any of your heros.