/meg/ mass errect general

Jack is best waifu edition

Andromeda is an open world rpg made by bioware with lots of choices which lets you play and be what you want.

>Syntheis IRL soon

pastebin.com/JNb1T71a (embed)
If you are new and are worried about the negative reviews dont. The game is very enjoyable and fun for those who enjoy new bioware products and like the mass effect universe, it has a ton of exploration, characters, dialogue options and weapons, it is best to casually enjoy such a game instead of rushing it which is what most reviewers these days do.
The animations might be lacking but this was never bioware's strongest suit, the game has its fault but it is good.
This Andromeda hate has just become a meme, just like the Tortanic meme even though Swtor is still alive and brings out content and has a healthy population.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh boy, the reddit OP maker is awake.

Why would you say the andromeda hate is just a meme, it's has a lot to improve upon.

troll thread. report and hide


Oh no, the autist who sperg over the op is awake.

Game has its problems, but it doesnt deserve the hate it is getting because is is a fun game for most of us who played it.

It is just that people just want to see bioware/EA fail so hard they ll just believe anything negative about them these days.

>pastebin.com/JNb1T71a (embed) (embed)
>(embed) (embed)
>can't even copy and paste his own cringeworthy shill OP properly
Just how brain damaged are you.

The same cringeworthy and obese neckbeard who types shit like ''mass errect'' is a redditor who comes here to try to shill the game and makes terrible shill OPs.
Not to mention he admited he is not from Veeky Forums and only comes here for the general, so he's probably from the mass effect subreddit.

>retard not knowing mods support Reddit OP and delete your shitty OP

Non reddit thread.

I didn't even realize the title, just why.


Someone post more of those dialogue crops, I want to make a folder for posterity.

Because he's the kind of cringeworthy redditor who still makes jokes about calibration and references to le epic gamer poop.
He can't even use upper case when typing the ''mass errect'' reddit shit, it's embarassing.

Report, sage, hide.

Thank you user.
Please, move to that thread.
Don't make this a place that welcomes redditors.

Let's start the thread off right

everybody migrate

Fuck bondage is my fetish


normal scott looks so fucking shit though

Oh god the gaylord is here

>there are people who didn't pick Reyes
Wonder how it feels to be an idiot

Fuck off with your autism retard, this one was made first

>making Kaetus sad
Cmon man

Sorry but Reyes is the better romance, first time a character isnt some gay stereotype

Whatever you say, ''mass errect'' supporter.

>getting played and liking it

>I am a literal kid that gets mad of a funny game title because I am so much and adult and grown up
Found the underage

Found the reddit supporter.


But reyes is bi.

Only people getting played are moralfags who cant keep up with smart immoral ruthless husbandos :3

At least we dont sperg over it like you.

Also who realize there's nothing wrong with reddit and you just bought intothe meme "im on Veeky Forums, that means i should hate reddit to fit in"

Top cuck

>Also who realize there's nothing wrong with reddit and you just bought intothe meme "im on Veeky Forums, that means i should hate reddit to fit in"
And here the fat as fuck redditors show their true colors.

this really is the official reddit thread then

So when is this happening?

>hating on Gil
I can't wait for Reyes to betray you

>Only people getting played are moralfags who cant keep up with smart immoral ruthless husbandos :3

Oh you're that guy.

Put on a trip

He wont, Reyes wont have a chance to betray you because our reltionship is far too profitable+the bonus of having a quality husbando.

Smart people dont backstab everyone over a tiny amount of profit or huge loss like your little brain wants to believe because you cant control them.

That is what makes them trustworthy in the eyes of other smart men

Here's your gaylien you degenerates
>tfw no Gil lewds
At least we've got some Scott lewds

Eh, I like the Romance Novel aspect of the art.

But how bout Scott/Tann instead or Scott/Kallo.

You're definitely hard-headed and stubborn, I'll give you that

I dont know, Jaal has been a huge Turnoff for me since we learned about him, he is so boring desu.

I much rather wish we get Avitus or Kandros, maybe Avitus once we no longer need pathfinders he joins your crew on ME:A2

It already exists afaik.

A Pathfinder's job is never done. They still have to support their outpost whichever way they can

>I dont know, Jaal has been a huge Turnoff for me since we learned about him, he is so boring desu.

Are you going to get bored of Avitus or Kandros once you learn more about him as well?

Nah pathfinders might become spectres once we get a council and colonize most of the cluster by the start of mea2

It's marked as Gil but ehh, it's doesn't look much like him desu

Nah they have an interesting character, we met them, Jaal was yep mostly because pre release he was rumored to be bi, we didn't know how boring he was before

There were no pathfinders in the Milky Way yet there were planets we didn't know much ahout and only for scans

I guess they ll use another name for Me:A2, like someone said specter is a good idea

>Simba is gay
Hahahahah how will /pol/ ever recover

>it was le Jews man, dem evil people who no support nationalist autism


Don't let your lust for turian cock mislead you from the fact that he just says that and that you can rely on him.

Anybody draw him fucking Nyreen yet?

The jews are helpful though, they helped destroy Hillary and put her down like the filthy dog she was.

user please, Kandros is quality husbando material, his voice is sexy as fuck, he is bossy and a cool turian.
He is pretty good just like Avi, the non murderer turian for example is pretty boring

>his voice is sexy as fuck, he is bossy and a cool turian.

That's literally almost every single Turian again >Don't let your lust for turian cock mislead you

Not true, there are many other turians who aren't as interesting, and there are more people into kandros.
I don't know what makes him so at, maybe the fact that we talk to him so often

I want turian cock in every hole. I want to be their practice slut, filling me with their potent dextro-amino-acid seed as I slowly grow tolerant to it.

Can someone tell me why the balance is so fucking retarded?
And maybe post it on that once cunt dev twitter so they look in to it and fix this retarded balance.
Also Kinetic Coils should be 5%, even stacked they are shit.

>based mods delete the retarded other op thread

They should delete both threads and permanently ban both OPs, honestly.

Mods abide by rules of first.

You're still cancer

Daily reminder stop making retarded threads if one is already made

>Still waiting on that homo turian husbando bioware

No, threads will keep being made if mass errect reddit generals keep being made.


>Mods delete the non reddit OP

Daily reminder no one cares about your synthesis cancer article, cancer Op, cancer Cora shit, and cancer review

>the OP that actually has the game title instead of a stupid meme is retarded


Found the autistic spergs whose shitty OP keeps getting deleted by based mods because they are so mentally illnthey spam shitty generals

>mass errect
What the fuck is this shit.

>not a single replay
Of course the waifu fags don't care about gameplay related issues.

And they will keep getting deleted by MODS

Why is there a Cora futa fanfiction in this OP?
Why is there some Elon Musk whatever shit on it that absolutely no one cares about?
Why does it say Mass Errect instead of Mass Effect?
Why is there some apologist shit for Andromeda?
Can you please answer to these questions?


I can't unhear his Texan sounding accent.

There's not much to Tiran character wise. I'm a little disappointed or maybe he says more later on in the game.


>Other OP's are shitty when they actually have the info for games instead of shitty reviews and fanfiction smut

Off yourself Ralph

It makes me think they're wanting people to use the Mods with Pro's and cons more instead of the flat out upgrade ones

So anyone know what is the point of those? I found a hidden one in voeld but it never seems to be useful for anything, it just says "oh look one more of those"

No, there is a way to fix this, happened with the overwatch general, the Team Fortress 2 general, and it seems like it has to happen with this one too.
Some permanent range-bans are going to happen, but oh well.

>answering for his crimes
don't hold your breath, OP will just change the subject to
>muh drumpflets
>muh synthesis
>muh sperglords
>muh simpletons
>muh smilies

>Why is there a Cora futa fanfiction in this OP?
Best waifu
>Why is there some Elon Musk whatever shit on it that absolutely no one cares about?
It leads closer to SAM and ingame AI lore
>Why does it say Mass Errect instead of Mass Effect?
Because it is funny, but i forget we got some underage here that want to pretend to be adults
>Why is there some apologist shit for Andromeda?
Because the game is good and fun and you are brain dead if you jump on the hate train because youa re told is cool to hate bioware, it doesnt deserve the hate, it deserves support
>Can you please answer to these questions?
Meanwhile your OP is filled with a ton of shitty outdated nobody gives a shit about
>"b..but muh old me info pastebin matters "
No it doesnt, nobody cares

Makes me think there'll be a DLC including them

So far i've only gotten the one you get on Eos and Kadara Vault, havent found any others and I cleaned out Voeld and Havarl Vaults

Yeah i got most of the usual ones in my first playthough but i think there was one in some mini quest vault and the Voeld vault has another side full of consoles that bring up pillars with boxes and stuff, one console brings up a pillar on the other side that has that core

>Mass errect is funny

Holy shit are you fucking 12?

Also the pastebin info is useful if new people looking to get into the series come here you autistic child, it saves everyone else explaining everything 20 times over

Doesn't change the fact it's still retarded.

>Best waifu
Nobody cares.

>It leads closer to SAM and ingame AI lore
Nobody cares.

>Because it is funny
Sure, if you are 12.
I mean, penis, farts xD so funny amirite.

>i forget we got some underage here that want to pretend to be adults
So adults are the ones who laugh at penis and fart jokes?

>Because the game is good and fun and you are brain dead if you jump on the hate train because youa re told is cool to hate bioware
No, the game has serious issues, and people here have played it, so we know it, there is absolutely no need for that thing.
Only thing it does is make you sound like a shill.
So, are you a shill?

>Meanwhile your OP is filled with a ton of shitty outdated nobody gives a shit about
And of course, a lot of people care about your cringeworthy fanfiction and your epic as fuck SpaceX news of epic epicness, right, reddit?

>No it doesnt, nobody cares
Nobody cares about yours, either.

>Because it is funny
it really isn't
>but i forget we got some underage here that want to pretend to be adults
you're obviously talking about yourself

There's one in Voeld Vault? Guess I'll have to go get that one, I hate missing small things like that

Yeah I know, but so are quite a few things about the game
Is it like that for the Multiplayer mods as well? If so then they've probably fucked up the values

>So adults are the ones who laugh at penis and fart jokes?
Technically, yes. Pretending only children or underage enjoy such jokes is ridiculous, and you know it.

That said, this OP is still bad.


Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually ditaeon command. They're busy tending to what's left of their outpost. So you survived our fight on Kadara. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire outpost is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Ryder needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -RV

Real OP:



MEG's updated Pastebin

MegSev adventures: MegSev dot blogspot dot com

All previous Collages that we know of: imgur.com/a/FSJBQ

Previous Thread:

They should keep the balance of MP different from SP.
From what I've heard the PS4 verison still has old balance because Kinetic Coils are 5% not 3%.

Thank you.

Voeld vault is the cancervault with the lvl2 cold, i somehow managed to bugged it and life support stopped draining. You have to play with the consoles on the left side of the vault till one very far away appears, there are 2 of those, 1 will have a box i think and another this core, it takes time since you have to jump all the way to the other side again.

I ll never stop laughing at that

Why am I at fault for retards who keep falling for the same b8 again and again?
Retards will remain retards, if they fall for generic repeated trolls and get mad they arent my fault, i dont fall for b8, they should neither.

Yeah, balance should always be separate in that sense
I think there's other armour and weapons with fucked up values too, i'm pretty sure that Kett armour you get says +0 power cell capacity, hopefully its something they patch soon

pathfinder this area can be mined for resources

>lol i'm just baiting

Off yourself you fucking cretin

>+0 power cell capacity
Oh yeah I noticed that shit too.
There are many balance issues and it feels like guy who did it just copy and paste MP stuff in to it and called it a day.
I want my fucking Kinetic Coils 5%


Someone post the vetra lewd dialogue collages

I wish Augmentation for armour were actually worth it, +2% for putting a Tech power module on Armour? It's taking the piss, I shouldn't have to shove them on guns for better Recharge etc

Vetra is the benefactor

you can extract minerals via your mining interface