Asian Drivers

Is the stereotype true? My experiences and videos watched point towards yes. Though it could be confirmation bias. What does Veeky Forums think?

asian taxi drivers are SCARY
the average asian is ok tier. but the truck and taxi drivers keep the hell away

I have two American born Filipino friends and one is super shit at driving and the other is average at driving

Stereotypes have to come from somewhere. There's always a kernal of truth to it.

Define "super shit at driving"

The only time I ever dealt with an asian driver was in LA and he crashed into us because he was looking at his phone and he didn't notice the bus in front of him stop.

>have azn wife
>have several terrifying experiences when she's driving
>always do the driving now

I know it's a sample size of one, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

I suspect there's an inverse relationship between intelligence and driving ability. All of the people I know who are geniuses are gobsmackingly incompetent behind the wheel.

I guess that means I'm a dummy, but maybe I am one so ok.

You ever see an Asian man run to work? That Asian man drives the same way to work.

Toast in mouth?

Always rides the shoulder and brakes incredibly late. He's side swiped cars parked on the sides of roads and has hit trees and garbage cans while driving down residential roads and backing out. He's rear ended people by braking incredibly late in traffic even though he doesn't tailgate the guy in front.

Asians can't concentrate on two things at a time. They concentrate very intensely on one thing. Look at your Asian driver next time. If he gets distracted by any place or restaurant on the way, he will forget that he is driving. Ture story.

Only the ethnic Japanese have a prayer of being a decent driver, let alone an excellent. Not coincidentally this is the only Asian country with any sort of motorsports heritage predating this century.

As for stereotypes, you're talking to a guy who watched his Chinese mother park her Camry _inside_ the store next to her restaurant.

Oh man, we had to charter a car and driver to travel from Taichung to Taipei, motherfucker deliberately ran literally every single fucking red light the way there. Also, on the streets of Taichung, there's this huge 6 lane one way street. Of course the scooter riders were splitting the lanes... UPSTREAM.

I had an Asian FB.
I rode as a passenger twice before insisting on taking over driving duties.
The stereotype is about as real as niggers loving basketball, and those Mondays love them some basketball.

>My experiences point towards yes
My experience also point to this, my motorcycle was reversed over my motorcycle at a stop sign. She later claimed it as me rear ending here on the insurance, my shitty insurance caved with no witnesses or camera evidence. Insurance did pay out more then my bike was worth so its not all bad.

I learned 2 valuable lessons that day never trust an Asian and always have a dash-cam or something to record shit like this.

However there is one Asian i know who a decent driver likes to build up his cars and go drifting at a near by track.

>my motorcycle was reversed over my motorcycle at a stop sign.

>ride in asian acquaintance's car briefly in the city
>always pulls up so close to the car in front that you can't see the tires
>shifts into third at 30 km/h with a four cylinder civic giving him absolutely no torque
>can't do hill starts without using the handbrake

Wife is asian. She's missed the drive and ended up in the ditch a couple times.

t. asian
I drive like shit
but the women drive even shittier

Well, I just spent the last week carpooling with a mainlander Chinese coworker, and he's a scary motherfucker to be driving with. Has no awareness of the size of the car and where it is on the road, and fixates on what's right in front of him rather than having looking in the blind spot and to the side. Drifts in and out of lanes constantly, and has to use cruise control at all times when not in stop start traffic because he can't keep the car at a steady speed just using his accelerator.

The ol' Asian drivers are a terrible because of their eyes has to be a myth though, I mean, the Japanese are usually pretty good.

It seems the ones born in the US, at least in my area, tend to be better drivers. The women are shit regardless though, they're barely aware that they're driving at all.

Last week almost got hit by an asian in a mercedes then he ran 2 stop signs.

Asians can't dri---

Yes. I live in a place that's over 20% asian

My wife is Japanese and she's pretty ok, albeit a little on the cautious side. I've also spent time in Japan and overall drivers seemed ok there.

That said, I live in an area with a lot of Asians and for the most part the stereotype holds true, especially Chinese and jungle Asians.

Also, Indians don't get nearly enough shit for being terrible drivers

it's not that asians are innately bad drives. the problem is that most, especially FOB, asians are extremely conceited and egotistical. they simply don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. not even their parents, amusingly enough. anything they do for their parents is purely out of a sense of duty. driving 10 under in the fast lane when you notice your off ramp? fuck everyone else, you got places to be, just swerve across all the lanes and take it.

just think of them as insect people.

>Chinese mother
are you a supreme gentleman?

Yes, though Initial D seems to prove otherwise its just anime

asians are pretty bad but groids are the worst

Even our Asian employees will tell you they can't drive because they're Asian.

I think all my most unnerving driving experiences can be attributed to Arabs/Muslims

>Also, Indians don't get nearly enough shit for being terrible drivers

This. I work at a dealership and over all Asians aren't really bad. Fresh off the boat Indians though are scary though man. The ones who have lived over here for a while and realise it's not a free for all are fine. Indian guys come in at least gaggle of three friends. They have to talk to each other and Fuck with the radio while driving. Had one guy blow a stop sign and almost get us hit.

>anecdotal evidence

>have idiot white friend
>mom buys him a brand new mustang for his birthday
>not even a year later he completely totals it
>didn't yield when he was supposed to
>keeps yelling that it was because the idiot chink driver in the SUV was speeding so he didn't see him
>I know the exact intersection he was at
>There's a turn followed by a small stretch of road where the SUV approached from
>No way the SUV could go that fast out of a turn he would literally have to floor it and even then its pretty easy to see coming
>parents but him a brand new mustang the next day

All this retarded stereotype does is let rich kids blame their shitty fucking driving on other people

This entire thread is anecdotal evidence

azn bitch did that to me yesterday, switched 3 lanes no blinker then switched back no blinker a little ways up. i put my hand up in an expression of disbelief.


I think it's that Asians don't value other peoples personal space. It can be more easily observed walking through a crowd, but it's really no different on the road. Most people have a sense of the flow of traffic, consider what other people are doing, and adjust accordingly, idk what it is culturally, maybe coming from super overpopulated areas, but most Asians don't seem to consider other road users whatsoever, and it's not because they aren't physically able or smart.

t. shitty chink driver

but i do this and imnot asian

id say this is the real reason. id add that driving in asian countries tends to be a total clusterfuck so they bring their shitty habits over here, and a huge lack of experience from asians coming from cities they dont need to drive in.

hmm i guess id say that the biggest issue behind both of those is that they tend to not care about people they dont know well. A feeling that you dont have to pay much heed to people outside of your sphere. well for the places like china where the only way to get enough money to go over to the US is by jewing people for every cent.

>>shifts into third at 30 km/h with a four cylinder civic giving him absolutely no torque
can't remember. Isn't this around 2K-3K rpm anyways? gotta economy mileage

I'm pretty sure I end up cruising at 3rd gear in residential/school zones

>Also, Indians don't get nearly enough shit for being terrible drivers
not over here

Brampton has the highest insurance (or at least the top 3) rates in Canada for a reason. There's an area around here that's notoriously bad around Sheridan college where almost everyone is literally Indian. Besides insurance fraud, it's also just absolutely retarded driving like taking a left turn at the start of the green light when there's no advance, or pedestrians acting like they are god even more than the usual (entire groups ignoring an advance green)

My dad is from Thailand and he almost literally said this when I failed my driver's test the first time around. However, he's also a mechanic and has taken professional driver classes so I guess it goes both ways. It probably has something to do with the lines on the roads being more like suggestions than actual boundaries over there and he wasn't used to anything but driving like a maniac before he came to the US, although he still does from time to time just for shits and giggles.

Your entire life is anecdotal evidence.

didnt proof read that, was ment to put

my motorcycle was reversed over at a stop sign

chinese are awful drivers because they come from a culture where if you cripple someone in an accident you are financially responsible for them, so you are better off just ignoring them if you hit them, or making sure they are dead. They are basically like insect people with no empathy and no conscience, and only a sense of self preservation, fuck everyone else.