/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1251

■ Current Update (3/22):「熱狂せし武闘の宴」Part 2

■ Next Update (4/5):「光の果て、幻創の未来」

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First for robots a best and fun game

Double the damage on Ignition Parry


Horsefucker get OUT


>not wearing a Mecha Rappy suit all the time

What's your excuse?

It's not a suit

Glad to see that these ship2 faggots don't like it when someone has a better DPS than them.



This was the same attitude he had during the whole charging dilemma. The fact that these people are in charge is dumb.


it's definitely not because you're a trash human being with an even worse personality to back it up.
how many friends have you made and quickly lost since you started playing this?

>sofa parses good
>ban him from mpa anyways
shitter logic


Nothing in this game is hard enough to justify putting up with people that have shitty attitudes.


he didn't do anything wrong in this case dipshit

>known asshole gets banned from a pso2 group and then immediately shit talks them in pso2g
There are no details provided beyond hearsay so why should we care?


>known asshole
I thought that title belonged to Skengs, ZEXT, Kayleth, Bearhead, and lilith. Also i thought Sofa was like legit special needs?


I don't interact with anyone from this general in game so I wouldn't be able to tell you.

>have maxed out God Hand on my main es character, apparently mediocre
>GU is outdated so she's shit
>other characters got 12* last scratch
>got a bunch of Gandevas, apparently they're shit
>got some Kohris, Ice only
>got some Yamigarasus, apparently mediocre/outdated
>got a Vivian and Nox Dinas, mediocre
>got Darker Busters on the lowest level character with the least amount of chips and the worst PA selection
... is it worth grinding up a Fighter to be a friendslist hero? I heard that since it's an attribute weak thing, I don't have to worry about how crowded my friendslist is with Garasus.
Or is having a decent E frame good enough, working from one of those that got lucky enough to get a 10*/11* Facet?

By Gandeva you mean the 11* fire chip right? It's not bad, not every chip in your loadout is going to be a 12*. Yamigarasu is still very good since it's strong and works on every element, though nowadays you only want to use her on a dark loadout if at all. Yamigarasu is too expensive to justify using yourself, it's better to fill your friend's list with them.

There isn't really a "good enough" for es until you can 1 pass an XH boss, or at the very least 2 pass them. You're going to need extremely good element specific loadouts to do that, something you can't get by rolling a bunch of characters until you get lucky.

No, I mean the 12* bow chip, this guy
Might've got the name wrong, if so sorry
I assume 1 passing XH bosses requires Facet? Shit. I might just give up on es for the time being and log in for medals hoping for another good scratch.

No you didn't get the name wrong, I did by saying 11*. It's still not a bad chip, the effect is pretty strong, I've had the chance to try it in game as well from friend partners to verify. There's just much better things to put in the 12* slot nowadays, if I rolled a Gandeva myself I wouldn't be able to use it. If you're at this point you take what you can get though. 1 passing XH bosses requires Facet or Nabarta for the most part, though it's still very difficult and you almost need an OP med attack bonus unless your setup is godly. 2 passing is much much easier, I can do it to 4 elements, maybe 5 but I haven't played during a Wind weak EQ for a very long time so I'm not 100% sure if I can. I've been playing for over a year though and I've had above average chip luck so my experience isn't representative.

Just give up on es imo, I only play because I can make money off EQs and to get the all class 13*.

The class you play directly on es is mostly irrelevant if you use all class weapons. I play hu for example so that i can put exp towards it without actually having to play it. I honestly agree with this user though, for a mobage which the primary goal is to extract money from players, they added a surprisingly high barrier to entry for it.

No, gandiva is essentially a 12* fire version of aurora which is a shit tier chip (unlike live steed which is OP because it's the same thing with a slightly lower boost but dual frame).

I wonder how many people care enough about es to actually get live steed. With a good friend's list you only need to spend 1 OP on XH bosses anyway. If I had 50 operation stars to afford live steed I would just keep saving for a rappy suit to sell.

To be fair, prior to the introduction of XH bosses it was a LOT easier to get operation stars. I used to get ~60-70/EQ as a reward, without burning much in the way of OP refills. Now I barely get 20.

I got my live steed by ranking top 100

XH destroyed game balance in a lot of ways, it's too bad. Not that I was ever that attached to es. I'm glad I maintained my account enough to get myself an Arion Partizan for Fi in the main game but other than that es is just some place to farm money if I'm free during an eq. I made close to 30m off eq drops during agrani a few weeks ago which coincided with boost week so that's enough reason to keep this on my phone.


I want to qum in Quna

fun times.

There's at least one person like this spamming autowords and cut ins for every EQ party I join. How much of the playerbase is like this?

go to B1 and count, all of them

just turn off autoword logging

Did ya win user? I only got on for the last 45 mins of it, looks like it was probably the right idea

Thank fuck I had an easy block, solo lyfe is hard

the person in your screen is widely known as a seriously annoying piece of shit, on top of having leeching/shitter gear on 24/7, you might as well blacklist him. I literally can only think of one person worse than that which frequents expert blocks

I keep missing these
I still have over 1000 I guess

Didn't bother checking since it was AIS magatsu but that doesn't surprise me. No one that does shit like this has gear that cost more than 5m to make.

if only user. we're talking about unaffixed magatsuhi here. -literally-. and that's when he's kind enough to put on his "real" armor

count your blessings for only having to put up with that shit for gold magatsu



>The only winning move is not to play
That is literally the only way to lose at that

In before
>ok nekonya
but are not those autowords restricted in party chat?
i can understand if they were appearing on public though

Yes that's correct, I was just commenting on how much I see these in party now that 40% triboost is a thing and I'm joining public ones. I never knew this many people were autoword/symbol art spammers.

some are. some aren't. I at least remember his autoword for photon blast was sent to public, so there's probably more. even so, in-party is plenty bad when it's just a constant stream of annoying shit

at least that asshole goes easy on the cut-ins I think

how much meseta フリーゲン・ヘッド and フリーゲン・ヘッドCV cost on ship4?

>banned from night arks
>banned even from discord
My fucking sides. The only reason you parse high is because only absolutely clueless people will play with you.

I mean, you're not wrong, but I meant fighting for the number 1 position mostly

though honestly nothing beats going out and killing one mob for 5 or 10 no-effort sg

Any tips for a new player who's thinking about maining techer?




do not

I logged in without realizing it was going on. Guy in 3rd place was originally 1st for like the first hour but I overtook him and the guy in 2nd was only at like 4th place 500 points in the first hour, then suddenly he overtook everyone out of nowhere and we were neck and neck for the final few mins. I THINK I got 1st in the end. I should've checked the goddamn schedule before logging in, this was tiresome.

do it, they're fun. use wand for general purpose trash mob killing, use allclass hunter weapons on single strong targets like bosses


>suggesting a new player to play the single most expensive class to gear

gear is the least spent on category in this game. saying the "most expensive class to gear" is meaningless.

bretty gud, should get better than the default stockings though, like trillium

>jet set radio boots
>vegas wand
>wand ele change ring
>rikki but that probably outdated
what else?

Any user has that 5s astra soul upslot recipe for izane?
just missing a piece now

All you need is Hyper Sunlights and whatever your chosen sub uses. So raised pets for TeSu or at least a pair of Light Talis and Rod if you do TeFo. Playing wandsmacker is absolutely retarded nowadays but it's even cheaper.

>use allclass hunter weapons on single strong targets like bosses
This hasn't been what Te/Hu does on bosses for quite a long time. Form wand is overall better than using some shitty all class hunter weapon.


>bloodspears, but good luck getting that
>wand ele change is trash, you need one wand for each element
>2 talises, one fornis and one off element
>5 fully candied marons
>satk units
>tatk units
>multiple rings
>dedicated fo, br, bo, hu, su and ra sub trees
>plethora of crafted/multiclass subclass weapons
And I'm probably still forgetting a bunch of shit.

You have no idea of what you're talking about and should abstain of posting about a class you don't play.

>2 talises, one fornis
You mean the literally unobtainable for a new player talis?

>plethora of crafted/multiclass subclass weapons
Why is this meme still alive? Form scythe killed it a long time ago.

why are english patch users so bad?
it's astral soul, astra weapon. not astra soul, astral weapon.

How can a wand replace a rifle, a tmg, a bow, a tact and many other weapons?

Oh, are you seriously trying to say that a crafted red rifle (10k to buy+the small grind/ex1 tax), a rose skewer (less than 500k) is expensive? Rika was already mentioned previously so that doesn't really count in your additional points.

I do play TE though. Mostly with BO nowadays since Mother is all I really do anymore, but still.
There is zero reason to ever touch TeBr outside of a couple outdated TA strats that nobody does anymore, TeHu is complete garbage and TeRa only a very last messure if you just really can't find a Ra for your MPA.
TeFo requiring weapons for all elements is a complete meme as well, 99.9999999% of the time you are just going to roll with Ragrants for damage.
Feels like you are the one who doesn't actually play Techer

>red/dragon rifle
>kongou OT
>red/dragon tmgs
>probably still forgetting more weapons
You think obtaining/grinding/crafting/affixing those is cheap and easy?


Of course the element matters, it still adds x% of your weapon's TAtk when you are attacking something that's weak to it. And you do use a Rod for Compounds. Are you retarded or something?

it does not for techs
rod gets no main class bonus
pls stop posting

tera is a specialist combination that fills a very specific role and does very little in the way of damage, but put bluntly I'd take a tera over a fake tefo any day of the week.

Every time loser's first arm breaks the players with Japanese names stand to the side and the gaijins push loser into red phase. Every single time. I can't remember the last time I saw loser's chest exposed and vulnerable.

dude that's gay

>dragon rifle
Why in the almighty fuck would you use that?

Nope, that's only for striking/ranged attacks, not techs.

>Why in the almighty fuck would you use that?
It does not need photon boosters and it looks cool.
The tmgs are for building chain as te/gu.

Who said anything about techs, you still do normal attacks and throw your Talis, plenty of it infact. You'd be stupid to take anything but Light as your element.

That's an outdated class. Te/Su does everything it used to do but better.

>fake tefo
Blame the retarded exp requirements. I get 4+ hunters per EQ MPA from all the Hu subs attempting to play it as a main class.

You're the one who's retarded. If you're slinging techs, the element on your weapon matters fuck all. It only matters if you're a Fo main with Element Conversion, in this case a Te isn't, so ele will only matter if you whack someone with the actual weapon.
yeah, you're retarded.

The post he's replying to says techs right there and in caps.
>doing normal attacks for damage with a fo sub

It's mainly for building chain and zanversing in a brgu party.

>guy joins my second run party that has no comment or anything
>says he's blacklisted me when I say I don't want to put down a party maker because I don't care about the extra boost
>attacks the downed luther core after first arm break while the entire rest of the mpa does
So this is the power of 「Re:Zero」

So you are casting your precious techs without ever throwing your talis, and are using a talis to cast compounds? And you call me the retarded one?

There is just no reason to take anything other than Light for your element. It's a very minuscule advantage, sure, but it's an advantage nonetheless. Probably in the same ballpark as actually feeding your MAG.

>5 fully candied marons
do you like get 3 hits on them at most and throw them so you can quickly swap to the next?
have 4 ready and still having trouble cycling to more than 3 most of the time

You're going to stop getting replies if you don't add another layer to this gimmick, you're repeating yourself

Talis and wands gets 10% more damage than rod, the extra 150-200 or so atk does not make up for that.
And of course you cast the techs from a thrown talis, but the element still does not matter. Are you trying to say the talis normal attack is relevant? because that is absolutely not.

>Implying 95% of te actually do this autistic shit
>implying they don't just spam Zanverse with wind tree and do literally 1000000000000% of your dmg


Where all SEA players belong.

consider kicking him next time jizz genius

>says he's blacklisted me when I say I don't want to put down a party maker because I don't care about the extra boost
While that's dumb as fuck, why wouldn't you want the extra boost? It's a massive exp boost and extra rdr always helps.

Finally capped my sub, thank god. No, Sega, I don't think I needed a 44m exp extra trial to double check I hate playing this class. If anything I hate it even more now.

If I kick him he doesn't get any penalty. If I don't kick him, he has to stay, since leaving would give him a strike since 12/12. It's just silly to blacklist someone because you joined their party, didn't say anything upon joining except "put up a party maker", and then get pissy because they don't care what you want when you joined them, not the other way around.

Want to put up a party maker? Join as your own party next time.

I'm in no particular rush to hit 80, so an extra 50-100k exp means nothing. I've even let half a dozen silver keys expire because i couldn't be bothered doing them.

I'm not talking about him getting a penalty or whatever, I'm talking about you not having to deal with that shit. what reason would you have to keep him in your party after he does something as retarded as announcing he blacklisted you for not putting down a party maker

You're the cuck who kept playing though instead of quitting, you really showed them champ.