/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1386

The end is near edition

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/1 - 4/8 - Anime Special (200 Crystals a Day, Increased Pendant Gain/Cap)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


every day until the comback!

more shota

first for GIMME s zoi

Remember to laugh and smile /gbfg/.

new Zenith perks when?

5th for uno




>tfw not enough snek flips for me

>the one cursed with crying is light
>the one cursed with laughing is dark

Oh no



hurry up nuggetfes

I heard you were farming snek for GW.

>Genbu axe upgrade
>Kat sword 4*
>fimbul buffs

Water is going to be great again!


This is フェリ

>fimbul buffs

>reducing it
Why waste good fodder?

What is she looking at?

Post unpopular characters (Less than 50 pictures on pixiv) that you like

>fimbul buffs
Is this real or just a meme?

Dagger elements so I can lb4 the rest of my daggers.

Rosamia is great, it's a shame she's not more popular.

I guess because she's not that MCsexual

Those dagger elements don't just come from nowhere mate. I have no end to SSR fodder.

Fucking snek

Last time I checked my star character had 0 pictures.

I prefer her ssr to her sr. I dont like how the shorts look. Sorry.


ssr doppeplvyrn when

R > SSR > SR


>two SR daggers and a laughing snek


vice mvp my tia please


Wew, he gave the two daggers I am sure you wanted!

Mate I know you're trying to be contrarian, but the R art is just plain old and shoddy.

Jokes on you, i'm farming a varuna grid. I don't even have Varuna nor sunlight stones but i'm doing it anyway!

i like you user

She makes Jin hard



Jokes on you little fag, you still need daggers.

though she has more than 50 pics on pixiv



Happy Ending Pt. 2.

You need to stop lying to yourself like this

who /leeching next GW/ here

Well, I guess all the Varunalords would be thirsting for friends at this point.

Huh? What's wrong with it, it looks fine to me. And even if you think the art is bad, the design itself is good and the pose is more interesting than the other versions.



29 entries but one is an image set with like 7 pictures of her being a best

and I have an HL water pool

Jasmine is cute as fuck

I fucking love her voice

Oh it isn't actually bad. I must be mixing her with some other old R.


Been playing for 4 weeks and I only have one gun still is this how it supposed to be?

I've fapped to Korwa long before I knew what GBF was.

Gotta NEET more senpai

Do I really have to level her for 120 Fenrir or can I just use Arulu?

>Korwa's Beautiful Smile ruined by Asanagi's dumb fang


Why not play at the casino? You could have an SSR gun for the low, low price of 77777777 million chips

Jasmine is more reliable if you need to eat an ougi into an hp trigger. Up to you though of course.

Since when is she unpopular? Are you just pretending to have an excuse to post this?

shitty asanagi face/10


Oh god I haven't even touch casino right now my Dirt DLF is doing it for me right now I have 100k beyond her


>Danua merchs still being made
Do people even care about Danua anymore?
She's so 2015 and there are better SR than her since then.

do I put one star on two of abby's crit zeniths or two stars on one?


Ever since I've become invested into Granblue I've come to loathe Asanagi

You level her up because she's the cutest healer in an element full of cute healers.

Naoise really looks like Griffith.

Danua and Cog are still popular as shit as confirmed by Cygames themselves.




Secondary bait

Hazen looks like Mozgus.

no bully da potato waifu

eh. thighs aren't memetastically thick this time. fatalpulse' previous korwa pic was better.

kono mama ya dame

>a generation of gbf babs will grow up not knowing the faggotry of casino because spoiled by dlf
It isn't fair

>Add dirt de la fille in team.
>Can eat up gabriel last 2 trigger without problem

(My) earth is saved.


Asanagi's porn is only good if you don't like or just are unaware of a character. If you like a character it just strikes a bad chord.

So long as he doesn't trigger off some of the more extremist otakus like Waita Uziga did with Multi, he will be fine.

She always ranks high on the SR poll.

Hey chumps, hope you didn't forget who's the real god is around here. Your toots and soiyas can't compare to the might of this dragon's blessings.

>Only doujin of your waifu is a rape doujin

I hope you quit the game with me if lobbies let you kick people.

Bye windroach

Not if I kick you first.

Why? This should be a good thing. Are you a leech?

But I have never leeched outside of magnas

DLF's(earth) passive works while she is in the backline right?