/aog/ - Attorney Online General

Objectively best girl edition

/aog/ is a place to primarily Attorney Online but also Ace Attorney in general.
Whether you want to talk about your favourite cases or characters it's all welcome here.

>What is Attorney Online?

In short: It's multiplayer Ace Attorney.
AO is a virtual chatroom/courtroom mix which we use to perform improvised AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Class Trials, Jury Cases and more! Choose from a wide selection of AA characters (and guest characters), pick a position (Defence, Prosecution, Judge, Witness, etc.) and dive into a whirlwind of logic, banter, theories and memes.

Come join us on our server:
Attorney Online Vidya (Dedicated)

>The Main Reference Doc (contains AO downloads, rules, FAQs, polls and more):

>AO Quickstart Guide (joining the server, using the client, etc.):

>Gameplay footage?
Streams typically run in the evening, US time. You can also check out recordings of previous cases via lawfuldickish on twitch.

Alternatively, you can look through our Case Archive to find completed documents and recordings of cases:

>Archive Initiative (for case recordings)

>Theme Template Archive for AO2:

>How to create black footage for the 3DS games


She's boring though.

Is it worth reverse-engineering my AO2 theme for smaller resolutions?

That's rude, apologize to Mayoi right now.

It looks like you misplaced your real best girl image, OP. I gotcha covered.

reverse... engineering?

I expanded my theme so that I could see it in a better resolution for my monitor. It involved multiplying every value in the ini.

Now I'm wondering if it's worth, say, halving every value.




I'm sorry that you're so boring.


How long has it been since one of these hit bump limit?

Just let it die.

Reminds me of the death of Let it Die General.

Somehow a lawyer simulator has more presence on Veeky Forums than a souls-like.

Best outfit.
They should draw more characters wearing it.

>already near death


bepsi cola

cola bepsi


Reminder to bully Mias.



You can't fool me.
That's a plain chair.


fact is that /aog/ is more busy actually playing their game than circlejerking on Veeky Forums. it mainly just posts OC and shit, and every so often discusses updates to the game or actual ace attorney news.
as a general on Veeky Forums, that's better than 90% of generals at least.

I miss friendworth

Look at /utg/ or anything else.

It's either drama or blogposting.


hello friends



Has there ever been a good Mia?

>hat bitching on discord because he's permabanned for docbombing
o i am laffin

What whose hat

The thread is as dead as the game. There's only 10-15 active posters, and only 15 people at most casing at any one time. The other twenty ingame are masturbating to their clients. The IP counts and the server counts are both shit indicators of actual players playing.

We have drama posting ingame, because cliques have formed and the community is stagnant both in terms of a lack of new players but also creatively, because you idiots indoctrinated the braindead Bchanners and wherever the fuck else you shilled in the ways of the shitty meta.
>le names memes
>mia is cursed memes

Then there's a group of these retards filtering content. Whether it's Mikotodurr or the band of furries who can't use Photoshop led by Liquid, it doesn't make sense that they would the be the people in charge of it. The game looks so ugly with these shitty oc emotes every minute. If you're trying to kill the game with gay ass furry content and shit play ethos, you're going about it the right way.

Doesn't he complain about the ban everyday constantly?

What furry content?

Hat go to sleep.

>He gets triggered by names memes

Spot the shitty Mia player, call me when she actually wins more than one case per three months lol

>After one year, people are still parroting this stale "Mia can never win a case because NAMES" meme like it's fresh, funny, or original

I think the basic issue is that the game and the general is dying. Lack of new players causes stupid clique shit and circlejerk mania.

Say what you want about Lupa but the guy tried to keep fresh blood incoming. As far as I'm aware ever since he left there have been zero efforts to advertise besides this shitty thread.

On the bright side at least the thread isn't even the worst part of it anymore. There's so much more fucking circlejerking and clique shit ingame nowadays. It honestly makes me sad.

>Those people who hang out in CC and refer to each other by their ooc names


Fuck me, that's not the worst of it.

Pre-case, Basement, fucking everywhere, not just CC. We've become the circlejerk. We're barely discernible from the other shithole servers we used to mock. And we're a single "regulars" doc away from being the exact same shithole.


We've actually had /v/ threads recently, but they haven't been linked here so you faggots don't shit it up. We've gotten quite a few new players.

Oh, cool. Thanks for the heads up, and good idea not linking it here it feels better knowing we're not completely stuck stagnating.

Yeah we've been doing them and not linking them so shitters here don't ruin them. We've actually gotten a few new people recently.

Not actual furry content. Talking about the shitty doodle edits.

I've never used her.

>We're barely discernible from the other shithole servers we used to mock.
>we're a single "regulars" doc away from being the exact same shithole.
This. We already have the memeshit tumblr emotes, cancer and circlejerking. One doc full of names and shadow the hedgehog tier OC drawings and names and we're on the same level.

They don't stay for long, and if they do, they adopt the fucking gay meta and make other people leave by contributing to the problem. The small shilling drives don't do shit to solve the greater problem of there being a steady stream of people dropping because it's becoming gayer and gayer in here.

Why do you care

You're on a separate server. Why do you care if we want to shittalk you?

Because the attitude of the players drives new ones away and is, quite frankly, not as fun to play with.

I'd rather spend time building a case than

>lol guys I'm verin
>hehe names xd
>hey X were you the Y in Z case?
>hey [namedrop] want to go play unrelated bullshit

I come here virtual lawyering not Discord with sprites, which is what you people seem to use it as.

What? I only use AOV, been to CC like once or twice.
I'm asking why you care that people are using fake names on the internet.

Are we in full "I liked AO before it was cool" mode now?

Are people not allowed to discuss random bullshit after a case is over? Stop taking this game so seriously jesus.

The first 2 are cancer yeah.
There's not really anything wrong with the last 2.

>Talking about the shitty doodle edits.
What doodle edits?

I was referring to building, all of them are unrelated to building, casing, and whatever else. If you want to use discord or chat with your friends, do it there, don't do it in my lawyer simulator. As for

>stop taking this game so seriously

Go pony post in Basement then, since you don't take this game seriously at all hehe xd.

>Join a case as Mia

>Join a case as Rayfa

>Join a case as Payne

>Join a case as Holmes
>"Hi [three namefags that play Holmes], don't ruin the case!"

do you see the issue yet

you need to actually kill yourself.

Yeah the issue is people are retarded and like to be ironic.
I can agree with disrupting building at least, call a mod if you need to.

>do you see the issue yet

If history is any indication they will never see the issue, because that scenario preferable to them. If you see the people who actually push the "lol who cares about a little namedropping and circlejerking" shtick you'll notice they're all working to form their own little circlejerk, cases be damned. It'd be pitiable but it's also getting in the way of my virtual lawyering.

Gee I'll get right on that.

The thing is we've done that thing we're it's clearly not ironic anymore and this place is actually a circlejerk.

This so much, I fucking hate people that bring OOC into IC. Who fucking cares if someone plays Mia, why do you feel the need to remind them that someone played her in a shitty way. If you make every Mia player feel miserable then ofc they'll all be bad.

This became a real problem months after we moved and the flow of people stopped. Say it with me. S t a g n a t i o n. You just can't play certain characters without faggots putting identities of their bum chums on you.

>and like to be ironic.
That ship's long fucking gone, mate.
>call a mod if you need to.
It's a cultural problem. They won't do shit when everyone else will look at you for taking things too seriously and not joining in the hours long circlejerk seshes, and you still think they have the capacity to problem solve?

You keep asking that. Are you blind nigger? Open your mouth, here comes the train. Fun fact, this one's literally from tumblr.

>call a mod if you need to
>we have at least one mod who does nothing but namedrop and circlejerk in the basement
>this mod is supposed to stop circlejerking from interrupting casebuilding

Yeah but like 3 mods show up when you call nowadays.

They do it even if you use a different ooc as soon as you log in.

that's real fucking gay

My issue is moreso that the entire moderation team tacitly approves the circlejerking. They sit in a Discord that uses their OOC names, hell, they're in there more than they're in fucking game. Not even trying to condemn them, but can we really expect a moderation team to take an anti-circlejerk stance when they are the centers of the whole thing?

If you made IC in OOC and vice versa bannable then 90% of the cancer would vanish overnight.

Several of the mods are ingame most of the time they're on, and they have their names in discord so they can be reached easier. Why is that an issue again? People were complaining about no transparency and not being able to know when mods are there, now that they are people lose their shit?

Jesus, remember when Lupa was considering removing OOC usernames entirely and forcing anonymity? Look at how far we've come from that.

>Uses their OOC names


It's bannable on most spess servers.

We have a higher level of RP and less game space, but we don't even have a functional ruleset.

Post Maya.
Ema is ok too

Why is having usernames in an online community bad again? Every other game does it, why is it a problem here besides rampant autism over anonymity.

Tumblr, sure, but that doesn't look overly bad. If you look hard enough you can tell it's OC, but it's not terrible.
Should no OC edits of characters be allowed what so ever, no matter the quality? What matters where it comes from? You're breathing the same air as a tumblerina, should you stop fucking breathing?
I'm saying this as a guy who agrees with most your other points, and the point of a lot of bad OC.


I don't see you using a name here, chuckles.

Because we're not playing a game, we're arguing over autistic nonsense that amounts to nothing at the end of the day.

>they have their names in discord so they can be reached easier

We have a mod Discord for that, don't pretend the "community" Discord is anything but a chatroom for namefags.

>People were complaining about no transparency and not being able to know when mods are there, now that they are people lose their shit

Sorry buddy, no dice. I was strongly against people knowing who the mods were, even posted against that kind of transparency in the general because I knew what kind of shit would come from it.

We all know what user you're referring to. Might as well be an OOC name.

Having usernames isn't bad. Building an AO """"identity""""", having AO buttbuddies, and sitting in an ivory tower that won't be touched by anyone but circlejerkers is bad.

Maybe I wasn't being clear in my original post. I'm not explicitly anti-username.

>but it's not terrible.
You can tell it's an OC sprite just looking at it. That's bad enough.

>You're breathing the same air as a tumblerina, should you stop fucking breathing?
If I was close enough to a tumblerina to be breathing in their breaths, I'd have other things on my mind besides shitty sprites. I'd want to run the fuck away as quick as possible.

Spess means Space Station 13. It's a roleplaying game.

>Having usernames isn't bad. Building an AO """"identity""""", having AO buttbuddies, and sitting in an ivory tower that won't be touched by anyone but circlejerkers is bad.
>I'm not explicitly anti-username.

So you're just shitposting right

Please define circlejerk, because at what point does this make you unable to case? People talking to each other or shitposting ingame or especially out of it doesn't, that's for sure. And we both know during building it's usually one or two people building while everyone else fucks around, with it being like that for over a year despite how shitty it is.

>Against knowing who the mods were
>Yet it was fine for people to know who Lupa Adam and Namu were among other mods
For that matter, why does it even have any importance? Just play the fucking game, this is all arguing for the sake of arguing.

No? Are you implying it's impossible to have a username and not try to be a unique special snowflake and suck off anyone who will you give you the slightest amount of attention?

A circlejerk is any group of elitist players who will exclude others, in my opinion. Before, I was glad to constantly bring up the fact that since no one was excluded, no amount of sucking one another off could make us a circlejerk.

But then Mia/Names shitposting became a thing. Verin shitposting became a thing. Some fuck dropped someone's real-life name in a case. We've crossed the line from "we just know each other!" to cliquey circlejerk bullshit.

It makes me unable to case when people will refuse to case with certain other people. Or when people will literally shitpost a case to death because it has a specific user in it. Satisfied?

G-Guys stop shitposting and post Maya and Ema

Can we just agree that the server is gayer than usual lately and everyone hates each other and the moderation?

You know I'm trying to be patient here.

Literally look at any of the other posts bringing up how this shit is actively affecting casing. Now fuck off if your only contribution is "lol who cares just go back to casing"

Ignoring the issue is what got us here in the first place, fuck's sake.

That's a fair definition, but I haven't seen that happen recently and I case almost daily. And when it did I thought it was bullshit too, I hate Names/Verin posting. Plus it has nothing to do with the discord stuff you were mentioning, there's no "Ivory Tower" especially if people can just change their names and no one knows who they are to begin with, so no exclusion can really happen.

Daily reminder that shitposters who don't case like Names, Resharc and Arizona are literally moderators now.

>not try to be a unique special snowflake and suck off anyone who will you give you the slightest amount of attention
What does this even mean? Stop being nice to people?

Sorry but all I can see is screeching about how people know each other after playing for months or almost a year.How surprising, how could that possibly happen?

>Plus it has nothing to do with the discord stuff you were mentioning, there's no "Ivory Tower" especially if people can just change their names and no one knows who they are to begin with, so no exclusion can really happen.

My point is that we can't expect this moderation team to seriously combat circlejerking when the circlejerking is being done by their buddies. The "ivory tower" is literally the circlejerk -- no one but namefags interested in chatting outside of the game go there, so of course it naturally filters out anons who just want to fucking case. This gives the mod staff a filtered view of the server's opinion since they only discuss with their buttbuddies in the Discord.

refer to refer to

>But then Mia/Names shitposting became a thing. Verin shitposting became a thing. Some fuck dropped someone's real-life name in a case. We've crossed the line from "we just know each other!" to cliquey circlejerk bullshit.

>It makes me unable to case when people will refuse to case with certain other people. Or when people will literally shitpost a case to death because it has a specific user in it. Satisfied?

Who even circlejerks.

>The "ivory tower" is literally the circlejerk

Wew. Literally the Discord that is.

The Greg that dropped that RL name got called out for it and people were overall pissed later. It's not like it's accepted but I don't think enough people really speak out against it, moreso they just roll their eyes and ignore it.

>with it being like that for over a year despite how shitty it is.
Not him but almost a year, imo. April May is when people started spending hours sitting around not building in building areas. It got even worse after November's shilling to the cancer areas and not teaching properly/problem players (which was around half the players, who were really fucking bad or basically still learning to play even if they'd been here for months) teaching.

A lot of first batch players have stopped playing over the year and a half. It's that kind of game. They've been replaced by people who are lazy, obnoxious and selfish in their play. They don't build, and they don't work together in cases on any role.

>We've crossed the line from "we just know each other!"
This. We used to talk to people we recognised in ooc, not fucking spray piss and shit everywhere about how we don't like a certain player.

That's not what he meant, don't be obtuse.

>there's no "Ivory Tower" especially if people can just change their names
You can change your name all you like, but that spic will drop your name all over the damn place. The ivory tower is real. People who know you will know you, and if you're good, they'll piss you off out of envy. If you're bad, then their shittery will be validated.

user, Names is a mod.