/hsg/ hearthstone general

Taboo (rip off) Edition

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ general & tournament discord

>Autistic pack buying / crafting strategy
Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.

>Simulate your 50 pack pre-order

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't know why they added dshift to hs

>The problem is the pricing for adventures has always been fucking outrageous for new players
Literally what? As a new player, I was delighted to find out you can just pay 18€ to get a bunch of guaranteed playable cards and a bunch single-player missions. It's the expansions that are a pain in the ass for the new players.

Reminder that Inner Fire Priest is actually tier 1 now.

J4CKIECHAN is 20-3 at high legend with it so far.

nth for implosion guy(if any of u still member)

we need a new thread. a thread without pedoshit in it

Best be working on that qt Murloc BJ, pal.

None of the cards "reprinted" (Aven and the Gods, they can't be played on Standard) are bad choices.

They look good
Are thematic
Design is full of flavor
Collectors like them
If you open one, even a "cheap one", you can still flip it for a solid profit
They will always have market

You're not making sense, if you want to play the card in modern or legacy but you're a poorfag, but any of the other versions.

Again, you made a terrible example and you're talking out of your ass.


this. fucking pedoshit pisses me off.

>not wanting more free packs
Do you work for blizzard or something?

>tfw I opened 2x Shadow Visions and Lyra in my packs
Legend rank here we goooo

same. pedofuckers need to fuck off

more like pedoverse and magic the grandpaing general



>getting angry at pixels on a screen on a taiwanese bottlecap collecting forum

Wait, didn't Divine Shield normally block freezing from Blizzard?

Just had a blizzard freeze my dude and could've sworn that used to be blocked.

>finally, FINALLY get mage combo
>cynical bastard leaves before i actually get to use it


Sniff my ass blizzcuck


Hello ben.

Seriously you guys need to understand how much work it is to develop this game. Hard, thankless work. I think you guys need to re-evaluate your lives if you think picking on someone that makes your favorite game GREAT is a good or moral choice. Please guys.

Well I think it's funny. Especially when I know it pisses people off.

SV is still a shit game though

>tfw pity legendary after opening all my 39 packs is Lyra Sunshard

keep your fetishes to yourself, you nasty fuck

Flip a coin. Heads, craft it without hesitation. Tails, save the dust for one week before crafting it.


i cant find a good time to place moroes. it's usually a dead card. should i change it to sap or si7? or i'll just keep moroes in my deck

blocks freeze if damaged tho

Reposting the "Lifecoach tragedy"

>gets hired by blizzard to help with ungoro and provide insight
>told blizzard that the hunter quest was INSANE and they should not print it
>blizzard fires him because he was overreacting and being retarded
>Lifecoach went to reddit to whine about being fired and moved to gwent
>Even went as far as making a video promising he will NEVER EVER play another game of hs
>ungoro expansion day
>makes a video about he will get into legend using only Quest Hunter because the deck is fucking broken
>Never posted anything else because the quest sucks ass

Protip: Never evaluate cards and never make public statements about your opinions

some of the non pedoshit card art is nice but jesus christ Shadowverse is such an ugly looking game

>mad nerd virgins thinking cute petite anime girls is pedo
Last time I checked they aren't real.

>Seriously you guys need to understand how much work it is to develop this game

Smoking weed all day is not work.

Craft it. If they nerf it you get your dust back.

the game is telling u to enjoy some sun and go out
play around it

Also she's 2000 years old

>caring about e-celeb drama

please, please fuck off back to /v/

He's not even a an accredited lifecoach either.

>that ui
>that card art
>those graphics



>them titties

Is this a blizzard dev?

Is that the guy Reddit was furiously masturbating over while saying Gwent is going to be the Hearthstone killer because he started playing it?


>play Elemental Shaman vs Time Warp Mage
>rush him down to 1 HP by exactly turn 10
>3 ice blocks in a row
>top decks Apprentice just as his last Block breaks

OTK decks in Hearthstone are fucking retarded.

ITT: the most underrated cards of Un'Goro

Rogue quest is balanced
I lose versus pirate warrior with it so it's fair

I tried, but after I installed it and it sent me to a shitty prologue with generic dialog and shitty voice acting I turned it off.

You have the makings for a top-shelf deck.

not everyone is some dumb weeb that thinks 13 yrs old is a proper age of consent


Who /gwent/ here?

How is a big fat boardclear with taunt and a dragon tag underrated?

now that the dust has settled, is it clear that quest rogue is the new jade druid i.e. a decent-at-best deck that every retard complains about for no reason?

Skip it then?

This for me is the final proof that Asians as a race are genetically unable to come up with original ideas. They can only copy, counterfeit and make clones and rip-offs of stuff white people created.


if I pop my opponent's iceblock and then timewarp, is he still immune?

I think he means that people haven't been talking about it because of all the dumb quests, and he's right, in arena it has won me more games than anything else.

>now that the dust has settled
one or two more weeks my friend

>decent at best
it has aggro on par with pirate warrior with better late game. it's more than just decent

>Someone says new thread in /svg/ and links this
>See dshift OP
>Hit end and see shitposting and lewdposting
>Business as usual
>Begin writing post about how my last arena run was shit
>Realize it's actually the hearthstone general
God damn it.

who are these immaculate ejaculates?

Those are some bold claims considering the originality of Warcraft.


Quest Druid with Dark Arakoa and C'thun



Who else /waitingforstarcraft1.18togetoutofPTR/?

Underrated? This card seems sick.

How can a Polish game be less polished than HS? Checkmate, gwentcucks.

Makings? I just crafted the rest of the cards I didn't have. I think I'm in love.

It was originally supposed to be a licensed Warhammer game, the similarities make sense.


Whitey could never create something as perfect as Anime.


that's why never make bold predictions. i've seen most of the stupid faillure predictions.

>troggzor > boom
>patron is unplayable
>reno is shit
>quest rogue is stupid
>hunter quest is OP

dat steady growth

This is garbage can design right here. It's OP as shit and the second one doesn't even do anything but refresh it, which is lazy as fuck. Why was the first one giving +1/+1 and the second one giving +2/+2 hard to figure out? This is just shit design.

Why doesn't this have the elemental tag? It's an elemental made of jade.

i swear to fucking christ this mage deck is a meme or i just have awful, awful luck

played 15 games tonight and got the combo twice. I've drawn to

It's literally a spirit though. MTG does this sometimes too.

How about wild with brann-faceless-c'thun combo?

Do it.

>copying the western animation style of the 20th century
>can't even do it properly, so the faces are horribly distorted and the lines are weird
>even the name comes from the english word
>the entire race produces only one type of animation
Taking the Japs out of the middle ages was a mistake.

Walt Disney literally invented anime.

>Wanted to be requested the draenei
Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

link because blue board:
i.imgur com/Wf3mJM9.png

Fucking degenerate.

But pretty well drawn. I lol'd.

I tried it yesterday. Did OK, but ended up drawing fucking C'Thun every single game before playing Barney.
The main issue with the deck is that the Druid quest is unfortunately hot garbage in the current environment and has no explosive cards to top deck into other than Innervate.

>Modern "western" Western Asian, that is animation.


>can't even do it properly
Are suddenly pretending that current western animation is better?

>the first one giving +1/+1 and the second one giving +2/+2
Would be perfectly fine.

As it is, it's fucking sick.

Too bad western animation is trash. Like western video games.

anime is literally a bastardized version of old american animations. however, because of it's unique look japan uses it for everything because it's the only unique thing they've done

pretty sad when you think about it desu

So do I even play Fire Plume Harbinger in Elemental Shaman or not?

Whoops. Forget quote.

>be white
>say that Japanese did things better
what the actual fuck. At the very least you lie about it you old fool.

This looks a million times better than and

season 5 of samurai jack is literally better than anything japan has put out in the last 40+ years

I miss him, guys

No, he isn't, you fuck.

yes. the west does 3d animation while japan still does 2d animation.

guys priest quest is actually not bad in wild

Has Blizzard finally managed to replicate pre-nerf Undertaker?