Things that annoy you

Things that drive you nuts about your car and you just don't know what to do about it to fix it

My 2007 Ford Ranger passenger door has this annoying gap that i can't figure out how to match so that it looks normal. Ormal people can't tell but For me it's more than obvious

Adjust the door or take it to a good body shop and they will do it for you. Should be cheap too. Would replace the door seats on that side too, just so you have some fresh rubber over there.

It looks fine

Looks like a good idea to me. I'll probably do it my self

I replaced my warped brake rotors and within 5000 miles they're already either warped again or theres some kind of brake pad deposits on them that make the car shake when I brake.

I don't want to just replace them again and I'm not sure if it's indicative of some deeper issue or not.

Stop using Rockauto's economy line.

stop pretending to be a race car driver and they will last a lot longer.

There's an insanely annoying rattle behind my dash somewhere and i can't reach where it is. The only way i will be able to get to it is to take the whole dash out, and honestly it might be worth it.

Roll down the window and bend the door frame gently. I have done that on multiple cars.

Get your tires rotated

I don't really understand what you mean. Roll down my window and then bend my door?

>manual shitbox
>no tach
I basically have to shift entirely based on the speed I'm going and the sound of the engine, which can be a challenge with the radio on or the windows down at high speeds

I don't really understand ether, does he mean bend down the door and roll the window gently?

Are you new to manual transmissions? Most people I know don't even look the tach to change gears. I change depending on engine response, for example.

>Front drivers side tire makes a tapping noise when you start to get up to speed at complete random
>Some days its loud as fuck, some days non existant
>Dont see any splits in the tread
>Wheel bearing doesn't have any play
>Well covers are secure
>CV axle doesn't have any tears in the boot
>Mfw i will never figure out what the fuck that blasted noise is coming from

Have a 2017 STI. The paint is so thin, if you breathe on it, it will scratch. It has really started bothering me.

A streak always shows up on my drivers side window when I put it down and bring it back up

2015 mazda 3 hatch
It's a spic built model, the synthetic leather they use for the steering wheel wrapping is so shit that your palms will get all red and tingling after a 10 minutes drive
The armrest cover always hits my right elbow

Holy fuck me too man me too

Are you a girl?

>buys cheap garbage
>surprised when it's cheap garbage

Adjust the hinge on the truck side bro. 20 min fix.

Track grease or the track is scratching the glass. Might need an adjustment, but it's a PITA. Ask a mechanic if you don't want to deal with it.

Honestly I think it depends on the car. I've driven exclusively manuals since getting my license 7 years ago and still find myself using some combination of the tack and speedometer. Obviously I don't need to for "spirited" driving but for day-to-day putting around I've found it helps me eek out a bit better gas mileage.

That's Just a Subaru thing sadly, my 07 Legacy has pretty battered paint but thankfully silver is damn good at hiding scratches and chips. It actually cleans up nicely with a coat of wax if you don't get closer than 10 feet.


even if it weren't built by mexicans it would still use the same materials your pussy ass is allergic to. They don't make the parts just assemble the car.

Yes they do, the material is different from the one with a Japanese VIN
Even the brake pad they use are different
I work in a factory that come in contact with all sorts of chemicals and industrial waste all day long and never had any allergic reactions
So try to find a better excuse to cover them spic asses next time you taco loving fuck boi

My 2000 Saturn LS1 has this weird issue on the intermittent mode with the wipers. On intermittent, the wipers park in the middle of the windshield for a few seconds, then come back down and repeat the cycle. Every other mode the wipers go right up and right down. I've checked the relays and the fuses, no issues there. It could be the wiper motor, but I can't be fucked to put that much time or money into such a small issue.

my 2004 5 series wipers begin making an obnoxious tapping noise when hitting the left side of window after being used for more than 30 minutes

What have you tried to remedy the issue?

lol nothing because i'm a lazy piece of shit i only care about drivetrain maintenance generally

>chips, dents, scratches and shit only you notice because only you get close enough to the car to see it

it's a Ford so if you fix the passenger door the it will put out the drivers door, don't touch it

I will most defenitely do that. I'm too annoyed at the door not being even

Go have your rotors machined on a lathe and buy a new pads