Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

Do you feel comfortable leaving the keys in the ignition where you live?

>Tfw can't find key because it's not in the ignition

>not leaving your keys in a bowl
does mommy pin your mittens to your jacket as well?

Keyless entry and start, no ignition barrel to put the keys in.

I left them in my ignition and in the on position for 6 hours before I realized my stupidity.

Good thing it wasn't a points-type ignition or you would have smoked your coil.


I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the keys in the ignition if I lived on the fucking moon. I keep them on a peg in my house like a human being.

>I keep them on a peg in my house like a human being.
That's why a lot of car thieves burgle a house for the keys to any cars in the garage or driveway. All they need is to pick or bump the door lock, sneak in, and leave.

this. who doesnt have a bowl next to their door?

>All they need is to pick or bump the door lock, sneak in, and leave.
Yeah I'm sure that will be easy to do while I'm at home, since the dog will bark his retarded ass into a stupor.

I wouldnt be too worried.

I wouldnt leave it sitting like that in the town itself overnight; but at my workplace, home or quick stop at a store; sure

If I still felt paranoid I'd just put the transfer case in neutral

>I'm sure that will be easy to do while I'm at home
The APEX Gang does that in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Apparently, they allow lots of Africans to immigrate in with refugee status. They formed gangs and those gangs merged into Apex and do home invasions. They need your keyfob due to immobilizers.

>Do you feel comfortable leaving the keys in the ignition where you live?
Ha, my corporate employer often has keys in the ignition for its cars on the factory property. The cars are that way for convenience because multiple different people need to transport things at any given instant. But it's a safe massive safe place surrounded by anti-dindu barbed wire dindu-resistant fences, armed anti-dindu guard stations, and lots of anti-spic electronic surveillance to prevent anonymous chimp outs. If the face cannot be identified as matching to the employee database, humans will be alerted at the guard station to check the database themselves.

The computerized scanning system knows where the RFI employee badges are and if there is a person walking around who is not wearing a badge. Facial recognition software inobtrusively and silently checks if the face does not match the name on the badge.

Plus it's in a garage while at home so...


Car theft isn't a big thing around here, but I still don't leave my keys in the ignition. I live in a city now where I always lock the car, but even when I lived in rural bum-fuck nowhere, we'd leave the cars unlocked but never leave the keys overnight or while we were gone.

I know a few people who did, but they were farmer types with like 12 piece of shit vehicles and there's always 2-3 people home at any given moment. 1 had a Hyundai Elentra stolen, as it was the most valuable of the collection.

This is why I love being American

Fuck no, what do you think the security camera aimed at my driveway is for?

Not keys in, but I can keep my car unlocked.

It isn't a big deal where I am either but you are retarded to not lock your car

I keep my keys on me at all times except when I sleep out of habit

because the gangs made up mostly of black are already there?


No one is talking about gun rights you autist

I drive an APC, no one tries to steal it because they think its military property

No because we can shoot them if they try to pull some shit

keys in the ignition? that's so last decade, we have keyless ignition now grandpa

This. I just leave them in my jacket pocket.

Good thing there are no fucking "refugees" where I live, they are not wanted here.

I'm assuming you work for a military contractor?


Yeah, especially when I had my 5-speed. The keys literally never left the ignition the entire time I had it.