N/o/rCal General

N/o/rCal General

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n/o/rcal 8======3----- s/o/cal

>says the guy who crashed a convertical V6 mustang
>literally the current laughingstock of S/o/Cal

That pic isn't fair, I didn't crush that Saturn at a meet

more like NO CAL

>drives the shittiest version possible for a mustang
>loses control at low speed through a corner that isn't even that sharp, then crashes
>rides cummy's dick like a bitch

Oh look, a walking talking meme.

Can you imagine being so bad at driving and not knowing your car that you literally crash?

Did that really all happen at the meet? Are you all retarded

Might as well be meta and put "n/o/rcal" on the list too since that fuckup of a meet killed the rest of them. Our leader is leaving, cops got called on us. VW and Civic got totalled and disappeared which scared off theother new people, and BRZ got his car crushed for having a "few simple mods"


>leader is leaving
>cops got called
When? June 10?

Man I feel bad for civic. His comment after the crash was both funny and sad. "I LOVE THIS CAR" kek

If that's actually his car he fully deserved to crash it

Rude. He was a bro. Good taste in waifus too.

story on brz? will commiefornia really crush your shit for mods? truly is the worst state

Nah, weaboos are garbage

>convertible v6 mustang

holy shit you gotta be one hell of a faggot to try and go fast in a rental-car POS like that.

>Might as well be meta and put "n/o/rcal" on the list too since that fuckup of a meet killed the rest of them. Our leader is leaving, cops got called on us. VW and Civic got totalled and disappeared which scared off theother new people, and BRZ got his car crushed for having a "few simple mods"

KEK you California faggots are such clowns I swear

he deleted his catalytic converter, no licence plater lights, and had a ton of shit that was not legal in CA. Part of the reason he crashed is because his car was making more power and he wasn't used to it yet since he JUST got it done, and he had shit tires. He would have gotten away with it too if he didn't get his car inspected for damage since his steering felt wobbly due to being dug in into the cliff after the crash

So he was agressively retarded, got it. Thanks

>got his car crushed

Wait how do you know? He said he was fine. The car was fine. Only cosmetic damage

someone should "assume leadership". I want to keep going to these meet ups.

I shall start a new mid Cal meet central coast

Next meet when, I'm not even on the FB group :(

He's not just retarded, he's cummy's new fucktoy.

Who keep making these thread?

My only leader is the road, fuckboi.

Please continue N/o/cal

these meets are great. we should start taking bets on who's going to crash on next one desu

It'll be another frs.

Does some fat neckband really report you guys having meets? I thought it was always someone just trolling and not serious about it

Someone actually did. Police actually show up the meeting spot, ask everyone questions. Nothing happens. Talk alot with the guy owning the red mr2. I think they exchange number.

lol look at this loser having a meltdown

Damn weebs can't drive.

you're literally equal to the jews that run your state.