League of legends general /lolg/

Yasuo mains edition

Old: eyosongive.us


>Sleep for 14h
>Wake up power piss full throttle
>Take a massive shit
>Fap to Marui Maru

About to break out the first win of the day of League
This is perfection


>Go ahead and report me bro I did nothing wrong besides its not like reports do anything xD

Gotta love kids who are too naive to realize they're playing a game made by the thought police

>I was never banned in my life xD

Heh, so what should I get for a new summoner name?

xth for Syndra

3250 RP Healslut

Almost tempting

>play Syndra
>enemy Xerath calls me annoying when I'm constantly chucking shit at him

Her E and W are magic damage, aren't they? I would build that, specially because the 10% are going to my AP carry too.
i even remember that back in the day people would even run doublepen runes on her for the extra damage

>censoring names

Literally why


This is what aristocrat Vayne should look like

good morning /lolg/!!

how do i get gud

Volume 0

ITT: Cringe moments in League

>People start Runaan on adc2k17

>tfw no aristocrat Fiora skin

>people play league in 2016+1

xth for Cute Ashe

tank support sits behind you in lane

found a new comfy bfs~ image

very lood tho

No shaming and other things like that, idk. In my case, I just don't wanna get random invites.


AAAA O/////O

amumu or rammus or some other memeshit

How did you know?

Etwahl Expert

x zed


>I just don't wanna get random invites.

The world doesn't orbit you, you egocentric faglord. Noone is going to invite you if you don't specifically ask for it you're not that important you a piece of shit

leave her best skin the way it is ty

Happened last time I posted shit with my name in it. Stop being so god damn angry user, I just posted the reason why I censor names.

Waifu of exceptional chest size

running hybrid pen (who barely make you lose any arpen or mpen compared to x9 mpen or arpen) is valid if your champion deals 40% magic damage

spending gold on an item passive that ONLY increases your magic damage and not your physical, is suboptimal

kekle, sounds like one of those Samurai "ten and over good to bend over" Jack memes.

Sona "Etwahl Expert" Main

I just played a ranked game as Lee Sin running on 3 hours of sleep for 2 days. It was a really surreal experience, I threw out about 70 Qs and I hit maybe 4 all game. All my auto attacks and abilities seemed to move really slow and delayed. I would cancel every other auto because it felt so weird.

My mind went blank halfway through and by the time I came to, I saw the word victory on my screen. It made me question the link between body and mind and Lee Sin's ults can be canceled halfwy though with a skill thing like a flash or sumoner or idk

I don't see it as suboptimal considering you're more than likely to have another magic damage on your team and it boosts your damage either way
riot doesn't need to make enough items to cater specifically to every champion my friend

>tfw no fat (only in the right places) gf

>internet friends can call you E^2
the name that keep on giving

At least cover the names right then



>full HP support flees and leaves you to die in a 2v2 you could have easily won

how can i tell if im a good or bad player
is 200 games too early to make judgment

>ADC refuses to get out even though my wards have shown the enemy jungler + midlaner slowly walking all the way down to botlane
>I use pings as much as I can and walk out
>ADC gets torn to shreds 1v4
>"why aren't you helping me you retard"

bonus episode: adc stands still under the enemy turret while right clicking it, gets hooked by [insert hook champion], insults you for not "blocking the hook"


>a C on the grading scale is supposed represent neither good nor bad.
>you can literally go 0/10 and still get a C

by using your rank

if you're unranked, look at what rank are the people you play with on average

brand support doesn't cast spells unless its to w the minion wave while youre there

w-what do i do now


>support has no idea how important having a sightstone is and doesnt buy it all game despite you asking him to several times

i have never found a character in a different moba/any game that plays in any way similar to azir.
the combination of the mage/adc gameplay with the ability to have small, very significant moments of long range mobility + the wall for initiation is extremely satisfying.

it's a shame riot doesn't know how to balance him.

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

you accept and ask them what they want, unless they had been insulting you all game long

I'm socially indept but I accept all friend requests and I've even boosted people one tier or two just because they added my smurfs after a match and asked nicely

Shut the fuck up you annoying cunt. You don't even add people from lolg that you can't leech exposure from. U-UMMM WHAT DO I DO U_U here's what you should do, kill yourself

>Support DOES buy a sightstone, but places only one ward, even though both baron AND dragon are up, and that the entire enemy team can be seen on the map or is dead, and there's no danger in facechecking a bush to ward

most commonly witnessed on low elo jannas

Don't worry noone will fucking add you. And even if someone does why don't you try to actually make friends with him/her. You know, league is a social game no need to be so fucking autistic as to decline all game invites/friend requests

>invite me for handicap

I never accept friend requests. I always feel compelled to answer their calls. I still have a dude randomly inviting me to games now and then even though we never talked, never interacted outside one random game a long time ago, I still can't bring myself to delete him from the list.

10/10 need more posts like this.

i just checked and get matched with bronze
i beat my lane opponent by like 20 or 30 cs by 15 min every game though pls i don't wanna believe it

them fucking dick sucking lips

You already posted this yesterday..

the cs meme is nothing despite what the shitters in this general will tell you, unless its some absurd number like 60+ that shouldn't dictate how the game will go.

But what are the right and wrong places

i just accepted both, then deleted them

i dont add people from here
they add me

sounds like me

This design is pandering at it's finest, shaking my head to be quite honest in my opinion family

literally a fat faced edgy asian egirl poorly cosplaying as a bird

so how long do i have to improve before i should accept the bronze life
i only get to play like 1 or 2 games a day because the internet doesnt work like half the day

sounds like me tbch

are u ok user

as long as you're matched with bronzes in normal games you have no reason to believe you're worth better - unless you find out for yourself by playing ranked.

I assume that you got ranked anxiety if you haven't started yet, but you really should work on it

If what makes you anxious is that you don't want people to get angry at you for underperforming, well, chances are people in your normal games are as demanding as people in your would-be ranked games could be.

If it's being afraid of failure (regardless of what others think of it, you don't want to fail), then think that there's no reason you should be more afraid of failing in ranked than in normals

I was really really anxious about playing ranked but after a day of soloq it was already gone

Try to find somebody to get on voicechat and duo with him so that you feel backed up

he's right

cs doesn't mean shit in bronze. If a diamond player played in bronze they could win at least 60% of those games without csing optimally.
if you're playing with bronze players there's something fundamentally wrong with the way you're playing



there's no shame in being bronze user

just have fun with it and get a new internet you idiot

Just play ranked

Stomach, face, arms leggs are the wrong places
Tits, thighs and ass are the right ones

Just accept the bronze life and play until you get out.

Talux is best ship uvu;

i don't own enough champs for ranked yet and my highest mastery is jinx at 5
someone else told me i should probably get a champ to 5 before taking them to ranked
i don't care about getting flamed i just disappoint myself with my own performance and get depressed
i want to become the greatest player of all time

you better play 16 hours a day for a few years then
you bronze shitter

>mfw user found a way to piss of both lux+ez and ez+talon shippers in the most triggering way possible

lmao yeah they must fucking HATE their life after seeing that post kek

didn't get many games in today because i had family over all day but still getting 19lp per win
>based rito mmr system

also lost a game as jax today, wanted to kms because i ruined my 100%

No one replies to him at all though. Lux x kat posting gets way more people angry.

they're shippers, user

autism will find a way

Aristocrat is good but it could be so much better

First of all the haircut
And secondly a coat

i'll do my best

haha no only a true autismo would ever care about that sort of thing


this is almost copypasta tier

how many roles are you good at?
how long did it take you to get good at each role?

i really like the hair, reminds me of daphne guinness
+''vayne mains'' mostly use arclight or dragonslayer

what am I in for?

Good luck.

back off chump