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Previous thread Amagane is canon edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 19/3/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
youtube.com/watch?v=VzbIuPpPM8E [Open]

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k [Open]

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
youtube.com/watch?v=6DGuCuHurUk [Open]

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

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>ywn get extra portions in exchange for sexual favors
>ywn be pinned on a kitchen table and pounded by chubby chef dick
>ywn engage in naked tantric blindfold taste testing
>ywn correctly guess the secret ingredient it's more dick
It's not fucking fair terubros

But Amami is only for his one true love: shotput-kun


Great, I love chocolate.

Amagane is not canon and if you believe otherwise, consider suicidessu.

I want to get locked in an airtight school and fix her with hope. She would try anything and everything to make me feel despair, but I would just laugh it off, because as long as I'm helping her, no despair is strong enough to enter my heart. I'd show her that no matter what she has done, I'd always forgive her. I'd make her food and clean her secret lair, and drag her out to bed if she stays up late. When the nights get so cold that we have no choice but to cuddle together at night for warmth, I'd feel her breath going from shallow to deep as her form relaxes and she falls asleep in my arms. I'd feel her cling to me in the night when she wakes up from a despair nightmare and feel her sob into my chest, first seeds of hope sprouting in her traumatized mind. I'd softly kiss her hair and tell her everything will be okay. I'd take care of her when she gets sick, read all the books from the library and hold her hand so that she can fall asleep. I'd make shitty homemade pizza for her and stay up late with her watching dumb movies, and feel her cuddle up to me when she can't stay awake anymore. I'd teach her retarded drinking games and show her how to play pool in the rec room.

One night, she silently sneaks over to the kitchen. A shining sliver of a blade extends from her clenched fist when she walks into my room. But her hand stops, centimeters away from my chest, and begins to shake violently. Something is wrong. One by one, her trembling fingers let go of the hilt, and with a soft thud, the knife falls onto the carpet. She throws herself on me and buries her face right where the knife should have gone, Clutching at the fabric of my clothes. Her whole body shakes feverishly and I scoop her body into my arms and tell her that everything will be okay, just like usual. Her silent sobbing turns to wailing that echoes out into the dimly lit corridors beyond the door.

She would finally be cured of despair. Because the only thing she can't analyze is love

How did this ship even start, anyway? Its logic is lost on me

Danganronpa Yamada when

Is getting posted without images today!

Moekiyo is my lovely husband!
Also twitter.com/genki_alien/status/854016001381466112 Happy Late Easter!

Some nip's shit theory...

is a shit

im so glad they are for each other because I don't need to worry about shirogane being paired with the characters i like

Reminder that Chiaki is still and will always be best girl
She got revived as an android and is now playing games with the DR2 cast
>there's always a Chiak!i as the first post whenever I visit a thread

Meme theories and ship leftovers.

Junkofag how do you feel about the latest interview from Kodaka? The one where he basically said Junko was Izuru's sex toy?


I love boys in bunny outfits. Especially Kaito! I want to fuck Kaito in a bunny outfit!

Bleachssu for you, dood.
It'll never happen.
Shirogane doesn't deserve anybody, she belongs in the trashssu.


Never. The author chose to write about worst boy Togami instead of our boy.

Nip theories. Also Tsumugi being Amami's waifu but being mindhacced into killing him by TDR seems like a very Kodaka hacc twist.

Your taste is probably shit anyways.

>Shirogane doesn't deserve anybody, she belongs in the trashssu.

I don't care about she but I also don't care about amami too so I don't mind them together

Chiakiposter takes literal seconds to find the new bread. Not even terufucker can compete

Okay, Kaede Space Mode user here, waiting patiently for the answer

Also posted these two because I can

>is great

Because of nips thinking Tsumugi suvived V2 along with Amami.



Can anyone remotely control our loli Himiko?
>voted as the most likely character to die pre-release
>written off as an obvious killer and irrelevant gimmick character
>has a personal squad of protectors all throughout V3
>Tojo slays the manlet before Himiko can start lusting after murderer scum
>Tulpaman saves her from /u/ degeneracy and crazy mindhacc cultists
>Kaito and Maki remove the uso twink before any shipping interactions can happen
>Got a taste of Gonta's delicious banana
>becomes more of a protagonist than Kaede in chapter 6
>survives the killing game against all odds
>basically won the Saiharabowl
>likely to get a spinoff novel written by based Kitayama, probably with illustrations by Komatsuzaki
>meanwhile popular and mysterious characters like Amami, Kiibo or Ouma get nothing or DRT tier garbage
Any other characterfags need not apply to based loli mage.


Take responsibility, drg

>Never. The author chose to write about worst boy Togami instead of our boy.
Sato was a mistake. I hope he doesn't touch anymore DR stuff.

You're the one that belongs in the trashssu. Degenerate siscon that looks like a tumblr lesbian.

Repost just in case

i made this and i am so darn happy another user liked it enough to save it

He said he "really wants to write something about Amami", though


Can you fucking kill yourself already, you're fucking pathetic

Wow I'm impressed at this dedication. Is there anyone who could outspeed him?

Endo will be on Elder God Tier.

I've seen, I will let you know once I do it.
I regrettably haven't done her ending because... well, Kaede.

Have hope Hifumibro. Maybe that lolicon Kitayama will write about our boy's sister someday.

>Also Tsumugi being Amami's waifu but being mindhacced into killing him
Kinda reeks of Junko and Matsuda.

>implying there's anything wrong with being a siscon
Found the trigger tumblrite.



I understand you kuzuanon. Goodluck!

Shall I become something-user too?

Is in the highest tier of villains! Not really.

>Not ultimate tier
His motivation was complex and to save the world by making everyone obey the same ruler.
Don't know how that isn't elder god tier

>I hope he doesn't touch anymore DR stuff.
Hahaha. Sato literally said Amami's next. He's going to get Togami's treatment.

>Yumeno gets the best writer
>Amami gets one of the worst
It's not fair.

exactly, still no yamada, which is a true mysterious character

>Sato was a mistake. I hope he doesn't touch anymore DR stuff.

Reminder that Tsumugi is a slut.

The only canon ship here is Me x Amami

i love how himiko is "probably" getting a novel and maki not.
our boy deserved better.


If you shitpost enough, people will start calling you something-user.

I suggest you not to...
But what you'd do as a something-user?

Glad to see people with taste in here.

How much shit is Endo responsible for? Is he the true villain?

>he bought the Delta meme with Tengen

its a secret

Thanks, I'll do it eventually, can't go on my PS4 at the moment it seems.
Makes me regret not getting it on Vita sometimes.
Also, up to you.

He is the ultimate villain, the one responsible of all the calamity of the series and the one that started it all.
He out trumps all of the masterminds by far since he is behind everything and everyone.

To be fair writing about Maki would be DRIF all over again. Surprised it's not Ouma. But he'll probably get a manga in the future or something.

Tsmugi's is even more complex though. We don't even know if it's real because F I C T I O N.

>Yumeno gets a novel before Kibo, Maki, Ouma, and Miu
How does she do it?

shes cute?


Endo is literally the brains behind the Duel Noir and it's implied he had something to do with Junko being the way she is now.


Didn't someone say a few threads ago that this was all just nips speculating?

Being a loli.
That's all, really.

Personally I'm just glad Kiibo got a spot on that manga cover

so hes her dad/sperm donor? I'm still standing by my shit theoru that had junko's parents not fucked the tragedy would have been averted and therefore they are the true cause of the tragedy

I feel like Maki would benefit more from a novel, but it's hard to tell what any of them would be about due to the fiction twist.

He said that he wants to make a novel about her, it has to be aproved.

Magic. Especially since Kitayama is the one who wants to write about her.

No? All the stuff about Tulpaman and other characters were speculating. What was said about Himiko and Amami wasn't.

Ask Kuzkuz. He probably know something.

I want to fuck Normie Kaito without paying him 5,000 yen.

Just checking something I was curious about:

Tengan is better than that cuck. The guy managed to correctly predict when and who will die during the game, kill the guards without even leaving the room, and hack into Monaca's computer with his mind.
And he did it for a good cause too. He's the best villain in the franchise.

mhh yeah you are right. I think it's funny because maki looks like kodaka's waifu. and yeah ouma will probably get a manga in the future or i hope so

I think the authors themselves said that's who they wanted to write about when they were done with their current series. So it's not comfirmed yet but it will probably happen.

being a first loli to survive

No, They guy really said that he wants to make a novel about her.

Which it obviously will be.

Her getting a novel is not guaranteed, but there is an interest so it is possible, especially since Himiko is surprisingly popular, probably because she survived.

Not speculating per say, they were talking about that danganronpa.net link and how the comments there were hoping for said novels.
The authors themselves said they are interested in making the named novels but as it stands, they are simply ideas because no confirmation was given aside from their motivation to make it.

It's obviously going to happen.

>probably because she survived.
Half of the survivors in DR1 were unpopular and in 2 Sonia and Akane bombed iin their polls. Surviving doesn't make you popular.

I have a job

I see, thanks Kuzuanon.

Get off Veeky Forums Tengen. Go learn how to be a better mastermind in hell.

>post yfw DRA makes Tulpaman look like a saint compared to Amami

But I'm already a better mastermind than anyone in DR though

Which is the closest option to currently not studying because graduated, looking for a job and caring for boys?

This. Half of the DR1/2 survivors aren't even in the top 10.



I honestly doubt they would do that

Don't be so sure. Spike wants money and a Ouma novel would give them more money that one about yumeno.

>I can finally post my rapetarous
The only good thing V3 did.

I am not a housewife...

return of Rapetarou memes?

>Oumafag mad his boy isn't getting anything

>Himikofag after seeing her design for the first time
>already worried since my favorites always die
>even more worried since she looks like a gimmick character
>literally depressed and suicidal after demo and survivor poll
>she somehow survives, happiest day of my life
>might get an actually good spinoff novel

Who else here went from almost killing themselves to achieving characterfag godhood?