Work at dealership

>work at dealership
>every customer comes in angry all the time
>every customer comes in ready to fight
>just want to help people find their perfect car

Really starting to take it's toll on me, bros...

Work in the service shop.

Yeah, service gets shit, too.

Working in sales can be draining if you're a genuine person who just wants to help, work towards a different position or transfer your skills to some more rewarding sales like Real Estate

Service get shit from the sales rep, but not nearly as much as the sales get from customers

Work in the finance dept

>working any kind of customer service job

i've felt your pain, worked retail for awhile then did tech support for a few years
people suck

I'm too new to change positions. Sorry, bros, no big deal. Just havin' a few beers after a rough Saturday.

>Working in sales can be draining if you're a genuine person who just wants to help
That's why eventually salesweasels become fake people who just want to fuck.

Don't worry, if you're genuine and helping people find deals you get a reputation, I know a lot of people in my town who go to specific dealerships because they're known for not fucking people over. The best advertising is customer feedback

What business do you work in that doesn't require salespeople?

Where you work user? Subaru sales here. Didn't sell a car today, did you??

I feel for you OP but I think this is primarily a product of the broken dealership model. People come in agitated because they know they can't just go in and have a smooth transaction with no bullshit and trickery. They're expecting to be on the defensive so they can prevent getting fucked over with thousands of $$ of addons and financing shenanigans.

If states didn't have horseshit laws preventing dealerships from competing then the experience would be like buying anything else (other than real estate)

>go in Place A, look at prices and customer service
>go in Place B, look at prices and customer service
>compare prices and customer service
>complete purchase at chosen place

Instead the only way to get lower prices is to be an aggressive fuck who basically out-bullies the sales rep.

>laws preventing dealerships from competing

In Texas at least it's illegal for two dealerships selling the same brand of cars to operate within a certain distance of each other. This is effectively preventing their competition

this. just be the sales manager guy who the sales rep goes back and forth to get haggle prices

Work in parts. If you have decent management and you're not retarded it's easy and good money.

Also, what do you sell?

>be an aggressive fuck who basically out-bullies the sales rep
It works. I usually take a few shots of Jim Beam first. Helps to unlock my inner asshole.

Think I have a good chance of being hired at a dealership...what are your commissions like?

I dunno. It's gotten better over the years. I'd say they use lube now, sometimes they'll take you out to a movie first, they don't bend you over and go in dry like they used to. But it is ultimately a layer of bullshit you have to go through before you get the car. Well, there's several layers, but dancing with the salesman is one of them. At least if he's professional, polite and actually knows his product, he's justified his existence just enough for me.

It would be nice if you could just order the exact car you wanted over the internet and have it delivered to your door direct from the factory, but cars have been around for a while and that's just not how it was done in the past...

trips confirms

what kind of stealership is it?

GM, they are moving 40-50 per month between 3 salespeople.

Sounds like a nice busy schedule, should be some fun

Sadly, that would require an education, which few people browsing this thread have and those who do have it aren't dumb enough to waste it working at a stealership.

aayyyy fellow subi salesmen

I'm a tech at a dealership. I work at a good auto group, and I even have to deal with shit there. I enjoy telling militant hypochondriac customers that nothing is wrong with their car, though.

Finance goes to the blonde bimbo that sucked dick to get into the job where you fill out forms and send it to Mr. Goldberg's Greatest Ally Lending Inc.

They're worried because they love day to day and their magic box on wheels that gets them everywhere might possibly break.

The ignorance of people in this day and age makes me have no sympathy for people freaking out about nothing. I care even less when they scream and yell at me.

>works in the scummiest, sleaziest, most manipulative, double speaking, thieving, bait and switching, lying, pos industry
>sad people treat them like shit

You fucks are the worst

My car has overheating issues when running hard and I have techs telling me they can't do anything since "we need to be able to replicate the same circumstances to find the problem"....

How do you expect me to fix a car that isn't malfunctioning? No, seriously, I'd love to hear what your dip shit brain has to say about it.

I'll try my hardest to replicate the problem and I will definitely fix it if it is broken, but I can't fix something that isn't broken.

learn to fix it yourself you manchild faggot

the main problem is dealerships are required by law to exist in many places

Dealershits are literally only in existence to provide one of the last bastions of zero-skill potentially decent-paying work so that we can fill more middle class suburbs with people who only pretend to own their McHouse, their cars, and their lives.

There is literally no reason for them to exist. Nobody fucking likes going to them. CarMax is shit too, but it's basically the future. The old dealership model needs to die so we can move the fuck on.

>dealership stories

I used to want to work with cars for that exact reason but then I realize working on only my car brings me joy working on econoboxes day in and day out and dealing with idiots always ready to fight would kill my love of cars

>i have no sympathy for those who don't spend a large amount of time attempting to understand something at a professional level
when you have a sharp pain in your lumbar spine, do you start hitting the books and learn about disc surgery?
when your dog is vomiting up blood, is your first instinct to sign up for dog physiology courses at your local community college?

being a faggot because people get upset when their expensive machines show signs of malfunction doesnt make you high and mighty. how would you feel if your doctor wryly berated you for complaining that your rib cartilage feels like it's tearing when you sneeze, since he cant "replicate the same circumstances to find the problem" at that time

believe it or not, but the overwhelmingly vast majority of people view cars as tools to get them from two different points. they dont fucking care about gear ratios or friction coefficients in their oil or using a clay bar. they dont fucking care, just like they dont care about the phosphorus levels in their large breed dog's food. sure, in the long run it may damage their car or cause joint problems for their dog, but they are busy doing other things.

not everybody can be a professional mechanic, on top of being an accountant, gardener, clerk, etc.

>but they only need to learn the basics of car repair to fix all their problems!!!
well you only need to learn the basics of spine surgery to fix your bulging disc, my friend

Did you check the coolant system?

Are you honestly defending people who incoherently rage in blantant ignorance when they are patently wrong about somethingthey don't understand? You can honestly get fucked, desu. You are just as stupid as those people.

I'm not even working on his car.

Yeah, but, that's where the problem is? If he'd just looked at it, he'd have seen it? But he didn't? I guess that's what my 'dip shit brain' has to say about it.

Well that's his fault for not doing a visual inspection, you didn't mention that. I always visually inspect a car I cannot duplicate an issue on and at least make sure everything is in place and all fluids are filled.

Who does your oil changes?

Hey user I plan on getting into that field of work, what's it like? What the education and level of said education needed? What's your salary if you don't mind me asking all of this