/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Gobu Edition

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Post armpits

Which one of you flatfoots is falling for the snek meme and other shit blood decks today?

Kill all gobus

This isn't /gbfg/, even less Granblue. Fuck off.

I want Mastema to test my heart

Remove storm

Do Feena's armpits really not smell? She says so, but I dunno man.

wew lads

Бeдныe и гoлoдныe вceгдa пoбeждaют cытых и бoгaтых — ecли y гoлoдных ecть вepa, a y cытых eё нeт!

>candelabra mirrors



Fuck, Lucius, why did they make you so useless?

Reminder that Eris is young and fertile.

go back to playing yugioh

Mysteria Civil war cards when??

is she really incorruptible?

delete shadow from t2

How's the RNG treating you?

>tfw both my 5-0s were with Shadow



Eris should be the OP, not shitty ripoff from gbf.

I can afford 3 extra legs (plus I have one Saha), is that enough to salvage this deck?


>tfw finally gave up on the Tempo Forest dream and made an updated Roach Forest

>can't tell how good it is because haven't seen Shadow all day but I'm already on a 7 winstreak in Masters

It's going to be nice until I see a Luna finally. This peace can't last forever.

Can't keep your dick in your pants you mentally ill faggot? You thought you were gonna get excited over cartoon girls armpit did you?



Poyвэн явнo бeдный. Дaжe нa нopмaльныe кapты дeнeг нeт.



Why are they dressed like sluts

Only an SR in Granblue too

>"Roland feeleth his hour at hand; On a knoll he lies towards the Spanish land. With one hand beats he upon his breast: "In thy sight, O God, be my sins confessed. From my hour of birth, both the great and small, Down to this day, I repent of all." As his glove he raises to God on high, Angels of heaven descend him nigh."

>Shadowfag BTFO

>waiting a bit to rewind to watch blue suffer

Why is Albert the only good Granblue card?

>only 3k people in Shadowverse right now
It's over, absolutely over


Shut the fuck up nerd

does that count phone players?

Okay, but how?


>massive drop in players in the middle


Should I get a third Melvie, or Muta Bolts?

It's over for it in the west maybe but in asian countries it's growing. Shits just too anime for the west.

>what is night

why the fuck would it?

Anyone here super good in take two to the point where they make mad gold by getting tons of 5-0 and 4-1?

My deck only uses 2 of each.

>Death sentence
>heretical inquiry
>ALL the banish

Someone is extremely butthurt.
Also what your name tag because I got fucked by a deck like this yesterday

"I'm not the girl you used to know!"

What did she mean by this?

I'd give some mad dosh for a Mysteria anime but nope, never happening, better anime some random OCs and go full HFY.

>Someone is extremely butthurt.
Why wouldn't someone be butthurt by shadowcraft?

i keep going 4-1 and 3-2 because i don't understand a few of the cards i pick and misplay them

No, it only counts people on steam.

Because its not that bad.

Hi, Im from /hsg/. Post a card and I will rate it. Itd be helpful if you can explain the terminologies only as I don't want to google search and spoil myself the context and such.

What happens when you drop a seraph with 3 candles up?

>t. shadow nigger

It just skips one activation

Fuck off, reddit

It trigger only once, same for all amulets.

You need 3x Sibyl, 3x Rahab.

Kill yourself

What the fuck, that sucks, where are my double guardian sun wards

You both are reddit. Fuck off assblasted discord reddit fucktard.

explain this abomination jpcucks

Fuck off, reddit

Playing ritual means you're angry at shadow because it's useless against most everything else.
Playing death sentence and inquiry probably means he's angry at Dragon.

3/10, the effects seems to be too situational but might be some part of crazy combo Im missing

8/10, stats are decent and can create tempo swings

>Opponent had plenty evolution points
>Dropped a Reaper on a board with other minions but didn't evolve it
Guess what much damage my enhanced Salamander did to his board

Ritual is good against any kind of aggro that is not suicide blood, not just shadow

>You will never be Kyle
>You will never come home and take Isabelle's book out of her hand and bend her over the lab table
>You will never cum inside her from behind while her fat tits are being pressed against the table

Standard battle armour in Cygames universeses. We need to kill this lesbian meme once and for all

>tfw jRoB just had 2 back to back Mysteria Academy events
Mysteria Anime for next passion project, hope and believe

This general is shit

>good against any kind of aggro

So just shadow then?

The worst is that you just can't combo it, since it doesn't affect things summoned from field, only from hand.

MUH, got more of this?

*how much damage
Fuck I need some sleep

Accurately reflects the state of shadowverse desu

And thank god for that. We don't need turn 8 instant wins.

>American hours
>On festive day
>Suddenly the thread goes to shit
Really makes my last words proc...

>Dirtmension shift

What the fuck did I just lose to

I play non shadow aggro, and I'm completely assblasted whenever my entire board gets candalebra ritualed out of nowhere

Easter was yesterday user.

>i will never be a dead cuck
feels good

*banishes u*

This was supposed to be control's expansion. They were supposed to be the dominant decks. What happened?

Card games have always been shit.

>Enchanted Sword in Conjuring Force Snow
Scary as shit fampaitachi

Thankfully not wide spread cancer, but cancer of the highest order when it does work.

Post Olivia

Is this official art?

But it means that not even the Tamer girl works. Candelabra is almost a dead draw if you run 3 or any.

Would Alicia be a Sword leader?

Japanese commuters happened
Can't deprive salary man Takeshi of his 3 minute games

How do they spellboost when they're running scrap iron smelters and illusionists

And yet you are here

Dragon is the new Dshift that doesn't lose to aggro unless it's hyper aggro like shadow is now.

Ramp happened.

Control can't deal with dragon being 4-5 PP ahead of them.

Its really fucking bad and got significantly worse from rob. There wont be an NA for this game when next expac drops and people get 1 legendary in 40 packs and every new deck requires 6-10 legendaries. Hell no one is going to stay for shadow vs dragon meta.