League of Legends General /lolg/


Sion edition.

Altec is living proof that you don't need a competent ADC to have a successful team

Finally normal thread

Iulu sucks dick for ice creams

threadly reminder that waifu-fags are just as bad as futa and homo-couplingfags

IBG on Illaoi edition

It would be a decent item in some situations when you can get into melee range a lot, but in most games it's better to go BC for the movespeed and then tanky stuff with maybe a DD while you depend on your tentacles for damage more than your autos or W (you don't need the sheen procs against pulled spirits because the rest of your team should have more than enough damage to kill them for you.

How do I play ADC?

Reminder to report and sage this thread as it was posted 13 posts early.

i want to HUG- kled

i have woken up with a hot sticky mess between my thighs in the morning before. actually, i'm woken up by the hot sticky mess. usually accompanied by a surreal dream.

Does Trist's rocket jump not reset anymore? Her Collection page doesn't mention it.

I want to look exactly like Diana!

this Rakan guy is actually pretty fun if you build him tanky

tank veigar

>I want to look exactly like Diana!
I want you to look exactly like her too!

there should be a vote kick options for teammates to replace with a Ivern ultimate. Would be pretty cool imo and more useful than the usual 0/13 yasuo

is there ANY champion that could defeat ascended kars in a 1v1?

d2g here

Why do people always comment on my Justicar Syndra skin whenever they get tilted over my game play? I am rusty with her but I still try my best.

git gud

even better - adc veigar
adc that can stun, deals %missing hp damage and deals ap damage from skills that don't need items.
Super easy farming with Q, good for stunlocking.

that's how you play im in ARAM and as support

because your orbs are impossible to see

arc syndra is in the same category of "skins that improve your gameplay" like muay thai lee, sg rumble etc

Tunnel vision on CS
use cooldowns to escape approaching enemies
attack champs that come looking for you, don't go looking for them

Eat shit lulunigger

there are some skins that are tied to shitters, as in thoes are the skins shitters use, and there are some skins really good people use

also there are some skins with horrid efects that makes some shit impossible to see

what do you mean

>wtf why do you own a skin for a champ ur shit at
>wtf can't see your spells because particles also syndra is bullshit

Survive until you have enough gold to be relevant. Also don't expect much from your support, especially the lower you are.


its pretty good.
I generally just go Morellos, deathcap, voidstaff then tank items. If it gets really late Ill sell the voidstaff or ibg/frozen heart

you really dont need the extra ap items considering if you can get stacks up you shit damage anyway.

Its cancer to play against though. No way to kill him while he oneshots your carry. but i dont play him often because his laning phase is ass and boring

>there are some skins that are tied to shitters, as in thoes are the skins shitters use
that remind me, I haven't seen a project yasuo in months now, why is everybody using blood moon instead?

Pick one and only one

>there are some skins that are tied to shitters, as in thoes are the skins shitters use, and there are some skins really good people use

If FLY doesn't pick/ban ivern and lulu next game it's going to be 3

i'll pick Kog'Maw
at least I'll win

Ahri and Sona are cuties


post lewds

God I can't wait for Cho and Fortune to be off rotation, nobody who plays them is ever good

P1 actually look like the bad guys, Zig looks like a villain from a disney movie or something

pretty cool, hope the bad guys win

Archlight Vayne and white zed

he did like no damage for more than 20 minutes making the game pretty much a 4v5 and flyquest still couldn't gain a substantial lead, eat a cockmaw faggot

What if Sona was unable to use her instrument?

I made this thread and you should get a life instead of continuing this spiral of depression online.

I am not trying to rob you.


Lore-wise, Aurelion Sol?

>Sion Thread

Any project skin
any arclight skin
any star guardian skin
Any ahri skin

arcade riven
project yasuo


why is karthus older

Basically most of the popular skins. Like, the "I needed a cool skin for this champ" skin.

>Dragonslayer Pantheon
>Reaper Soraka
>Dunkmaster Darius
>Headhunter Nidalee
>Cosmic Yi
>God Fist Lee Sin
>Elementalist Lux
>all of the project skins
>most of the blood moon skins

And so on. I'm sure everybody knows the "shitter" skin for the champions they're familiar with.




>talon is no longer a assasin, he is a figher now
>leblanc is no longer assasin, she is a control mage
>malzahar is R bot
>renekton bad lategame
>sion do no dmg
>naut do to much dmg
>tank meta, assasin meta, mage meta, ever time after new pach hit

post best of reddit

>NA is so shit that washed up D2 shitters is on a top4 team

Outrotate him.

Let's go P1


yell mean things at Phreak please

describe smell

nice seats

While he's busy masturbating in top lane, masturbate at mid or bot or ward the shit out of his jungle (green smite) and steal any camps you can from him.

>no banning graves


Yell out "no new lulu thres" as loud as you can so we can hear you on stream

would you lads?

Is it even possible for SKT to lose even 1 game at MSI?

>le balanced yordle of fire and rockets

The first one. Like are they so poor they are jealous of it or what?

please yell "BOMB! THERE'S A FUCKING BOMB HERE!" if P1 goes down in the series

I would yell "you have no mana" if I was on flyquests side. I'm seated right above azael's forehead. P1 gonna sweep

*threads* do it while they're drafting

Liss a shit

Isn't Karthus actually younger than most of them by like a few hundred years.

Honestly yeah

his ashe is great tho

Stop it, I just had sex, I don't want to fap too


>watching a level 7 Mastery Elementalist Lux get shit on by a Cassiopeia

I think it's just an easy way to take a jab at someone.

You're a pretty nice user you know.

Also why are people baning rakan in poro king, reeeee

Smells like fat neet sweat.Thanks mang Don't wanna get thrown out I fucking drove 12 hours for this shitMaybe user, I'm shy and hate that kind of autism

as long as it's not a trap yeah sure

I literally only need 20 euro rp
ill take u up 5 division in europe servers just need them
pls respond :^|
t. diamond 1

We need more thicc jinx booty

is there something similiar to this for league?

if not someone should work on it

Riot will give u RP if u write them a poem/draw a picture
just send in ticket

Extra sticc

>Maybe user, I'm shy and hate that kind of autism
Do it, no one will know what you mean or care

20 euro rp not 20 rp niger


>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

this meta is shit


then write some smut for that smut guy

Im new to LOL. Coming from HOTS to try LOL out. Can someone suggest me champions, by the heroes i like from hots?

Thanks in advance

Flat ADC Ahri

>lulu not banned
>ivern not banned

i like this thread

what jinx was a tumblrina? would you still?
she's a thicc sticc!

I want you to look like Diana so you can kill me

this is the only hero i know from hots.
she's an assassin right?
you might like kha'zix, he leaps and if you evolve his e you get resets on kills, so they're somewhat similiar i think.
you might wanna try fizz aswell

>it's a "lulu left unbanned" episode
why is this allowed at any level of play, especially pro play?

I've never played hots, so I don't know who those are, but play Annie to start
She's cheap to buy with IP and strong

I'm here with friends, I don't wanna sperg out.
Maybe I'll make a poster for tomorrow that's says remove lulu or stop lulu threads

shen works if you want a tanky farmbot

Eh, time to dust off my PROJECT Yi skin for a jungle game. Maybe it will trigger somebody else.

Come on, give me a 1 or a 0.

Do it. We'll all be looking for it eventfriend