League of Legends General - /lolg/

Porcelain midriff edition


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we beat lulu

fuck lulufags

I look at Vladfag with annoyance but when I look at Lulufags I remember Vladfag is still the lesser evil.

Here cuz no Lulu meme

Yes! Fuck lulufags. They are vermin and they should be chemically emasculated.

>good at every role except top and adc
>learning ADC in normals
>enemy team always picks caitlyn
>if I ban caitlyn, balanced watermelon stealer gets through and wins for free.
thats ok I didn't wanna have fun anyway
and screw playing the cunt, her voice lines are garbage and shes piss boring.

this is by far the ugliest Lulu ive seen

Why have people forgotten that Tristana is a godlike carry?

>two lulufags start thread at same time
ffs you degenerate shits

OK OK we get it you're a faget, now get off of those 5 seperate internet connections.

tristana is garbage wtf are u talking about

she gets out scaled from my experience (facing against her) also kog exists.

>get all upset at ahrifag, for literally no reason, as usual
lol, never cease to amaze

>start playing league
>everything is too easy in pre30
>too unknowledgable and bad to queue with my friend
>be a dead weight
Feels bad

I'm not a lulufag but that's my fetish

I'm going to buy a few anyway because I feel like gambling
will probably top up my key reserve, I have like 20 chests laying around that I need to use

>the range queen, literally more cancerous than Azir with 200% less skillshots
>gets outscaled
In what world?

Somebody said midriffs

cause shes not flashy
>has the highest range in the game late, add on rapid fire cannon and you'll get the first auto off in every fight ever.
>need autos? push Q
>engage/disengage? push W
her resets on her W and maxing an E charge are why I play her. also in solo que no one will peel for you so you have your ult for that.

You get better with experience and time, obviously.

No she's not.

>not flashy
>his trsitanas dont rocketjump insec and then die in lategame teamfights

lmao what are you, diamond?

Well it isn't lulufags' fetish because they are predatory manchildren who select a woman so as not to emasculate them, and are only ever not emasculated by a purple retarded child.


I don't see her getting outscaled.

I can see the koggle comparison however she is way safer and can fit in way more comps since kog pretty much needs 1-2 dedicated peelers

>there are people IN THIS GENERAL who doubt THE CHAMP

You're in my lane, bro.

>not flashy

>killing people offscreen
>using the reset on your w to initiate and get a double kill
>rip towers to shreds
>not flashy

I hear yah, but I think she has potential flashyness with the bomb & rocket jump but that's pretty hard to set up.

I've played as Jinx and sure she has the stronger laning phase but unless she has a really good lead she loses late game. Cait has range a plenty and can always out damage with a well timed headshots. Lucian might go even late game with her but he can probably beat her in combat and lane. Once again Kog exists too who I know for a fact scales way harder than her. Unless she has a really strong lead and a good support I always see her getting out scaled.
Speaking of trist by the way anybody have that one picture of Zed and her staring at a sun set both about to die due to deathmark and the sticky bomb?

I just beat that guy as Yorick in my last game. The dead don't hear you.

thats some nice Jax art right there

im saving this

my boy..?

>buys a sheen
>*hard, cardboard-tube twacks

Who's next?

Read articles about warding and how to play certain champs.

Try playing with a limited pool.

Play only champs you think are cool

What's the closest thing we have to a crusader champion?
That isn't garen pls


Tight midriff best midriff


>we have no paladin juggernaut champion that can also heal teammates in the game

just realized, why not really its an extremely popular archetype

How does she do in a solo lane?
I just need a Power Wolf champion


>I just need a Power Wolf champion

NA has to be the most homosexual server to play video games on

i wouldn't be surprise if NA just straight up kills esports cause of how gay it is to play a game in NA

Name a male champion who is more beautiful than TF.


she's good if you either are good with her mechanics or the opponent isn't

so whats your excuse?
you better be at least plat

Talon and Taric

I think most women like Ezreal


Alistar Taric

They have the gameplay just not the personality

better version

j4 sounds pefect I can't believe I didn't think of him.

Boring lane imo

hate solo lane lucian.

J4 is fucking crap.

my pc is crap and I can never save for a new one
otherwise I'd be challenjour

eyy this is nice

>playing ranked

Maybe it's just me but the SG midriff is a lot sexier imo

hitler wasnt plat though

I'm only doing this to have fun while i grind ip on my derank account
so i don't relaly mind


well yeah she look less like a junkie

they couldve done so much better

>tfw ywn fuck real life ahr

why even existi

>implying hitler wasny challenger
>too shit to play ranked
reaching pleb levels we never thought possible


because i am fucking real life ahri

tobito baiting
clips twitch tv/FunRacyShrimpDogFace

I dunno, I prefer the complete lack of shits given, with him just chatting to the guy.

you have to cuck dyrone, user. infiltrate his mansion and steal the ahri

but you don't actually exist user
you're a shell of a human at best


>tfw I've fucked a Jinx cosplayer at a con

I guess that's fair. I'll start posting it as alternate instead of better.

Maybe I just have stockholm syndrome of picking her because I would rather kill myself than play against her, but shes pretty fun.


But shes a man now user

bix nood?

Main characters/protags for each faction:



Yasuo or Zed



Sivir or Talia

Ashe or Sejuani

>Shadow Isles

Miss Fortune

>Bandle City
Tristana or Rumble

>The Void
Malzahar or Vel'Koz

>Mt. Targon

Is this correct y/n?

how fed was she


more than capable of playing ranked. game is just too shit for me to waste any actual time on it. maybe you'll understand when you're older

no, that's me. sorry

>longest range
*sneaks into 850 range compared to trist's 669 range*
hehhehhe I was hiding
*presses r*
*crits you and any bystanders to death while your jump is buffering*
*activates reset attack speed steroid camo*

you can have emiru AND ahri as long as i get fiora desu.


i want to fuck the gnAr

>Jhin has lowest ADC winrate
What happened??

I can kinda see an origin story for veigar, his lore is pretty based and displays a lot of the yordle interactions with the outside world
trist is definitly the normie bandle though not teemo hes like a comedic side character

shen obviously or akali

>thinking human males are handsome

he asked for a crusader champion and an answer was provided regardless of how viable the champion, and it's a good answer

>lance, armor, and standard
>light magic n stuff
>fight for his king

who /demacia/ here

> win after your team spams ff for ten minutes

no, i meant im ahri in real life. not fucking a real life ahri. silly goose

>Thinks Riven looks fun
>Usually enjoy playing aggressive top laners
>Doesn't wanna be apart of the sperglord Riven player base

Feels bad man

>Jhin was designed to apply hard AND soft CC AND heavy damage from a range so long that 95% of champion cannot retaliate against

remind me again of why do people think he's well designed

riven has one of the best playerbases in the game. they're always chill whether on the enemy team or my team

About on par with this Jinx.

I like the real lulu. The polymorph lulu. Not the anime girls dressed as lulu.

>not garen


use redeemed skin, and dont flame. that's a based riven player.

you can literally dodge all his skills and they have long ass wind up times and sound effects to warn you

oh i see what you did there
you're a clever user
I like you
do you like headpats?