Destiny General - /dg/


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?/6 for VoG

Im down


Where did that other, more superior, trap go?
Lillith or something like that?

pls gib sauce of that senpai

Kill yourself.


will you fuck my boipucci afterwards, pisscup?

>tfw Marty is gone
>tfw Michael is gone
>tfw Destiny 2 is gonna have shit music

i don't play games to listen to an audio book you fucking nerd

Are the PS4 players that needed WotM still around?

Adept did you still wanna VoG?

>Michael is gone
Salvatore? Source?

eh, sure.

would you be OK with a 392?

No, we're still stuck in this raid

Personally i don't care as long as your weapons aren't shit

I'm not that piece of shit degenerate.
You should still kill yourself.

you can invite me then, GT: Gnrl Vagueness

>tfw mida is no good anymore

I can feel the "wew's" in my bones already

t pisscup

same as it ever was.


Do you see me attaching a shitty picture of some autistic blue haired girl to every one of my posts?

stream it

Nice damage control you fucking faggot

good run guys.

this desu



>3.5 hours
>alpha memer bailed out
>all those DNFs
wew lad



Is it normal to not get the node for the RoI book hard mode WoTM if you do the 390 version? I got the achievement but no book node

Absolute shitters the lot of you.

what node in particular

>noobish nopeing the fuck out of there

i could but I have a face cam and this will be more than likelyhorrible

I left the second I finished



so disable the facecam you fucking idiot

>Jiro sticks around long enough for this shit flinging contest to finally come to an end
Probably because this is the first raid he was able to get into since RoI.
At least without getting immediately kicked.

The node in the Rise of Iron book for the Wrath of The Machine raid on heroic

you have to do the other hard mode version. the new 390 one doesn't count because bungo reasons.



Oh, that's fucking weird, I got the achievement too

I'll need to see if my friends got it though, pretty sure one of them said they got it

>only 9 HM WotM completions
>it's been out since October

Post your 5 most recent raids.

fucking destroyed


>tfw doing HM WoTM for the first time
>One guy gets bootyblasted because I haven't done it before and the challenge before
>Keeps blaming me when there's a mistake cause by him
>Keeps blaming me when he dies on right when i'm on left
>Tries to tell everyone they should kick me and get someone better in
>Everyone then says they'll just kick him
>He gets kicked and we finish Aksis 1st try
>Send him messages afterwards asking him if he still needs help since I finished
>Says he'll report me if I message him again
>Never fucked up a slam or supercharge

kek, it's hilarious how much salt some player on Destiny generate

>none of his characters are 400LL


Joined a group from lfg after this. We downed aksis in 2 attempts.

so who are the people responsible for this monstrosity? surely it wasn't everyone's first time?

We had been helping a guy learning how to do challenge mode. He'd beaten it normally but never attempted challenge.

We had one or two new people

Jiro and Pisscup?

Ziggy and jiro are trash. I've never played with fantastic ninja but he's trash. Pisscup wasn't on his hormones

>heh you haven't done any raids in y3
>b-but only hm wotm counts, and only your psn completions no less despite being your least favorite raid to participate in haha!
>what is swapping gear out for fashion
I've done challenge before

Shud i preorder on PS4? or PC?
I'm a bit worried with PC since the community might last longer on PS4 and shieet.
I want to preorder now too I wanna get in the beta nigga

555 hours

that brings your total up to 15, and it's been out for just over 30 weeks.

don't even know when the beta is going live. my guess is end of may or after E3.

What exactly is DNF?

Did not finish, I believe

down n fuck


>this boner raid

so.... this.... is the power....

>try to do arena
>everyone is laterally retarded and dont know how to stand under mine

do it yourself, then?

I'm trash, yet caused zero wipes after TeaCup left. Mhm, yeah, go fuck your face.

Beat it on everything except this new 390 mode, and never did challenge. Yet caused no bullshit once I learned the strat.

was pisscup using last word or something. it likes to throw raids.

Still looking for people to run Crota's end.
PS4: Threejohnny

just wait till reset when people actually want to run it for the rewards.

That was the saddest raid I've ever seen.

thanks for the Vault raid, it was fun, and I only contributed to like 2/3 of the wipes

still not as bad as the raid that made jiro quit xbone

Anyone on Xbone looking to raid?

Well, I should rephrase. That was the saddest raid I've seen all week. I was in a group full of retards last week who couldn't even do Templar and it took almost 2 hours. Yours wasn't as sad.



not the worst but still bad

I would but everyone here hates me.

here's the reason why it was so fucking bad

Is it 79 wipe-a-thon for cancer bad?

>23 kills
>sleeper at 340

Is it true you have no penis?

Post name and I'll add you. We'll already be 2/6



Jesus fucking christ. You would've been better off with just five people.
Which raid?

is it true you lost your dick?

lmao did you LFG this guy?

Suuuuure. Which raid?

Are you just gonna keep asking this question?