obligatory post mentioning how retarded invasions are. looking for mandatory (You)s mentioning how retarded reds are
Parker Murphy
Who keeps drawing these
Gavin Green
Wish ds3 had depth 5 root chalices
Ryder Long
And pet dragons!
I posted the wrong webm, no bully
Hunter Stewart
the dragonsisposters dummy
join us
Austin Phillips
nth for Best Covenant
Carson Allen
>undead match >everyone is using some fucking PvP gimmick build Well this isn't very fun, is it.
Landon Long
nth for enlightenment
Nathan Nelson
Very nice user.
James Carter
Jesus, how in the fuck do they expect you to get 1000 cracked redeyes without boosting your soul memory into the stratosphere? That doesnt even take into account all the invasions you might lose, meaning a wastes redeye. Tell me theirs some trick to this shit, why the fuck isnt their a real redeye orb.
Luis Scott
People who actually get off to cartoon animals need to seek help
My ACTUALLY MENTALLY HANDICAPPED BROTHER does it. He sits on cookie clicker all day, is unwashed and lives with my mum in a room covered in his own skin crust, with a horde of piling up figurines rising around him.
If you're actually someone that gets off to creatures, I know exactly what you're like and I want you out you disgusting roaches.
I'm coming for you
Alexander Powell
Anyone? I can mule stuff for you~!
Christopher Lee
Brayden Lee
Zachary Davis
Cooper Smith
Jackson Barnes
Austin Gomez
Lucifer was right about /dsg/.
Aiden Ramirez
Why did the ds3 dragon have to be so scrawny
Noah Edwards
How many souls?
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Dylan Stewart
What, still here?
Isaiah Young
I'm sure your actually-retarded brother also breathes air, that doesn't mean anyone else who does the same is also a retard. I'm starting to think you two share a lot more genes than one might expect.
Nathan Anderson
Agape Ring
David Evans
Some stacks of Chump Souls, Old Hands, Grand Chumps, and the like.
Connor Hughes
Put your trip back on, retard.
Alexander Wilson
is dragonsis cold or warm
asking for an amigo
Joshua Butler
Hand it over. That thing, your Dark Sword.
Wyatt Gutierrez
>the tongues going to storage >you must have 99 on you already
your mean
Cameron Ward
this should have been the final boss
the most "a fine dark soul to you" they could have done
Wyatt Gomez
Matthew Diaz
Which one would you be dsg?
Irythyll here, got that aquiline nose and pale as fuck.
Kayden Robinson
the dragonsis posters have came together and are now drawing their own characters there is no escape
Dominic Lee
Astora noble, probably. I got a more normal jaw though.
Chase Clark
>Not going for Great Swamp Outcast
Evan Peterson
none of those is an ugly shitskin
Ryder Green
Does not fix the "gotta spend souls on orbs" soul tax.
Luke Harris
>tfw kid but also squid
Christopher Rogers
Jack Long
Hunter James
Carim Novice reporting in
Jordan Myers
Most problems would be solved by increasing the endlag on rolls. Panic rolling would actually be a bad move instead just what you're supposed to do.
Isaiah Morris
>Origin: Milquetoast Finally I can play myself in a video game
Austin Martin
it is meant to be based of your actual features but oh well.
Dylan Martin
Anyone want to co op through the game using complementary builds?
Jayden Ward
yeah but you don't have a ps4
and it's NEVER coming to PERSONAL COMPUTER
Nathan Hernandez
>guy called samu of the east in ninja gear and nameless king chestpiece + katana >lags all over the arena and does running attacks with 2 meter ghost range towards all sides God damn it Samu fix your connection
Lincoln Hughes
Got that pallid skin tone, that hollow looking face, and that look that just begs for merciful death to come at last.
Gabriel Johnson
Being a furfag doesn't mean you're automatically an unsuccessful person. No one here is the cause of your problems nor the solution to your problems, seek help elsewhere. Only you can make the changes if you believe in yourself.
>I know exactly what you're like You think you do, but you don't
>I'm coming for you Get your priorities straight, user, I'm being as honest as I can be
John Smith
damn ringed knight ss is garbage for pyro builds
Adam Clark
Tyler Collins
Well of course, it's a quality weapon. Just dark infuse a longsword.
Josiah Evans
>Inkling >no guns >no Kos' Parasite
Kevin Nguyen
You are just as annoying. I really hope you are just bored, trolling and/ or underage. If you really get this buttblasted about people fapping to whatever gets them off. Even if the shithole called /pol/ might disagree people blowing their load to stuff other than white or asian girls doesnt the western society they love and hate at the same time. If you really get this fired up about people having a wank you need to reevaluate your life. We are on Veeky Forums. The people here, most definetly including you, are not doing anything productive anyway. >its still a girls name
That said why dont you lizard fuckers just make a thread on /d/ or whatever. Most people come here to discuss the actual game and not to post softcore dragon girl porn. You are actually derailing the thread as you can see with this retard who is thinking up stories just to "BTFO" you or however he would memespeak word it.
David Clark
I've started getting that DUMMY shit popping up when I lock on to people now. Is my graphics card toasted?
Parker Cook
oh its worth it later game to infuse with dark/chaos for my longsword? would it be better to infuse broadsword for more dammy?
been using onyx blade and raw longsword
Austin Cruz
Put your trip back on Lucifer
Ayden Roberts
Use the Onyx Blade and a dark infused straight sword
Jack Peterson
I will help you, if you can mule an armorset, a weapon and some rings over to my completely overdone cosplay build afterwards. Should I just mule the souls to another character of yours?
Xavier Fisher
Sure. What all do you need? Place is High Wall. Pass is charity
Adam Diaz
>running vilhelm's set in the arena >get paired up against full sister friede cosplay, name and all >do some emotes as a joke before we start fightin >DS3 server drops me in the middle of my first poke animation It was meant to be
Dominic Collins
What is it that makes DaS3 so fucking broing? I love the PvP, but making new builds is like toture
Landon Nguyen
What do you niggas use to make webms?
Ayden Cruz
Why is there always some autist who is complaining that he can't win in 1v4 invasons and that the odds aren't fair?
There are so many ways to deal with being out numbered. Do they just turn their brain off and run directly into 4 guys mashing r1s with ultras?
Cameron Carter
I just killed Gael (summoned a few phantoms, they sucked and died before phase 2), but is that it? That's the end of the DLC? It felt really pipelined from the bridge on, did I miss a path or something?
Joshua James
You failed her again
Andrew Bennett
>dark infused longsword it's like I'm really playing DaS2 again
Ian Hall
anob ate yio ookaty/?
Juan Nguyen
why dark and not chaos?
i'm at the point after dancer. what spells and rings should i be using? i'm at 3 attunement slots at the moment with 25/25 int and faith and dancer absolutely melted with dark spells
Brayden Rogers
I take 30 screenshots a second and put them in a powerpoint.
Xavier Parker
onlyafro good
lucifer bad
Josiah Rogers
do people really enjoy playing this game being carried by SL100+ phantoms? >be SL60 invading at Irithyll >get into world of host with 3 sunbros >a red gets in as well >they don't actually gank us, they come one at a time >red dies instantly to dlc2katana >I kill the 3 sunbros >all of them must've had finished builds by the weapons/spells they were using >return to my world with 60k souls
Ethan Stewart
>What is it that makes DaS3 so fucking broing? your own personal preferences, that's all.
David Butler
Dark is better against players since they usually have lower resistance to it. Chaos is probably better for PvE because a lot of enemies have a weakness to fire.
Carson Richardson
Carter Price
Out of these hard to tell, closest is probably commoner with fairer skin. My face is pretty close to the Dark Souls 1 Thorolund cleric preset though, sadly I cant find an image.
Connor Garcia
what's the relationship between the deep and the abyss
Ian Smith
>onlyafro good
Easton Taylor
Hudson Peterson
Daily Reminder that before Dark Souls 3 was even announced officially, there was a paired greatsword + straightsword weapon.
No such straightsword in the game exists that has this pommel and handle. No greatsword or ultra greatsword for that matter shares this ones design either.
This is likely the original design for "Hawkwood, the Deserter". Possibly was an ex Londor Knight, instead of a Artoriasfanclub....dragonfucker...guy
The Fallen Knight set and this weapon were seemingly some of the first content we saw for this game, but the weapon does not exist at all.
Does this things model and animations exist in the files somewhere? It was clearly ingame at some point.
Elijah Morales
look at aldrich. the abyss hath yet to produce any such creature.
Kayden Johnson
Exact same thing
Caleb Peterson
Drop your red sign, I summon you, you drop me the souls, I summon your other character and drop him the souls + the stuff that I need on my character, then I resummon you with the character that I need the stuff on and you drop it for me alright?
Gabriel Anderson
Really got me good with that one. Why dont you make a trip btw would fit your avatarfagging.
Parker Ortiz
why wasn't the fallen knight armor the game cover instead of the final boss demons:fluted ds1:elite knight oscar ds2:faraam bb:hunter set ds3:?????
Joseph Ross
Yep. You can back up your save to keep the souls if you like.
Jayden Cruz
I tried to replicate that stuff earlier and Hawkwood's Shield does go somewhat decently with the Fallen set. No matching sword though. The Claymore and its sheath are too pristine, and the Executioner's Sword isn't the right type.
Would definitely be interesting to see if the paired stuff exists though.
Hudson Richardson
How did you do that?
Parker King
>the character has 2 weapons and 1 is on their back instead of them holding it >this is supposed to be a paired weapon
Are you retarded? It's just a sheathed weapon like in DS2.
Jeremiah Morgan
From personal experience dark resistance is the least common in both PvP and PvE
Adam Wood
>an item from a piece of concept art/screenshot from an alpha build got cut from a game holy shit user.....you might be on to something...
Austin Thompson
Sure, I would require some souls on that character too if you wouldn't mind dropping me some. Unless you won't back up your save in that case I'll just farm.
Mason Turner
wait, dark souls has artorias
Evan Hill
>It's just a sheathed weapon like in DS2. DS2 had no fucking sheaths, mingebag.
Evan Evans
A few threads back some kind user walked me through it and now I use what they told me.
Carson Price
>tfw the fallen knight set will forever be the shitter attire
Connor Jackson
It is. It's split damage but you do get a pretty high AR. Onyx is great too though.
And I'd say no to the broadsword purely because it's stubby and I don't like the R2.