/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Demo Day in 8 days edition

> Upcoming Demo Day 14

> Play Demo Day 13!

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ryan jake lambourn/

>no monster jam link in the OP
fuck u

Friendly reminder that Monster Jam is officially ON.

Always wanted to make a game where you SINK CITIES as a GIANT WORM?



>officially on
>actually starts in 1 month
what did he meme by this

What should I use for 2D mobile games? I heard unity is overkill and game maker cost like $600+ for extensions. Is there a more affordable alternative or do I just have to suck it up and learn all the higher level programming?

Godot is free, I haven't tried its mobile export but there are some mobile games floating around

unity is the easiest



godot is the easiest, not meming, it's intuitive asf


Unity is babby's gamejam engine, it's super easy to use.

you too

Why the fuck do companies go to such lengths to create engines like Unity without having a basic sprite editor

I mean what we have works but I'd prefer that shit to be interpreted

by overkill I mean takes up too many resources for a 2D game - not overkill in the "building my own engine is hard" part.

so when did you realize that you'll never make it?

The only thing game maker has over unity is the integrated sprite/tile system which saves a decent amount of time

No idea

When I realized that you actually have to be original.
Coding is not that hard to learn, art also not, but having original ideas is something I don't know how to learn.

Just make a puzzle game, it's easy to be original.

Art is still difficult for me cause I'm new at it. I don't even want to think about eventually putting in sound

You say it like Unity was made from ground up for 2D games or some shit...

Trick question, we're all gonna make it

>it's easy to be original
No, it's not. At least in the genre I want to make games. It's like everything has been already done.

love this meme

When the longer I developed something the farther the end seemed to be.


Multiplayer DAW when?

When I divided the number of "made it" devs in the past 10 years by the number of "attempted to make it" devs in the past 10 years.

That number was very close to 0.
But then I redefined "making it" to be having fun and learning and discussing gamedev, so now that number is quite close to 1 and I'm definitely going to make it.

Oh come on it's a month away, it doesn't need to be in the OP right away. Demo Days are more important. The Monster jam link will go in the OP after Demo Day.

I want to create a text based game with options being displayed as buttons instead of manual inputs. What tool should I look into? Twine? Quest?

I always went with that definition of "making it". Max comfy, makes all the AGDG salt a joke.

And I imagine that attitude contributed to me actually finishing games, as well.

Just use a synched dropbox

When I first started game dev I started with pong, and then jumped right into my dream game.
Realized it was a lot harder than I ever imagined it would be. So I accepted it will probably take many years to get to my dream game. So now I just make small games and have fun with it.

I think Bitwig was supposed to have that, I'm not sure if they actually did it.

Right before I even started. But I needed a new hobby to take my mind away from my life so there you go.

Twine is most common I believe. Glulx is the format I've seen second most often for interactive stories, especially slightly older ones though.

Use a third party sprite editor. Sprite based games are for hobbyist entry level memers which is why they won't implement something like it.

reminder that dd9 was best demo day

I've got a lot of fanart but I'm still fucking upset I didnt get in there


If you defend gogem you are gogem and we can all see it. So fuck off, gogem, and stop trying to defend yourself with samefagging. You've already been caught like a thousand times you faggot moron kys

>all them dead games

So did pugdev just move on or something?

>deliberately do something or ask something to provoke people
>be a bitch when they react
This is a pattern of behavior that everyone notices about Ryan even outside agdg. He is a faggot who constantly craves negative attention because he knows how worthless he is as an artist, game dev and member of society, he craves abuse and negativity and is an open pedophile in a country that is extremely politically correct.

Like seriously if the planet itself could flick gogem off into space it probably would but there is already natural systems in place to make sure "people" like gogem don't get anywhere.

it's the indie dev cycle

move on when you come up with a new idea


>tfw I almost participated but decided not to


Don't forget to donate!


>$0 per month

I almost want to donate because I feel bad for him.

You don't necessarily have to do something unique, as long as you do it well.

still jealous that I could actually finish a loli game?

That is the sadest thing that i have seen in a while. Maybe YOU will get a few $ now that you posted it here.

>agdg gamejams are stupid and i will never do them
>eagerly smears his videos with agdg logo begging for positive upboats on his child rape game

anyone wanna make a game in construct 2 together?
more accurately, anyone want to be my code monkey for immediate compensation?

I have an artists and I handle game design + server code.

i'm use this pitch when i finish my awesome super game, for giggles.

it's been posted a whole bunch of times by now
the fact that it's still 0 really drives the point home

>immediate compensation
SORRY I meant NO immediate compensation

>p-pls give me money my games don't actually sell i was just lying all this time
>remember those fans i kept saying i have and followers yeah i have zero and every subscriber i have i bought from fiverrr.com the same place i find my pajeet coders to program my menu simulator for me because it's too hard
>I swear I have b-bills to pay that's why I have no moneys it's not because i make no moneys
Wants us to believe he's super edgy and doesn't care what people think and has made plenty of money. Cries everytime he receives negative attention, lives with his fucking mom taking disability checks and begs anons on Veeky Forums to give him money.

He loves game jams when they are mainstream. The one game he is most proud of he made for a pewdiepie game jam. I have yet to see him acknowledge that he has been shitposting about gamejams for the past 4 years. He has the self awareness of a jellyfish.

>why the fuck won't companies include every possible feature in their product?

I understand that Unity is severly lacking, but you can't expect a company to include every kind of a module like that. If this would get included, what about a basic 3d editor? Sound mixer?

>gogem does anime reviews
i didn't know acca 13 existed

Why are there so many nodevs absolutely obsessed with shitting on Goog all the time? Seriously, what's the point? They're just harassing one of the few yesdevs that comes by here.

Like, I understand they're bitter and jealous, but could they not shit up my general?

t. googem

This is only the second time I've seen it. The first time gogem just posted the youtube without context (he does this whenever he knows he's advertising). It got deleted in 2 minutes for advertising.

There have been some funny moments of him trying to shill outside of agdg too never forget this one because he just said his name like a tard expecting everyone on /v/ to know who he was.

>hey /v/, i'm Ryan Jake Lambourn, developer of webm-related game, Whip the Vote, but you might know me as the developer of Restricted-RPS or Social Interaction Trainer or Sprite Smash or The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary or V-Tech Rampage or maybe just know me as that Australian cunt from Veeky Forums's AGDG.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ryan jake lambourn/

>w-well played
He is such a cuck. He wants us to believe he's edgy and he is a super snot nosed faggot to us but once he slinks out to /v/ it's all cock-gobbler mode. Gogem has never been anything but a wannabe.

he'd probably spend it on candy to use it to lure innocent children into his van so better not

>only ever posted on AGDG
>surprised it's at $0

Flash or HTML5 for good portability.
This is just a simple GoTo program that you can make in any language effortlessly.

To the kind user giving me dumb monster drawings. This guy was upscaled which I could fix, but it was like, x3.5 which i thought it was weird.

And If anyone else wants their dumb monster as a random encounter, send me a 128x128 doodle of it facing left. Provide a name and 1 sentence description or else I'm using my own interpretation.

>Sprite Smash
Does a single person here know what that is? Why did he expect /v/ to?

git is too complicated

Who said we were surprised, Ryan?

You don't advertise your panhandling websites outside of agdg anymore because you know you will be banned again.

This picture is the AGDG canon. If your game's not in there, you ain't never gonna be street.

There's only like 3 concepts you need to learn and like 7ish commands.

so what's the story with all that code?

your game must have been shit

don't worry he'll never make it anyways

I think it was some guy who was hardcoding his tiles or something.

>h-h-hey r-reddit it's m-me m-morty from rick and morty
>I SELL GAMES TO MAKE MONEY (except I don't because now I'm begging you for money)

Fucking JUST

When do you start drumming up interest for a game? Besides posting here, making a Tumblr, maybe a website and twitter, and using reddit, what else is there?

For a person who is currently receiving $0 in funding after making games for 5 years gogem has some very high opinions of himself. These yesdev videos are like he thinks he is at the GDC or something. He talks like he believes he is a developer who has already made six figures.

Can someone explain why I would take advice from someone with zero fans who is begging Veeky Forums for money?

He just slowly read the synopsis of every show in the season in annoying voice.
Can't even pronounce "adaptation" right.

>I paywall my games to make money
>but if I don't I would be poor
But you are poor. And you don't make money. ?

Attention. Or he's lying about his past. Based on the patreon and the wording of his reward tiers I'd peg him at around 16-19.

>Can someone explain why I would take advice from someone with zero fans who is begging Veeky Forums for money?
youre supposed to be dazzled by production value or something
be impressed with how he slices stolen progress post webms from agdg together and mumbles over them with reddit word stamps.

Use hg. I'd actually say use svn, but it is too unpopular in the internets.

Doubt it's on purpose.

Reddit and Morty wasn't very popular in 2014 and gogem doesn't seem like the guy to watch american cartoons.

>like he thinks he is at the GDC or something
imagine if gogem got to give a GDC talk
like a sandy hook or loli sim postmortem (heh)

>Or he's lying about his past.
He has shown the few thousand dollars he has earned over the past 3 or 4 years and says that is financial success which it clearly is not.

The real thing he is lying about is his entire perception of reality. He knows that we know he is broke but continues to lie even in the very video where he is asking us for money. It's a disorder.

why do you say that

>Based on the patreon and the wording of his reward tiers I'd peg him at around 16-19
It only gets more sad when you realize that he's over 30.
His life is well over, and I think he knows it.

>all these thumbs downs
kek he should start hiding views subs and thumbs it all makes him look worse

SVN is a bit simpler than git, but there are hundreds of reasons git is better. Dude should just read about how commit trees work and google every time he doesn't know what to do.

Sorry, didn't think of that. I'll keep that in mind if I do any more doodling. This one might be upscaled too, though.

He was 27 in 2013 according to the dailymail.


He's probably not lying about anything.

downvoted because the guy at the start of the video has a mouth

you're violating your own artistic vision and it's disgusting


>tfw you never gonna make it
>tfw you never will even become remembered on /agdg/ due to being in group fanart

Oh :(

Well at least he makes a good augury of things to come for nodevs and angrydevs

That's nothing. This is the video from a few months back where he admitted he was stealing our progress posts without citing our games.

>You can't really expect me to know whos games all these clips belong to so take your credit with a comment.

We are his target audience but for some reason he wants to pick fights. Nobody outside of agdg pays attention to gogem so all these views are from us. He antagonizes everyone he comes across and then turns around and asks for favors.

And then there was the begging for paying work from Aviary Attorney dev who he later tried to campaign against on twitter. And the begging Clarent to do artwork for them but they wouldn't let him so he just started shitting on the art and shitposting about Clarent. It really never ends with the goo.

If I knew where to find him, I'd consider making an example of him myself, desu

>he slices stolen progress post webms from agdg
wtf I just checked one of his videos and found my post

What aspect of game dev do you find most difficult?

For me it's the animations

That's a golden opportunity to report and get him DMCA'd, user.
Please do it.

>the guy at the start of the video has a mouth
Oh shit you're right. I thought it was a pair of hotdogs.

No wonder he avoids drawing mouths. And eyes. And females.