Cars that were commonplace for a long time but have disappeared recently

Cars that were commonplace for a long time but have disappeared recently

I have only seen 3 of these in the last 10 years.


Crossovers don't even need to exist we already had the in between for a car and SUV



Where I live in Australia these have become far less common in the last 3 years, I'm not sure why as they're quite reliable, practical cars.

Blue collar affordable MR




>chris-chan owned a car before 90% of Veeky Forums


I'm just now starting to notice when I see these on the road

that's sad but true

>Implying she's a virgin

doesn't he have a cadillac or a Focus or something nowadays?

Yeah, in '13 he replaced the Escort with a hand-me-down Seville, then sold that and bought a '09 Focus which he drives to this day.

Pic is from June 2017, fucking cringe.


Fuuuugggg mane....

I still see voyagers/Tcs and siennas occasionally but SHIT cant recall the last time Ive seen one of these ugly space toasters on the road. They used to be everywhere, its like they disappeared overnight.

there's actually two of them in a neighborhood about 6 blocks from me. one's a Lumina and one's a TransSport. They're less than a block away from each other. Other than that, haven't seen one in forever. The whole neighborhood feels like it's stuck in 2004.

Damn I want one.


That's still one of my favorite looking Japanese sedans, especially the wagon.

those are still fucking everywhere here.

t. socal

They look great but they are complete shit mechanically.

>all the B-bodies have gone
>Panthers are already starting to go the same way
>tfw you lived to witness the death of the classic American road boat
feels bad, man

I'm bummed that I don't see mkII golfs or jettas any more. I think it's been years since the last one I saw randomly.

B-bodies and Panthers are everywhere in the Midwest. You can't go a mile without seeing one.

I see these a bit. Uncommon, but i still see them. But they used to be everywhere.
>mkll golfs
Now that's a car that's rare as fuck. I don't know if I've ever seen one irl. Maybe once or twice.

Most of those have been ruined by kids over here at Europe. Some barely hang on to life, rest are trashed.

It's a crying shame. It's the same with most of the old mazda 626 and 323 models as well as a lot of other old shitboxes. At least there's plenty of volvos here in scandiland.

Virtually extinct in Europe. Shipped to Africa by the thousands.

Hope you niggers enjoy them.

Right in the fucking feels.

I live in the salt murdering belt.
All mk4 vws are gone.
All pontiac grand prix are gone
All sunfire are gone (cobalts are becoming increasingly rare)
There are barely no minivans left
All 2000 2005 civic are gone. Althought there are plengy of ek9 left.
All first gen accent are gone.
Dodge dakota, chevy s10, ford ranger are nowhere to be found .

It is sad that there is barely any car that gets through the 10 years. I have a 2009 honda accord and the floor pan is already rusted throughout.

fuck CARS

These ugly motherfuckers. There's exactly one left in my city as far as I know.

mk2s are extremely common in the UK
probably the most common car from that era still around

ill be honest, i miss my gen1 SHO


I miss those dogs. At least there are plenty of gtp left.

There's a wagon neat me aside from that I haven't seen one in ages.

gov't efforts to reduce the number of old cars on the street
it's sad, really. Shittons of old reliable cars thrown away to buy brand new shitboxes that wont even see 200k km without breaking apart.

Plenty of 4-door 4AGE models in Australia, however they are starting to become a rarity, the FX16 is really popular in NZ.

I still see lots of 90s/2000s Panthers, but I see virtually no B-bodies.

>4-door hatchback

if only

Those old Ford Taurus wagons dissapeared completely around like 2010-2011. Used to be at least two dozen in my town and then they were just gone overnight.

Also, I only see a PT Cruiser like once a month now when they used to be as common as Accords in my area.

I've seen a fair amount in my area. All the sedans are basically destroyed, and all the coupes, only ever GTPs, always have blue plated (NJ tags were blue almost 20 years ago). Used parts are nigh impossible to find, only ever saw 3 total GPs in about 20 junkyards, all sedans.

said no one

Fuck off. Kas are brilliant.

I have always, always, always wanted one.

>1.3l pushrod inline 4

These were everywhere and then poof...gone

First gen Neons have vanished up here in new England. 5 years ago they were hitting the junkyards hard but now its rare to even see one there


All probably died from cancer

These too

I love how I can go on o and still find cwc fans

>live near asian area

you wouldn't know they ever went out of production round me

In standard form they are quite a find though, did a double take yesterday when I saw a rough 5 door 'Driver' spec in white, J reg I think

The gen that came after's all but vanished too.

panthers? i dunno man, I see more privately owned panthers these days than at any point in the past 10 years. They seemed to skyrocket in popularity when gas prices collapsed last summer. And not all driven by old guys. some driven by younger dudes.

And this is in NY

I've got a neighbor that has one. he's missing a chunk out of his rear driver side bumper and it rustles my autism

There's a guy that lives two streets up from where I live and it's red but it's literally the only one I see


are you insane? these fucking things are still all over the place.

fug my old neighbor used one of those as a mobile hunting/fishing cabin, actually had a pretty nice set up in it. he wanted to diesel swap it to make it the perfect bug-out vehicle.

I think a lot of my european comrades can relate

This one is also gone, but unlike the HiAce/HiClass I am glad that its gone

So many childhood memories playing Game Boy in the back of a Cutlass. Fuck.

They weren't as common here where I live, but now its super rare to see them.

Mk2 golfs and jettas are practically everywhere here in greece.

Almost all the shitboxes some people here say are
their ''dream cars'' are fucking everywhere because of regulations not allowing anyone to have a car over 2000cc without paying a stupid ''bad for the environment'' meme tax.

Everyone in the EU is a cuck.
God save us.

also pic related

pic related is now doomed, havent seen single one since like 5 years ago

Previas went the way of the dodo

basically anything Buick or Chrysler i rarely see nowadays

>2 tons

Who gives a shit? They're indistinguishable from every other FWD GM shitbox from that era

they probably all came to Canada because they are fucking EVERYWHERE

Eastern Europe here, still see a few of em around. Pic related is all but gone tho, same with those old Datsuns.

pinpoint the exact time you saw pic related in decent condition

>pro-tip: impossible

>Eastern Europe here
Eastern Yurop here too. The pop-up headlight nowhere to be found and/or seen. 2 or 3 of them are for sale in pretty shit condition. The BA 323F is also rare, more of them on sale (10-15), seen like 3-5 on the road and god knows if someone drives them, probably elderly's car that sits there rusting. Yours pic related havent seen in real life at all. Born too late, I guess.

>decent condition
One guy from our school (I finished already) has one, but hatchback (which is even cooler). Not only that, it is 92kw powered (or 96?). Fucking lucky bastard. He was selling it for 800 euros. Its average condition. But thats about it, havent seen other ones at all, let alone "decent" condition.

Oh fuck yes. Those and the old mazda e2200 vans. They used to be all over in denmark, but we salt our roads, so they've all rotted up by now, sadly.

My brother had one of those and it was the first car I really drove around a lot when I just got my driver's license. My parents also had one when I was a kid, so they're really special to me. Haven't seen one in ages now.


Go to any low income predominantly black neighborhood, you'll see a ton of them.

My university still uses Taurus wagons as the main staff transport. Just tons of Taurus wagons driving around campus all day

Allow me to 1-up you.


And I'll also 1-up myself for good measure.

H plate muh nigguh

When I was in primary school, at least half the kids got picked up by these things after school. They were fucking everywhere, as were VW Sharans and their Seat counterpart.
It's like all those minivans just spontaneously dropped dead a few years later.

These used to be everywhere here, every street atleast a couple.

Now almost extinct, although i saw quite a few still running in Berlin recently.

Sharans, Galaxys and Alhambras are still being used here. Grand Voyagers too, but less, because German parts are cheaper and more them on junkyards. Taxi uses them often too.

Funny and also sad. Veeky Forums's beloved Civic is going away from us, deep to the graveyard for lifetime sleep. Please, stop the time. I can't hold these feels anymore.

The sooner I stop hearing fart cans the better.

I've changed the oil on 3 of those in the last couple months

I live in southern california and I'm visiting my grandparents in rural Iowa right now and I feel like every other car here is a GM W Body its fucking surreal.

Blame painters for using up these vans. Personally Idgaf but they did have a lot of interior room for how small the outside is

There are also unmolested ones, driven by elderly or just people that need eco DD.

Maybe 2% are un-riced and bone stock. The others have fart cans and a gigantic oil stain above the exhaust.

I swear to fuck, these things completely disappeared overnight.

Shame, I thought they looked cool.

I remember hearing something about them using shitty soviet steel which caused them to rust at amazing speeds.

Damn my grandpa used to have one, i always thought i would die when it turned because there was so much bodyroll, complete rustbuckets though.