>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Azura is shit.
Reposting since thread ended.
Should I start giving her skills. She's already a +1 or should I wait for a better roll
Didn't get Ike with my 80 orbs. Didn't get any 5 stars actually. Guess I'll start saving up for Zigludo
t. Lushitnafag
Delete this right now
what do i put on +spd takumi and +spd nino?
do you only put vantage on takumi and change nothing else?
Azura a best
Gauis x Tharja a best and canon
What good skills for Jeorge +ATT -HP ?
> These are the first Heroes to appear from Path of Radiance
> Sanaki is an NPC in PoR
Objectively better Tellius lord
Ike a shit.
I'm saving all my orbs for Miccy.
>You hired me, I said I'd get to work. See? I did. Glad to give you everything I have.
Geez Ike, I just wanted to say hi, you don't need to be so passive aggressive about it.
>Got 3 bunnies all with shit IV's
>Got Clair and Faye with shit IV's
>Spent all my orbs on this banner and didn't even get a 5* unit
Welp... at least I still have my +ATK -SPD Reinhardt
i want to smell her latex-ish tights
i guess we'll just have to keep this thread occasionally bumped so that it can be used when the four-hour old early lucina thread reaches 700
Ursula is free, Gunter is free, Xander is free, Camus will presumably be free, and Gunter is free. You have everything you need for free aside from Ward Cav and Ayyliwood isn't exactly rare
If you get a better one you can just merge her into it and she'll inherit all the skills anyway.
>cropped porn gets deleted but not early threads
wish mods were consistent
We didn't get flooded with new threads so probably a jani that isn't focused in cleaning our autism just passed away.
>just passed away
Emergency! EMERGENCY!
>Tfw you wanted Echoes to have good gameplay
Now we'll never have a Gaiden remake with good map design
>+atk/-def Lucina
What skills should I give her? Didn't play the game for quite some time and don't really know what's good for her.
It does though.
Fury, desperation.
Gotcha. Short question though. Is fury better than Life and Death? (not that I complain since it's cheaper)
She heals a bit of fury's damage so it's better for her.
You want to explain that?
I'm torn between a -hp +res tharja or a +atk -res hana. Consider that my best unit is another red, is it worth to level either one to 5?
Well what don't you like about it?
Why is Ike so socially awkward?
I shouldn't have to tell you. You should already have an argument on hand for Echoes having good map design considering you felt the need to tell me it does though.
You said you wanted Echoes to have good gameplay which implies you thought it didn't. You should be able to tell me what you don't like about it and defend your point.
I think the map design is decent. There are some stinkers like most dungeon maps, the one where you first fight Berkut, etc. But there are some really good ones as well like Zofia Castle, The Flood Gate, Grieth's Fort, etc. Terrain is more important as well which makes it interesting.
SMELL Lucina!
Pump and dump Laura
Me on the right
Absolutely not!
Why is Micaiah so THICC?
Laura is a pure village maiden, you swine. You'll destroy her chance to ever be a happy housewife by defiling her and leaving her with your rotten bastard child.
>tfw saved up 220+ gems for Soren
>none of the summoning circles after 6 attempts have any green orbs
>pull for Ike
>Tharja +spd/-res
Sex with mommy Camilla!
>Got Hector instead
Not sure how I feel about this
I wanna bury my existence in her bosom!
Does anyone have a fresh Ike + Ryoma/Takumi/Hector account they're fine giving away? Is there a safe place to buy those if it comes down to it? I'm having terrible luck with rerolls.
When are we gonna get a green cavalier that isn't dog shit?
Are there even any Fire Emblem characters that could fit such a role?
Why are Micaiah's fans so RETARDED?
if you wanted an actual discussion go to Reddit or even Gamefaqs. he's going to give a no u it sux with some spicy maymays
Lex and Keiran, I guess.
>pulled a 5* +HP -Atk Soren
>and a 5*+Def -Atk Mist
What the fuck do I do with this?
Why is the english voice acting for Echoes so bad? I just heard it and it sounds terrible.
Have you forgotten the mighty and loyal Kieran, you fiend?!
I like it.
It's pretty solid actually. Way better than Fates desu.
There's literally nothing wrong with a -Atk healer.
As for that Soren, find someone who can use Watersweep.
Why are villagers the best girls?
>actual discussion
how about you drop this spicy maymay instead?
Plowing Nowi's tight dragon pussy all night~
Light magic is Blue in Heroes, so she'll probably be a Blue Lilina/Julia
She might be good if she gets a personal tome but otherwise people are just gonna keep with Linde. Heck they'll keep with Linde anyway.
I want to have sex with _____!
B_eed the Tikis!
Calm down, every FE girl ever.
me on the right
No, man. There are other shitty village girls like Meg and Mozu also.
She is also a starter unit so she doesn't get a boon nature when she'd love to have a Spd boon. 38 Spd is good but ever since SI stats have been inflated tremendously, especially the Spd stat.
There is only one answer.
>tfw you will never lick the tears off Tiki's face and get a stat boost from it
I wonder if her sweat would do the same thing haha
Just started playing Heroes
Got Bartre on my first roll
I like this game
Faye is great
She'll probably be Blue Julia to complete the trio with her little sister, Snacki. I wonder what they'll do for Thani.
I got Lachesis's brother with +Atk/-Res
Yay or Nay?
Got him on my very last roll
>the way Luthier goes "y-yeah o-okay" after telling his imouto about making his first friend
Wow, this guy is perfect.
Blarwolf with 14 mt
>obsessed and delusional with no major characteristics beyond her thirst for an uniterested man
No, man.
I'd be furious.
>implying she's not getting Cleric'd
will be obsolete in ~2 weeks
t. Azurafag