Name something you love and hate about each

>name something you love and hate about each

I like that they all have great designs and performance.
I hate that they are all overpriced.

>Comparable to AMG or BMW

No coupe or Wagon CTS-V now

Good : True luxury euromuscle
Bad : Seem to twin turbo V8s and V12s whilst only making little to no gains over a naturally aspirated V8 for some bizarre reason.

>Caddilac V
Good : Fast and engaging.
Bad : Not true luxury, too gaudy and insincere, more like Acura tier, not like M-B or Jag etc.

Good : Best of the three, M2, 1M
Bad : X6M/X5M makes me want to destroy my eyes when I see them

Love: V8s, something ferd is too numale for.
Hate: maintenance
Love: god-tier driving dynamics, superb engineered platforms like the Alpha and Omega. Omega especially since its so light for its physical presence.
Hate: infotainment, fingerprint magnet gloss and gauge cluster on ATS.
Love: one of the few manufacturers to still be making straight sixes for performance cars. watercooled stuff in the engine of the M4 GTS is cool.
Hate: Camaro overshadows the "ultimate driving machine" aspect of them and makes it seem like a meme. BMW has been shown to have the highest maintenance of almost any
mainstream brand.

fuck off with this wagon meme. it only makes the car uglier and slower

But the wagon had the fastest track times because the extra weight improves weight distribution and traction

Source? I am smelling bs, but if it's really true I will apologize user


Good: most luxurious

Bad: maintenance, cost


Good: tons of moels

Bad: they stick the M logo on EVERYTHING


Good: Best driving dynamics and fastest of the 3

Bad: too little models, and the XT5 and CT6 aren't getting the V treatment

>giving a crossover the performance treatment

like M and AMG don't

X6M and X5M are the fastest SUV's on the planet though
faster on track than the M3

I can understand that but they 2uggo4me

the ats v is slower than the competing m3/M4 though

That's an SUV or SAV (Sports Activity Vehicle) not a crossover.


>top gear
>with a living meme at the wheel


Still doesn't disprove what he's saying







What the hell is that?


God-tier sound, shitty engineering
Looks pretty, but too heavy and not as "luxury" as the others
Nice metrics on the track, but fuck their jew-tier pricing

SRT>all of the above

They've done very well with their v8's, very smooth driving.

I hate that they're so heavy and I don't like the interiors.

>Cadillac V

I mean, they're trying at least. The build quality isn't anywhere close to merc/bmw and their marketing is practically nonexistent


The best looking aside from amg's halo cars. Best handling, driving dynamics and consistently fast. Still doing great things with the inline 6 (M2, M4).

When it comes to V8's they're still ironing out issues, no more naturally aspirated engines, some cars are stupidly overpriced

What exactly is Cadillac missing to get europoor fanboy approval? I got to test drive the new ATS-V and CTS-V yesterday along with some others. Some autist told the Cadillac representatives that it was great and all but he likes AMG and M more, the representatives just said they heard this last generation, the CTS-V went through a complete redesign and you can't make everyone happy.

Dropped the ball this generation. Only the M2 is worthy while everything else above it is BMW cucking their customers.

Their engines have always been impressive and it's the only one of the mentioned marques that has a true sportscar in their lineup. Although the badge has become so prolific that it's basically just another trim level for each car. It's good since you can get an sedans, coupes, and SUVs large and small, but it sort of dilutes the brand. Styling is also a hit against it.

Good performance and nice styling inside and out, but the downside is that we only have the two models to base this off of. Your only choices are the large CTS sedan or the smaller ATS. It'd be interesting to see them start a new-generation XLR or give the Escalade the performance treatment just so they can offer some variety.

unreliable overpriced shitbox
unreliable overpiced shitbox

I hate dodge with a passion but SRT is pretty solid. It's almost a shame they have people at that skill level working for Dodge.

>American but at least trying compared to the other amerishart brands.
>Also German

All my favorite things are German. The the only American brand at least trying to learn how to in2luxury is Cadaladadingdong.

Love: sound
Hate: fat, the new 4 cylinder one

Love: CTS-V 6MT sedan and wagon
Hate: Everything else

Love: Old M
Hate: The "M package" badges on fucking EVERYTHING, everything M car post E92, the way the current M3/4 sounds

>V shit or just Caddy V
>Delusional OP thinks they are equal to AMG, M, and RS/quattro.

muh side


picrelated: True Teutonic Triumvirate

Dodge is my favorite car maker. I know that they're garbage and hate people who like them though.

i dont care if this is the best line of cars ever made in history (they arent), i hope every employee past present and future of mercedes gets raped by migrants for fucking up usa import laws
>v flag
the sc v8 manual luxobarge/wagon was absolutely fucking tits and they got rid of it for fucking v6 turbos. also no sixteen. i always liked the coat of arms on their older hood ornaments.
>slashslashslash m
used to be the ultimate driving machine, but now its just another selloutmobile badge they overcharge for that cant outdo a fucking $40k camaro

>It's almost a shame they have people at that skill level working for Dodge
I might be wrong about this, but didn't the SRT guys teach Mercedes engineers something? It could have been just shitpost I saw.

The third gen CTS-V is a 640hp sc V8. Auto only now though. The ATS-V has the v6 twin turbo.

On Jay Lenos Garage a SRT employee said they had to teach Mercedes engineers burnouts and having fun. Mercedes owned Chrysler from the 90's to 2007 so there was a lot of joint efforts.

Love: Amazing machines.
Hate: Where is my A63?
Love: Sport, fun machines
Hate: Why 4WD?
Love: lolwut... I mean, who want to drive a unreliable, overpriced chevy niggermobile?
Hate: German-wannabe. Caddy needs to go back to its original root, a big old slow yatchland

I don't see V belonging to the group where has AMG, M, and quattro or RS.

>Pay for ceramic disc package
>Only get two

>triggered poorfag


Are you retarded or just ignorant?

>Auto only now though
even more disgusting

>what is teuton

Nothing. Kaisershit meme car for gold chain wearing eastern eurotards who want to pull high priced escorts or pretend they're in the mob. V-6/8/12 engine is nice tho, comfortably sits at higher mph.

Caddy: The last real bastion of american luxury brands, nice interior, insanely powerful engine, although from what i hear the headliner inside isn't all that luxurious....but who cares? And those wagons... holy shit. >inb4 nignogmobile when was the last time you saw a hood rat in a v series?

M series: for trust fund chads, spoiled rich girls with daddy's money, and wagecucks trying too hard. nothing redeemable.

b-but he used the word 'meme'. Doesn't that mean he automatically wins?

>Super fast but it's gonna have electrical issues
>Upscaled shit GM vehicle
>Used to be an great enthusiast thing but it's shit now.

>delusional auditard thinks RS/quatro is on the same level as AMG or M

actually, its mercedes and bmw which are not at the level of audi

>literally one good car in the last 20 years

compared to literally 0 good cars from bmw and MB in the last 20 years?

Now the auditard is spinning his wheels cuz he's mad, so much for quattro

Unless, you dont see i8 as a supercar. That's ur opinion.

Audi: R8
BMW: i8 or M8 that will be revealed soon
Caddy: they can't into supercar.

I thought this, like the 911 was a "GT" (Grand Tour) car?
>BMW: i8
Does it just have to be mid-engine to be a "super car"?

>literally a prius
>a supercar

lol, the GT is only a recent car, and the SLS was a mere GT

nice, keep sperging

stay BTFO

Are you a 12 year old mudskin by any chance?
You consider the i8 a supercar when it's an awful car all around
If caddy wanted to make a supercar they could

Lap is lagune seca. Remember the caddy is a two ton behemoth luxobarge

>anime image
>retarded, objectively false statement

>objectvely false

prove it then

assmad GM fangirl detected

You're making the claim, you prove to me by reasonable metrics how bmw or merc haven't made a good car in 20 years, retard

easy, just check their lineup during the last 20 years, not a single good car

perhaps the only car worthy of note is the new m6 4 door coupe whatever

pro: they are fast cars

con: it doesn't matter if it's the AMGxlesuperultra model, someone pulls up in the cheapest bentley and BTFO any benz

>perhaps the only car worthy of note is the new m6 4 door coupe whatever

previous gen m6 was better, boom proven wrong

>5,500 lb luxobarge
>btfoing anyone

Nah dude

>bangle m6

come on now


6.75 litre V8 Twin Turbo or 6 litre W12.. pick one