Why do people have after market wheels?

Why do people have after market wheels?

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cause im diffrint! >:(

Because OEM wheels look like shit.

Bring back the good ol' Starion & Supra wheels.

because they broke there old wheels because hardcore

Because steel is too reliable.

Poor taste. Also stop cockposting.

Why not?

Grats on the awful thread

to clear bigger brakes. i actually like my stock wheels better.

>implying most people who get aftermarket wheels do jack shit to their brakes
retards think bigger wheels are always better and they end up looking ridiculous and out of proportion

drilled and slotted looks a bit excessive imo, either one or the other not both

not implying that, just giving a reason. there are certainly others.

that's like, the trademark for brembo my man

dont really care how they look, wanted something bigger and lightweight and those rotors shaved 7 lbs of rotating mass off my front wheels.

the thing is, rotary inertia is not only about weight but size

that's not the thing, it's a thing. and with the weight savings in my calipers and the lighter wheels it was a pretty decent net gain overall. not to mention the huge reduction in fade which was the main reason for the upgrade. weight savings were just icing on the cake.

what's the new size and what was the original so I can know whether you improved or worsened your inertia?
The calipers are a nice saving and not subject to the rotary inertia. That's over 10 lbs less in unsprung mass on the calipers alone.

They get in accidents that fuck a wheel or two then learn that OE ones are way more expensive than aftermarket.

stock = 320mm
bbk = 345mm
but your calculations will have to take into account that most of the weight savings are in the aluminum hat at the center. dont know the diameter of that off the top of my head. based on this picture i took id guess between 8.5 and 9 inches. either way it wont really be possible to get an exact figure without physically testing them.

Fuck...my car has after market but I didn't pick em.
They're dark gray and I'd rather have glossy black or matte black.
Wheels are pricey tho

I'm only upgrading my stock 16" wheels to 17" to fit the 4pot/2pot brake setup, and there's less summer tire choice in 16. I wouldn't change the wheels if I didn't have to since they're already fairly light for being OEM.

well yeah I understand what they do, they're fucking great rotors and brakes man. Just giving my 2 cents aesthetic wise, although nobody really looks at rotors unless they're Veeky Forumstistic

>I'd rather have glossy black or matte black.

Get them powder coated, or plasti-dip if you're too poor

thanks. and yeah based on the comments i generally get on them, most people are more focused on the 'sick ass brembos' anyway. and wondering why i swapped out my fog lights for brake ducting instead of putting 'hella blue HIDs' in them.

>wondering why i swapped out my fog lights for brake ducting instead of putting 'hella blue HIDs' in them.

Well I'm kind of wondering too, to tell the truth. Hella anything is stupidly overpriced though.

sorry, meant hella as in the socal slang, not the bulb company. my b. no offense but i mentioned that to rag on people prioritizing form over function. fancy bulbs dont stop my car quicker when im making repeated hard stops from 100+ mph.

oh, the change is at the center? Then more likely than not the inertia increased
is the hat bigger in the new ones?

oh and BTW, worst thing I've seen (and one of my buddies takes no issue with it which rustles my jimmies) is people putting oversized, see-through alloy wheels on cars with drum brakes

again, you're another exception

looks good man

also, wider than stock.

>most people are more focused on the 'sick ass brembos'
damn, I hate how much of a brand whore normies can be
I bet most of them don't even know why it's better than stock
also slits+drilling looks dope

I wish Porsche ceramic brakes were affordable, no fade, less inertia, more braking power

nobody says hella or socal unless theyre pretending to be from here

i use it to irritate my coworker who's from norcal.

thanks. ive seen you post your car here before, i like it.

yeah im using an online calculator here cause youve got me curious


(about 2/3 of the way down the page). with very rough calculations it looks like it may have increased very slightly. again though it's still a reduction in unsprung weight, and was only secondary consideration to the fade reduction. also, i did the wheels, tires, brakes, and suspension all in one go. the combination netted me over a .1 second reduction in my 60' times at the strip. used to pull low 1.8s and now im at low 1.7s (pic related, before on the top, after on the bottom. lower trap due to higher DA, was hitting high 108s a week earlier, but had shit ETs due to a string of bad launches).

>fancy bulbs dont stop my car quicker when im making repeated hard stops from 100+ mph.

I agree man, essentials (mechanical upgrades) first and then cosmetics/lights.

yeah i had all the maintenance done, bigger turbo, all supporting mods, custom tune, running 12s before even touching anything aesthetic. hell, my bumper's still held on by zipties since ripping it off on a snowbank last winter. dont really gaf. maybe someday ill do like a ratrod/mad max thing.

road and track?

>yeah im using an online calculator here cause youve got me curious
>(about 2/3 of the way down the page). with very rough calculations it looks like it may have increased very slightly. again though it's still a reduction in unsprung weight, and was only secondary consideration to the fade reduction. also, i did the wheels, tires, brakes, and suspension all in one go. the combination netted me over a .1 second reduction in my 60' times at the strip. used to pull low 1.8s and now im at low 1.7s (pic related, before on the top, after on the bottom. lower trap due to higher DA, was hitting high 108s a week earlier, but had shit ETs due to a string of bad launches).
nice find, I was going to do the calculations like I was in physics class in uni lol


I replaced my stock wheels with a factory option from the time period, is this ok

Reaction time

because my stock wheels where 16x6 dogshite

thanks for clarifying
how long have you been decucked?


you seem to be less of a cuck than usual
hell, I'd even wager you don't even look like Carl the Cuck right now

I probably do though.

and I don't know, I started working a responsible job and doing a bunch of adulting. shit is the way she goes.

>tfw no job

just b urself brah

>letting food shit in your garage

Hot af moar please

>winter tires for factory 19s
$1200 rubber only
>winter tires for tire store special 18s
$1200 total for wheels, tires, lugs, and labor plus changes are 30 minutes in the garage for free rather than $50 and 3 hours at the shop AND i get some money back when i sell them

Cause we're fukin sick cunts

Because they save 3kg a corner.

>Australians retards think bigger wheels are always better and they end up looking ridiculous and out of proportion


I dislike you.

Hella is Bay Area slang

You look like fuckwits when you use over 18 inch rims.


>End up looking rad as fuck
fixed that for you man

They're 18s man, step lip 17" faces

>Hate seeing classics with 20 inch rims.
>What a pack of retarded fucks.


Hella was taken from a gay ass game called LIFE IS STRANGE _ all these fags think it's trendy to say now.

but user, that looks good and suits the car
what I was criticizing is people who just change the wheelsand sometimes also lower the car

>you must be 18 access this site
hella was around when i was entering middle school back in 99/00

how much does the flatspot save you



just watch the link


stop bully chicken

90s Japanese cars don't have good looking wheels. See Supra, NSX, RX7, etc.



still a shitload of room around those brakes. you went too big

Because you can get lighter, stronger, more attractive (if you want that) wheels by spending some extra cash.

nah, in his case it's fine

It's always been California ghetto slang.

You're an idiot.

hey, if my man wants to be a poser with drilled/slotted rotors and hugeass wheels, that's his prerogative i suppose

>hurr durr what is ventilation
it's like you want your brakes to melt down

>Cali ghetto slang
anyone who lives near the coast will start saying it given enough time

yeah, like why would you want the least amount of wheel necessary to clear your brakes?

apples to oranges
those discs are probably ceramic, and the wheel is more open

My used Tundra came with Tacoma wheels and their offset put the tires closer to the suspension than I was comfy with, so I went aftermarket.

>wheel arch grinding noises intensify

The difference here is, you're posting pictures of cars you found online that you dream about driving, while the other guy posted pictures of a car he built that he actually races. I don't think he cares about your opinions on the matter.


I put staggered AMGS from an E55 on mine, called the monoblock penta's. Get compliments everywhere I go on the car, also have some very nice looking BFGoodrich G-force Comp-2 tires, best for the wet weather here along with the intense heat. Lowered her about an inch to look more in line with the wheel and tire height. This is before the AMGs, these are stock wheels in this picture.

Is that actually the same brake?

First heard hella in the early 90's, along with boss.

That's hella boss.

and if he would've gone with a smaller diameter wheel, which would've been lighter with less rotational mass, his drag strip times would've been even lower