/mscg/ - My Summer Car General

High impact colors edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>What is this game?
Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-depth Guides
Youtube: Video not found (embed)
>Top 20 singles of Finland during 1995 in-game playlist compiled by Veeky Forums
>Where can I get it?

>be drunken finn
>driving poop truck, sucking people's shit, trinking peer, the usual for thursday
>manage to wreck the poop truck on my way home
>wrecked pretty close to fleetari's place, decide to nick his car and either drive it home or try and tow the poop truck upright
>whilst trying to tow the poop truck, back up into the water with the ferndale, caan't get it out no matter how much i push
>give up all hope, start slamming down peers
>all of a sudden, headlights in the darkness
>its my savior
>mr hitler
>hitchhike a ride, never done this before, hope he'll either take me home or at least let me out
>get to the intersection to go back to the house, he doesn't stop or turn, just keeps going
>try and open the door, still doesn't stop
>flip him off
>we round the corner into death valley
>go flying like the dukes of fucking hazard, right into a goddamn tree

truly, this game is realism at it's finest

Sorry lads, wrong link
this is the proper one

you have to be autistic to like this game

Yeah, I tried really hard


Thanks doc

kek, I didn't realize that the color scheme was the same
I guess it could be used as a stealth form of vegetaposting in the future :^)

>tfw have to use savegame editor because the dev removed the console commands

Yeahh, I dunno. I had more fun driving around the van than anything, and that's using KB+M.

My pistons keep making my crankshaft pop out, even though the oil pan is on.

This game has been unplayable for me since they added that suspension failure update, jesus fuck.

I do the same, that's how I made the colors lol
I had some bearings come out from the engine the other day, tried to fix them with the editor but didn't work. And Fleetari only fixes spare disassembled parts now which is bullshit.
that's bullshit too
>catch some air
>wheel comes off

>be on my way to meet Fleetari
>there's a strange gray haired man smoking pot outside
>he shows symptoms of PTSD
>he signs me to lean next to him
>whispers to my ear "I finally found out what a Leppo is"

>this pierces the johnson

Purely a big kek lad thanks for that.


I hate the faggot in the yellow coupe with the black racing line and also Mr. Hitler. When Mr Hitler shows up on a road I feel like the Reliant Robin driver when he sees Mr. Bean's orange Mini Morris

>Take shit suck job near Fleetari because I need to get diesel for the truck as well.
>suck like a champ and diesel up
>Save at shop
>It's now night and stormy
>Can't see crap but all is going well on the way home
>Go slightly off road and end up beaching the truck between mounds
>Speed the next 10 minutes burning diesel and spinning the wheel to find some traction
>Eventually make it back on to the road
>Jump back out to pick up my sausages
>Continue home
>Go to sleep

>Finally start and finish a rally without crashing my Satsuma or having the game bug out on me
>Finish 8th with a 36 second gap between myself and 1st place
Besides changing my gear ratio, is there any I can do? I've got all of the other performance upgrades, so I guess I just have to git gud.

The absolute scariest thing about this game is how the setting is genuinely realistic to how life is in rural fenno-Scandinavia

the gear ratio is crucial for you to have a usable 4th

You have to give mr. hitler the thumbs up and he'll stop the car at any time.

satan will never reach finladn

user I don't know what exactly I'm looking at but you've now piqued my interest and I'm reading about the lockman hole and H I regions

hello robbaz

Is there a recommended keymap for this game anywhere? I have autism but seeing all the controls really scared me and I exited before I even began

Get a steering wheel thingy if you're super autismo

>Get a steering wheel thingy if you're super autismo
I start my actual non-vidya job at the end of the month, broke until then

Idk autismo bro, you could probably ask on the steam community forum thing for a good kb+m key map or google for one.

Am I autistic?
Also don't drink and drive fellas

Maybe, but it isnt a van of peer in the wash room.

Have my radio folder
>Flash FM (both cut into nice chunks by some user on here)
>Finnish hits from 1995
>A few eurobeat songs
>the songs from the other radio station
>some finnish radio commercials
>other random shit
Basically its every radio folder from the late 2016 /mscg/ threads combined into one. Feel free to delete the .m4a, it has already been converted and i didnt see it until i started uploading.

Fuck is that, experimental build?

Nah, those are (presumably since I'm not that user) the 10 bottles of booze Fleetari gives you for dumping sewage in front of the vehicle inspection building.

Is that booze? Looks like plastic bottles

I don't like this game as much since I realised that the Satsuma is wrong wheel drive

Glass bottles of booze. Good luck operating a vehicle after drinking one.

Yea I've drinked one when I was gonna chop wood, bad idea.


Post save file. I want to make a house out of peer crates, but recently the dev changed it so they dont regen unless you fully quit out.

Bro that's a save file from legit a year ago

It will still work. All my saves from late 2016 still function.


Nevermind. I found an old pirated copy.
The van will rock violently at 50km/h with about 90 crates in the back.

it's booze
or staying conscious after two of them :^)

I love GTA Vice City, but Flash FM and V-Rock don't really suit the setting

>high impact sexual violence .jpg

Yeah sure mate you had no idea

nah, I was just playing with that meme and the Dodge High Impact colors. I looked up the exact colors and edited them in.

>he thinks the high impact sexual violence meme isn't ironic
>he doesn't know it's a mockery of Australian regulations which label anything mildy risqué "high impact sexual violence"

>muh setting