Scrape appreciation thread

Scrape appreciation thread.

Post videos of cars scraping the ground busting oil pans and just doing dope shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

why is there a contest for this shit. holy fuck ricers are retarded.

what the fuck?

Because it shows how dedicated you are.

I feel like this thread was made to bring me out

That's so cool.

Anyone who unironically comments in this post is literally retarded.

>calls a thread a post
>insults intelligence of others

haters everyone

>attacking me for calling a thread a post
>literally unironically glorifying lowering cars to the point where they have to go sideways over speed bumps and make everyone want to kill the retarded ricer driving it
>Promoting and worshiping breaking your car's underside because MUH JDM and MUH STANCE

Who's the real retard here user?

yeah boy layin frame where it at


for being the autist that gets triggered enough to come into a thread you dont like to whine like a typical hater

Some people just want to get enjoyment out of their cars.

by literally destroying them and leaking oil all over the road (that often causes motorcycle crashes)

Also by making their cars a constant eyesore and making people wait as they go sideways over a speed bump for about 5 minutes?


Also it's not just stance cars that make people wait over speed bumps... it's any car that's low.. even some super cars.

my dog is dedicated to eating cat shit out of the litter box.

that doesn't make him particularly intelligent.

stop polluting Veeky Forums you're giving us a bad name. I guarantee yall im the only one here over 18 youre all just retarded ricer kids

Get off Veeky Forums till you're 18 read the rules

I don't wanna get grouped in with the rest of you weaboo faggots

youre on an anime site
the boards mascot is anime

maybe you should go somewhere else

You know what maybe I should.

Yes, fuck off faggot.

I've seen the "nt onair" z in person. Looks like even more shit

