Why does Veeky Forums hate scooters when these are the ultimate city vehicle?

Why does Veeky Forums hate scooters when these are the ultimate city vehicle?

>easy to ride
>saves a lot of gas compared to cars and motorcycles
>can park anywhere
>50cc engines can reach inner city speed limits without a problem
>125cc engines can reach up to 110 kmh.

Compared to motorcycles in the city the scooter wins hands down.

So why do you hate them?

>inb4 not knowing the difference between a moped and a scooter
>inb4 looks gay

Because they're electronically or mechanically limited to 45 kph (as if 50 or 55 kph would've been too dangerous) in half the fucking continent, meaning they still hold up traffic. And they're loud and smoggy. What we need are buyer incentives for electric scooters instead of richfag Teslas.

Didn't I write:

>inb4 not knowing the difference between moped and a scooter.

Moped technically is entirely the wrong term because it refers to a motor assisted pedal vehicle. Whenever scooters are discussed it's automatically assumed that the 50cc models are meant because you need a light motorcycle license for scooters above 50cc meaning there's nobody to fucking buy 125cc scooters. The only country I know of where scooters above 50cc are moderately successful is Japan.

Because cities are for SWINE

>And they're loud and smoggy
don't buy a two stroke then, you dumb cuck
buy a honda then, you dumb fuck

why are people like this posting on Veeky Forums

>go 4-stroke
>need more than 50cc to actually move
>need a different license all of the sudden

people on scooters always look like finocchios

are you drunk

scooters are alright seem like it'd be fun to mess around on them and cruise. some of the riders are idiots like drivers of any other vehicle

Are you a dunce?

no, but it seems you are one

>>need more than 50cc to actually move
>>need a different license all of the sudden
explain this retarded shitpost or fuck off, dickhead

>limited to 45 kph (...) in half the fucking continent
Enjoy your "freedom" while I go 75 on my scooter and however fast I want in my car. I didn't even know you have rules for that shit, too.

>need a different license all of the sudden
Needing a license is a GOOD thing you stupid fuck. It's bad enough that everyone can ride motorcycles in the U.S. with just their car license - and even that one's a joke.

>everyone can ride motorcycles in the U.S. with just their car license
they can't tho

na me n mates ride these round dere well sick uk bike life

>race oil

Is that one of those "some states do and some don't" things?

suppose being able to kill yourself in a car or motorcycle without breaking a law is part of great american freedom

you have to get a permit for a motorcycle like you get for your car. you can drive the motor cycle all you want during the day but at night you can't drive it or have a passenger. then you take a driving test for the license part

Because cities are hell on earth. Only retarded lefties or minorities live there. It's better to live outside the city and commute using a car rather than living inside the hellhole.

2-strokes produce more specific power than 4-strokes. 50cc 4-strokes are weak as piss.

And google the EU license system yourself.

>It's better to live outside the city and commute using a car
That worked out great, right?

that's a city retard

Enjoy looking like a nerd on your toilet on wheels. Motorcycle is the undisputed king of motorized travel.

I had a 125cc scooter which could reach 110-115 km/h easily. Since I already had a car drivers license, all I had to do was take part in a riding lesson that took 8 hours.

>not getting a small motorcycle instead

honda groms are gay bruv

>buying a grom
Literal manlet-machine, how embarrassing. You might just as well ride a scooter.


groms are great. they are nice for popping wheelies,fucking off in a field, and cruising

>still getting his fuck duggered in 2017

That's the fucking point. Commuting generates retarded amounts of traffic that takes up an immense amount of resources and time.

Groms are awesome, fuck you.

And still 1000x better than a scooter.

bikes are gay

uh, you just described pretty much any dirtbike.


i cant wait to get my yazza dt125

Where I'm from, fucking everybody rides scooters - from teenagers to blue collar workers to the freakin' head of logistics in the company I work for. So, no, I'm not gonna look like a nerd for doing the most normal thing in the world.

They're different vehicles for different use-cases. Also, the MSX125 ("Grom" in the U.S.) is slower (less top speed AND torque) and less practical than my scooter, so why even bother?

yeah but it's road legal and cheaper than a duel sport

akra pipe on a scooter
na i like scooters still

>cheaper than a duelsport
you can literally get any ktm or yamaha enduro bike and put supermoto wheels on it for under 3grand.

>dirt bikes aren't road legal in his country
>ATVs aren't road legal in his country

>akra pipe on a scooter
They're made for that scooter and not even rare.

Only problem I have with them is that theyre fucking disgustingly loud. Not only that, 15yo fuckbois make it even louder and rev it to the limit all the time. Its about fucking time make electric scooters. They will consume very little electricity and short driven distances makes it easier to recharge in the city. Also quiet working engine.

What a sad country you must live in. Also, poorfag.

Sad country.

your gay

Only applies to two stoke 50cc scooters.

Try riding a 4 stroke 125cc.

Ive never driven scooter by myself. And im not planning to, i was just reffering how i feel about them. Right now theres almost zero moped cucks in my city, its s good feel. But whenever i hear one i want to burn it down. Shit is loud. Make electric ones already ffs.

>doing any kind of speed on a vehicle with skittles for wheels and a low COG
>riding a scooter in crosswinds

The only thing scooters have over motorcycles is onboard storage, which you can negate with a backpack/any kind of tankbag/top box/panniers or you can buy a bike that has onboard storage built into it.

Scooters are for plebs, people who got done for DUI and people too afraid to buy a motorcycle.

Two things:

1.) You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Scooters are only louder than motorcycles when the owners fuck with the exhaust - other than that, they're usually about the same or quieter.

2.) Electrics scooters do exists and I see them once or twice a week.

scooters are gay mopeds are cool tho

I prefer semi-autos for my inner city transport needs, pic related

>easy and cheap af to maintain, fix and modify yourself as long as you're not a complete retard
>nimbler, easier to navigate through heavy traffic

And maybe that's my personal bias but I feel I can corner on one much more aggresively than on a normal scooter.

>4 stroke scooter
are you gay?

But I do user! It's a hero majestic pacer. It needs to be cleaned and tuned and the choke cable broke but I love it!

> Annoying high-pitched engine noise
> Easily stolen
> Make you look gay
> Tiny wheels actually ride like shit on fucked-up city roads
> Shit once you get out the city
> Limited to low speeds
> Associations with teenagers
> No control due to sitting on rather than astride.
> I have a motorbike anyway, which is bigger and faster.
Fine if you want to wear a cute skirt or colour-coordinate it with your pink handbag.

Scoots are only viable in very specific places. Even then, they're only viable as secondary transport and you'll need a car for things like winter weather or other inclement conditions.

It's retarded to rely on a scooter in Texas, for example, because everything is spaced out with fast country roads that stretch for miles, and when you get in a city you'll wish you were dead if you bring a scooter.

It's retarded to rely on a scooter in Wisconsin, because though the towns are small enough (Wisconsin Crapids for example), winter lasts more than half the goddamn year and the things won't even start once it gets below 5C or so (and you won't want to ride one in that cold anyway).

You could PROBABLY rely on a scooter somewhere in Florida if you could avoid highways at all costs, but you'll still wish you were in a car with air con anyways.


IF your town is

>small (scooter should be soaking up all speed limits are it's warm enough to ride (and get the scooter started in the first place) 75% or more of the year

You could have explained it less aggressive, faggot.

And these days, if you're using it in a big city, you have to worry about it getting stolen. It's why most people who ride ordinary bicycles in the city don't ever get anything good to ride on, because there's a big likelihood it'll get stolen.

Yeah, right, because THAT's how Veeky Forums works. If you're looking for nice and reasonable conversations with strangers, there's a place for you - it's called "Reddit". If you want your sexuality questioned for your preferred mode of transportation, computer hardware, or tv show, you come to Veeky Forums.

Scooters may not be louder than motorcycles, but they sure as hell are louder than cars.

>already mentioned a dozen times that 125cc can't be ridden with a car license and are generally unpopular for that reason

Not every place is America, dumbass. The roads in my country are good more often than not and our scooters are not all 50cc, meaning they're probably faster than your car - especially in terms of acceleration to typical city speeds. Association with teenagers is a cultural thing and having stupid stereotypes like that doesn't reflect well on your country, just FYI.

>they sure as hell are louder than cars.
So are lawnmowers. What's your point?

People don't ride their lawn mowers to work, you bumbling retard.

>Open to elements
>Will die or be seriously maimed in even the smallest accident
>At the mercy of every mouth-breathing facebook-driving retard
>Don't even have the motorcycle option of powering out of it when Beccy in her SUV decides to merge into your lane
>Look gay
>Sound gay
>Any dumbfuck chav can come along with some boltcutters and walk off with your ride
>Can't carry luggage
>Can't carry people
>Can't ride on a fast road
>No girl on earth ever said "Omg sweet ride, wanna scooter me back to my place? ;)"

So you're saying... what? People aren't allowed to drive/ride vehicles that are slightly louder than a Ford Focus? If so, what the fucking fuck are you even doing here? Do you also disapprove of sports cars? Get the fuck outta here.

>>No girl on earth ever said "Omg sweet ride, wanna scooter me back to my place? ;)"

In France you can drive a 125cc after only a one-day training session if you have a two-years old car driving license. It was made in the attempt to have less cars on the road in urban areas

They are allowed, but it should be avoided for mass transportation because it's detrimental to the communal peace. Sports cars aren't common sights either.

Good for the French, our politicians haven't thought this far.

idk about other countries but here in italy pretty much everyone who owns a scooter mods it so we get things like pic related, which is already a 180cc beast, but made much faster and I'm considering getting one

It still boggles my mind how the electric car was developed before the electric scooter. It's literally the perfect vehicle for it.

>doesn't have to go super fast
>used for short commutes
>so it doesn't need a huge $$$ battery

because it becomes not light at all after you slap a battery on it

because they're for kids.

Electric bicycles give me hope though. Many people are unaware that they could get around in a city just as fast by bike as by car, or they're hesitant because they're unfit or don't want to arrive in places sweaty. The E-bike solves all of that. All it needs is a slightly lower price.

Most of your points are just plain wrong or open for debate. No girl EVER went with a guy she wasn't into already just because he had ANY kind of vehicle. If anything, it's a bonus - OR she recognized you have money and sees you a potential benefactor. But cars and scooters is apples and oranges anyway.

>should be avoided for mass transportation because it's detrimental to the communal peace
Oh come the fuck on - literally billions of Asians disagree with you. They aren't THAT loud anyway, especially when you're just cruising along with the traffic. You are trying to make a problem out of something that evidently isn't one.

>It still boggles my mind how the electric car was developed before the electric scooter.

That's because you are utterly ignorant of the development and technological history of electric vehicles due to extreme stupidity you mongtarded fuck. What else boggles your tiny mind? Shiny objects? Should we be impressed that the bag of hobo smegma you call your mind is boggled?

>Muh mind = boggled cuz I know nuffin in the first place....

Scooter wheels are tiny means low axle height means poor obstacle surmounting, pothole crossing performance, and inferior comfort on rough roads. Low chassis means easy high centering. The chassis is designed for people who wear a fucking dress. Unless you are a tranny (in which case you will be too disgusting to wear a dress or even be seen in public in a few short years, trannies age like dogshit on a hot sidewalk) you don't need a dress.

The same engine size in a motorcycle is a much more versatile vehicle. That's why the Honda 50cc Super Cub and relatives are the most produced internal combustion engine, and motor vehicle, in history. Unlike scooters, maintenance on a small motorcycle is much easier due to superior drivetrain access vs the burial of scooter parts under a bunch of delicate plastic junk.

I know the google license system

>2-strokes produce more specific power than 4-strokes. 50cc 4-strokes are weak as piss.
have you ever been on a new 4-stroke?

And brakes that work, and a lower CG, and not to be a bicycle.


>And brakes that work
I don't know about you, but my bicycle has hydraulic disc brakes that work very well.

>lower CG
As in... centre of gravity...? Why? The rider will always be heavier than the bike anyway.

I'm shopping for a 50 cc scooter and I don't know what to even look for.
I'm in Poland and most offers are just chink shit or italiano plastic bikes. Is a 1978 honda CY50 a something I should even take into consideration in the year 2017?

because they're gay and i'll pay the extra fuel cost to get around at over 30mph in my vauxhall corsa

Why not just get a motorcycle at that point

A couple of things: never, ever, buy a Chinese scooter. Kymco is fine, Japanese brands are better, European brands are also good but maybe more expensive. The CY50 isn't bad but I doubt that you'll find one in better condition than a scooter for the same money. If you're really poor (as in you're looking for a scooter below 1k Euro), all bets are off. But even in that case it's better to get an older Japanese scooter than a new Chinese one.

>Why not just get a motorcycle at that point
Not him, but you gotta understand: a lot of people own a motorcycle, a scooter, and a car at the same time. I own a 25k car and a 6k scooter and I'm not gonna sell it when I get my next motorcycle. They're different vehicles.

Image related. And that's not even the most expensive one.

Which country do you live in?

you want new?
find a honda dealer
at least in my area they are the cheapest from vespa, peugeot, yamaha, etc


you're pretty much spot on, I'm looking for one under 1k euro and preferably a japanese brand. I'm very fond of honda but they don't have much to choose from.
Frankly all I'm looking for is a japanese four stroke for under 1k but with otomoto (website with bike and car offers) I haven't had much luck so far

Weapons grade autism

>when these are the ultimate city vehicle?
Not around here. They cannot keep up with traffic speed. You cannot go 40MPH on the roads without the bumps, sideways bumps (angled), and potholes making you fall. Then the car runs you over when you fall.

Zero people ride a scooter on city roads. It will only be the city residential roads they use to get to the stores as I've seen.

>can park anywhere
No they cannot. They still must legally park.

>easy to ride
Too easy to steal. Two youngsters that had both been given small low-power scooters had them both taken away by homeless people. The homeless were waiting near the scooters and when the kids came up, it was "hand over your keys or else".

>Commuting generates retarded amounts of traffic that takes up an immense amount of resources and time.
No one wants to live in or be near the inner city full of minorities, charities, and social welfare services. The crime and violence is what caused white flight to the suburbs and the commuting problem to begin with.

Why still work in the city, then? Get a job outside of it and get out of the rat race. Or change your hours from 9-5. Or 9-6 now because 'we don't pay you for your break so make up the hours don't like it don't work here and we expect you to take a working lunch anyway'.

>Only problem I have with them is that theyre fucking disgustingly loud.
Scooters might idle quietly, but as soon as they accelerate or have any speed, they are shrill and loud. And how do you avoid being robbed when riding these things? The city here is just too dangerous to be in the open like that.

Or maybe the white fllight caused an influx of crime and violence.

I ride my 125cc scooter with just my car license in my country. All I did was take a two day riding lesson and you get the category A1 added to your license, no exam needed.

You are a retard.

>Why does Veeky Forums hate scooters
I'm from america, and not a major city, so they never really took hold. they're mostly popular in places where their small size and light weight are an advantage, and the lack of power isn't an issue, but here where I live there are mostly open highways and back roads, and I'd rather have something fast.

I'm not an incompetent child/woman that can't shift the easiest manuals known to man, and I am not so poor that I need an overstressed 50cc piece of shit stuck in economy mode 24/7 by the CVT to save five bucks in gas a week. And I actually know how to ride a two wheeler so their instability at lean and at speed is limiting in a "don't do normal bike things or you'll die" way.

The only thing they have going for them is underseat storage (not all have it), and, remember when I said "i'm not poor"? A rear trunk for a motorcycle is a measly $300.

Scooters are just for people who are too poor and dumb for real bikes.

t. american.

also, we don't try to cram our motorcycles through tiny gaps in traffic on 800 year old village roads.

>because there's a big likelihood it'll get stolen.
Definitely true here.
No one uses them here even in good weather.
It's a recreational use vehicle now because regular use only increases the chance you'll be confronted by someone that takes it from you.

>if you're using it in a big city, you have to worry about it getting stolen.
If the ATM was your scooter, something like this could be happening to you as you walk up to your scooter.

because they're more expensive and usually it's 50cc scooters that are modified by 14 year olds or people who can't bother to spend more to buy a motorcycle but still want a fast thing to go around in the traffic, for which a moped is better because it's more agile in the city