25 years old, no driver's license

>25 years old, no driver's license
>take 3 lessons, doing pretty decently
>have no friends to practice with, parents won't practice with me either, can't get enough practice to do really well
>haven't driven in a month
>will never get license, will never stop being a loser
>still have never parallel parked, parked in a parking space, or driven on the freeway


>Have no friends
Same desu, I think it's actually destroying my sanity month after month knowing that I don't have anyone to talk to outside of my family

so what do you think is gonna happen bud sitting around moping about not having a license huh? man the fuck up, find SOMEONE to practice with, it cant be that hard.

Also, parking in a parking space is easy as fuck, so is driving on the freeway. Parallel parking is the hardest, so focus on getting better at that. That's it.

im not moping, im just disappointed that i cant really practice with anyone outside of the lessons. its like people who play an instrucment and dont practice outside of their weekly lessons

I passed on my first try with 16hrs of lessons and no practice - there's no reason you can't too. Why hasn't your instructor taught you how to park yet? My 2nd day was nothing but parking until I got it perfect every time. The Indian instructor pounded it into my head like a drill sergeant.

You are an adult. You can do whatever the fuck you want. Do you want someone to give you water wings when you go swimming too? Just go practice, don't crash and you'll be fine.

I dunno, I did three two hour lessons and it was mainly driving around different areas and distances to get used to different roads and setups.

He actually said I was pretty good and that I could have passed my test after the third one, but the next one was he was gonna do freeway stuff with me (that he said he only does with like 10% of students) and do parking, but because its summer all the lessons got filled in my kids :(

You'll do fine. Did he run you through the test course? Ask him to do that with you if he hasn't already. You should be able to do the test course with your brain on autopilot by the end of the lessons.

I'm nervous about just getting enough experience on the road period

>parallel parked
>driven on the freeway
got my license w/out having to do either of these, then i just practiced on the freeway at night when it was empty until i had a handle on it. nerves are the biggest problem imo

yeah i dont think they test on either of those but obviously i need to know how to do it

did anyone else experience this, getting their license late?

>still have never parallel parked, parked in a parking space, or driven on the freeway

I'm 22 in a month and this is me. So fucking sad.

parallel parking is so easy these days with backup cameras and all the other shit that comes built into modern cars

the first few times I parallel parked I touched either the car behind me or the car in front of me, after a few months I would park it perfectly.

Nowadays with modern cars that come with rear sensors, it's even easier.

My point is all you have to do to learn is man up and do it, you may or may not fail the first few attempts but eventually you will succeed

Try two years of that bud, feels bad

Real issue is that I have no motivation to drive. I'm content with public transit and I get an uncomfortable nervous adrenaline rush every time I drive. That's why I've been coming here and looking at cars I might want in an effort to get myself excited about driving. I think it's working so far.

hire somebody with a shitty old car to let you drive around it in

Parking in a parking space isn't too hard. Go to the shops at night and practice. For a parallel park back the car up so the arse of your car lines up with the back of theirs. Then turn the wheel one full rotation so you're backing in towards the curb. Once you're at 45 degrees straighten out. Then back up until you're almost at the curb. Then turn the wheel the opposite way to what you did before one full rotation and back in. Then touch it up as necessary. For highway driving merging is probably the hardest bit. Just indicate as you see your merging lane end and move over. Don't be afraid to slow down if you can't see a gap. You've got this nigga. Keep practicing.

I took no lessons, only drove with my sister for like 5hrs total, I failed the first time but nailed it the second time.

>have friends
>make new friends with friends of friends
>have no friends
what the fuck do we do?

t. every Veeky Forums poster

Damn man, you're pretty pathetic. You're a man right? Man up, get a job nearby that you can walk to to get money, get a shit box and pay for lessons yourself or someone to drive with, ect. A man makes shit happen, you don't wait for others to offer it for you. That's bitch shit.

says the 12 year old posting from his mammas house

Oh look it's my car in front of my apartment building, nice projection though ;)

Where do you live, my test was obscenely easy.
>never driven on interstate or freeway
>never parallel parked
>had license for a year

>lives in social housing
>owes money on a mazda 3
nice financial choices there.

try a lifetime of that and kill yourself

>hur dur apartments are bad, go owe money to the Jews at the bank for a house
>thinks I financed a car instead of cash
>doesn't know what a speed3 is
Yea man, terrible choice to have all the seats and room I could ever want for now and future and all the power you wish you had. Project more, move goal posts, ect, stay btfo.

>missing the point

you must be perfect then user, too bad suckers like op exist who have a completely different life from yours and you are completely ignorant of what his life choices are or have been up until this point.

Got my license at 28. Didn't really need it since I live in DC. However the metro system went to shit so I just took the test and got my license.

>missing the point of what I said
I got held back in my life too, both of my knees broke from a genetic defect when I was 18 and when I was 20 so I had huge gaps in my employment since I could walk or drive for 2 years combined. What did I do though? Got a stay at home job to support myself rather than lay around. I bought my first car at 19 and taught myself stick on the drive home with it. Had to relearn after my second surgery. I learned driving when I was 16 by working at kroger and putting myself in lessons. It's seriously called manning up and doing what you gotta do, no matter how hard it would seem to start. I'm not being intentionally harsh on the faggot, but people like this need a wake up to reality. What would happen if his parents died in a car wreck tomorrow? He'd be utterly fucked. Start now, stop making excuses so you have a leg to stand on.

>pull your boot straps loser
>obvious support is obvious

so you had health insurance obviously, you had a place to stay obviously, you had the basics provided to you obviously. You don't know OPs life, he may have been on the street for you know. You're assuming he had the sort of support you did when you had rough times, you don't know his life and here you are shitting on it. He's obviously asking for help and advice. If you live in big city usa you could live your hole life and never needed to drive, he's 25 and learning it cut him some slack. I just got mine and im older than OP. You had to learn to, I am sure you stalled it a few times. jesus christ does it cost you a lot of effort to help others instead of shitting on them? What if your support system had shat on you when you needed it? what if the jobs you had you couldn't get? because you believe you actually "worked to get those jobs" and it wasn't a matter of luck? fuck off user

>missing that the advice is actually correct
Should he just keep sitting around and hope for the best or go to work and accelerate his process? He has a place to stay, it's heavily implied that he lives with his parents. Part of those surgeries put me in a deep depression for years that I'm still recovering from. But you CAN'T just let external factors control your life, you really have to just push through. That's why I'm saying this to him, it's what I learned from that and took forever and I wish someone did that for me. It's obvious people in his life aren't helping him with it - so you want him to just twiddle his thumbs and hope for the best, instead of doing something proactive about it? He's obviously not disabled if he's learning how to drive. Also regarding healthcare. Duh, Obamacare was kinda in full effect at that point bud and like I said, I got a stay at home job (that I did work for, kinda specifically took computer science at a vocational high school for a reason and busted my ass to get certified for comptia A+ and c++) specifically for better health insurance so even then it wasn't provided for me.

>pull your boot straps loser
Oh boo fucking hoo. Like it's so impossible to work a shitty retail job for a few months and buy a beater. Nevermind actually driving it or PARKING it. People like you are beyond pathetic

it'll probably take 6 months of 2 hour lessons every week. i passed in november