/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 1st of May:
1169 – Norman mercenaries land at Bannow Bay in Leinster, marking the beginning of the Norman invasion of Ireland.
1328 – Wars of Scottish Independence end: By the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton England recognises the Kingdom of Scotland as an independent state.
1455 – Royal forces end the Black Douglas hegemony in Scotland.
1576 – Stephen Báthory, the reigning Prince of Transylvania, marries Anna Jagiellon and they become co-rulers of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1707 – The Act of Union joins England and Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.
1961 – The Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro, proclaims Cuba a socialist nation and abolishes elections.
2009 – Same-sex marriage is legalized in Sweden.

EU4 Mandate of Heaven is out.

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to /r/the_slong faggots that this isn't your containment site, fuck off back and take (((Friedman))) with you.

La Plata

Croatian fascists have awoken.

Reminder to support and notice shitposting

>Declare war on Teutons to get Danzig and Königsberg
>Hungary joins
>Gets BTFO'd by Austria
>Gets dogpiled by every nation possible
Wew lad.

Reminder to use the proper thread

>that silesian claw
Muh fuggin dik.
How did you take that without going over the AE limit? Did you get coalition'd?

That thread was made after this one.

Nope, surprisingly. The only person who could coalition me was Bohemia, and they didn't for some reason. I also declared war pretty much instantly as soon as I got Poland and Austria as allies.

Shieeet, do you have Diplo ideas or something?

Is the person who colorized hoi4 portraits still here?

>2009 – Same-sex marriage is legalized in Sweden.



Why do people prefer flat maps? Serious question, don't just respond with or something.

Nope, I have Quality, and no ideas as of yet.


I just hate the way the 3d plastic meme maps look, tbvqh. In real life maps don't have retarded bumps everywhere.

They should either make the map a proper globe like superpower 2 or a flat paper map, like Victoria 2, everything else is cancer.

Because Paradox 3d maps are complete dogshit and look like they have tumors while snow just looks like a cake glaze

The map isn't flat, and I picked that mod just because of the brigther colours.

It's not meant to be you looking at a physical map though, is it? I always thought it was to represent the actual world, hence you have stuff like boats and soldiers marching around instead of abstract arrows and shit.

>he doesn't disable the soldier/boat 3d units



How does one pick Military ideas anyway? Every time I unlock an idea group, I spend like 10 minutes staring at the screen indecisive between Quality/Quantity/Offensive/Defensive. What helps you decide?

No, because by that logic the soliders would all be 1000 feet tall.

>Every time I unlock an idea group, I spend like 10 minutes staring at the screen indecisive
Literaly the same thing. I picked Quality because I'd have somewhat better soldiers with no extra cost

How would the normal terrain map mode even look on a flat map?

>calling a crusade on a remnant of Cathar Italy instead of Iberia

well fucking done

>ally gives my land in peace deal

but... i could still fight... i could still defend my land alone...


Died of HIV

R&I is dead.


new thread

>1576 – Stephen Báthory, the reigning Prince of Transylvania, marries Anna Jagiellon and they become co-rulers of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
fucking based
the best (((elective))) king there was

>r&i still this butthurt

proper thread when?

Like this.

Is this the end of Europe lads? I just wanted a comfy tall game...

>having a magyar rule over slavs
How cucked was the P-LC?

Why doesn't the character creator seem to work in HIP mod? No matter what I give my character he's always 16.

>England lost against 2 memes
Holy fucking hell.

Based Thomond

wait for the mongols to come and the whitness them fighting everyone exept the aztecs

is conquering random nearby kingdoms then giving them to a dynasty member and making them independent ok in a tall ck2 campaign?



This is how Ireland should be divided in real life.


it went like this
>gay French Valois
>10/10 Bathory
>three shitty Vasa kings
>shitty son of based magnate who was famous for being brutal against cossacks, ruled for like one year before supposedly choking on pickled cucumber
>based Sobieski
>shitty Wettin from Saxony who won in civil war against based polish candidate thanks to russian intervention
>another shitty Wettin
>polish puppet installed by catherine the great and russian army
but keep in mind that the quality of a country depended on nobles and they went from balanced and based middle class to a shitty oligarchy in mainly in 18 century


Great Post
Decision to build La Plata in HPM fucking WHEN

HPM is dead, get over it.

FUCK OFF back to Your discordgruppe!!

>53 posts
>21 unique posters
>all those R&I babbies refusing to participate
My dick is hard, lads.

Fuck i now want to play tall as an isolationist ireland

Ireland's not too bad in CK2, nearly every province is coastal anyway

Do it, I did it and it was the comfiest game ever.
>tfw the beady-eyed anglo tried invading me 16 times but he couldn't get onto my island

good god lads was R&I BTFO again?

Is there any way to make it so Catholics who immigrate to a protestant country like USA don't convert to protestantism immediately after they arrive?

k lads.


How autistic is it to write a journal of the happenings in a game ?

add it yourself

Super autistic.


Is HPM dead?

Hows my p*land coming along lads?

mayo and taxes TWO POINT OH fucking when me ladsboyosmateskameradenkumpelntovarischiprijatelji?

What the fuck ? Alright, I'll take a few hours to check that out.

pretty good desu
why is your screen so big

>russia doesn't immediately collapse after losing 1/3 of their economy due to lack of polish provinces
believable worlds

apology for poor english

when were you when historic projects dies

i was at home drinking liquor factory when wilhelm ring

'grandi is die'


and you????????

Is there any other acceptable start date in CK2 besides 1066?

that's a hella based vintage meme reenvisioned for the /gsg/ audience, I REALLY laughed out loud at that one my fellow tomodachi

fuck off p*le


Probably a 4k resolution.

Post state map, I want to draw your future borders.

Are we even sure HPM guy is still alive?

I just got that Silesian claw in 1455, it's easy.
>royal marriage with Poland
>they now love you and you can ally them
>'help' them against the teutons and stop them from getting any provinces
>meanwhile, max relation with Austria and royal marriage
>if you have a +diplo guy hire him
>take out loans
pay them off until they accept alliance
>use the favors from the teuton war to call in Poland

I saw him a few days ago.


2560 x 1440

I forgot
You are allied to Poland and Austria so only an insane AI would dow you even if you go over the limit.

Where do you think?

Nice. Can't wait till I can get a new monitor. By time I've got the money, they'll hopefully work out whatever new tech kinks there are.

>I saw him a few days ago

Are you his lover?

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil?

you can ban one game from being posted here
what do you chose and why is it eu 4

Find me a better border than the Silesian-Prußen claw. I'll wait.

no i said POST STATE MAP

liquoria 2 obviously

what would a norse (christian) kingdom based on africa (tunis and tripolitania) be called?
in ck2

Hoi4, obvious reasons.

Sorry wrong reply

Sweden, hahhahah geti it!????cause sweden is full of africansXD

Don't ask for the impossible.

What did the Vandals call Carthage? A norsified version of that would be a good name.

i choose not to ban a game but that retard that posts shitty forced memes like La Plata every single thread

