
/elyg/ - Elysium WoW General
/elyg/ - Elysium WoW

Server down again edition

Ignite and Power Infusion exploit leads to mass banning of entire guilds.
The gates of AQ are now open.

It's official, Zeth'kur will be allowing transfers. Now is the time to steal other peoples names on elysium anathema and darrowshire and sell them to zeth cucks.

>Server Homepage

Newly resurgent and Scarlet Monastery raiding guild:
Aoe farming dire maul guild:
Vemeo guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

Previous Thread

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Not Dr. Gaehard.

Threadly tranny statistics :
Tranny count : 17
Trannies count : 10
Madti count : 16
Manlett count = 16
Dads count = 17
Puddi count = 12
Lumikaru count = 9
Literally who count = 3
Irrelevant druggies and swedes don't deserve a count

1st for give onfire socks


the 'always CoC' method is pretty good but imo 3/3 blizz is the best (for my own laziness).

clearcasting farming is pretty simple, run in a wide circle and keep CoC on the pack, fish for clear casting with rank 1 explo, then either maxrank explo or run away and max rank blizz and restart. If i wasn't pve specced i'd make a webm to show you.

what exactly does a cute girl (male) have to do around here to get orbiters.

I want to impregnate Javel.

Deca is losing stats! How can best girl MoH have no mentions?

I didn't mention Deca because she's mine..
t. u kno who



Blizzard needs to make official legacy servers ASAP

How many Dr. Gaehards?

Who are you?

Sdzk :3

but Madti has lots of mentions?

Madti will drop off hard now that people found out she's pregnant

>still picking Night Elf priest in the year of our lord and saviour

Its like you want to be bullied just for attention itself.

Which guild is the non tranny one?

None of them apparently

But I play a NE druid so anons still wanna ERP me, while no one is laughing at my bad choice of race. Win/win

just join any guild on any server, barely any normies play vanilla wow anyway


Picking for racials is shit tier.

>go afk
>forget to feed kitty pet before leaving
>kitty is gone when you get back
I would have fed you I promise

there were horde and ally guilds on elysium and zeth and anathema, but MoH kept making the OP excluding them from the lists till eventually only MoH was left

I'm so bored of my Priest. I'm tired of being a support and easy to kill, I want to roll something that can do something alone. I just can't decide what.

What's ACTUALLY fun to play?


hmm... could it be because... no one wanted to join them?




Both of them are forced to support in PvE endgame, and Paladins suck except for healing in PvP. I mean I guess they'd be better for 1v1ing, but I don't want to heal indefinitely either.

druid can run away from fights, paladins can actually survive being hit once

pick a mage or rogue if you are tired of slurping cock so much

no excuses

But can they actually kill 1v1 other than by outlasting? Seems like I should be a little bitch and pick Rogue or Mage if I want to solo PvP.

I have 4k hp on my priest unbuffed in R10 gear, I can handle everything in world combat besides maybe warlocks. Stop being a rollover..

is that why she spent a week in Sweden last month? fucking Longview...


paladins never have to switch spec to heal or dps, since it's the vanilla tree and holy shock is complete garbage.
that's their major advantage, but also comes with whole lot of disadvantages like managing multiple gearsets and always being expected to heal.
if you want to a be a hero in pvp, then go rogue, mage, or warrior, there is no substitute.

hey it's me, Longview, I'm not even in the guild yet I have the guild member role on discord
let me just steal your priest real quick


I also happen to play male elf Druid and get many anons asking me for ERP.

It's okay earwen, nobody expects you to play well or care anyway. Just be yourself.

>but MoH kept making the OP excluding them from the lists till eventually only MoH was left

lol moh was removed the most from the OP during launch, it tended to be either all guilds or only salty dogs and eventually pupper shits.

despite all the horde shitposting though, moh grew even when not being in OPs, because once again the horde guild was shilled for and led by server hoppers, who server hopped again leaving a dead guild behind.

its almost as if moh was made to avoid joining that shitshow....

I may play a night elf priest, but I'm not in MoH.

this misses out on the two most important feral talents ergo might as well be full resto

and I wouldn't invite a shitter like you to raids anyway so stay out

t. Madti

>I may play a night elf priest

I like how they look. I don't care about racials, especially in a 12 year old game where I don't really care to raid content I raided 12 years ago.

What more do you want from resto LOL


I'm not samfu.

I'm leveling a shaman and having fun fighting people while leveling, but having problems anytime a rogue or warrior jumps me.
Would anyone have advice? Keep in mind i'm kind of a shitter but i learn fast.



gonna make a character on Elysium
should I go Alliance or Horde, answer quick

alliance female night elf prierst


Alliance is better in BGs, Horde has way more 60s greykilling. Pick your poison.

sounds like I wanna go alliance
which has the better guilds though? Are any of the guilds in the OP alliance?

What server do I join lads??

There are loads of guilds, check the elysum forum recruitment section, as well as several that recruit mainly just using in-game chat.
Mandate of Heaven is the Veeky Forums alliance side guild on Elysium. It has a pretty dogshit reputation and I'd suggest avoiding it, but pretty sure you can whisper anyone to get an invite. Worst that can happen is you hate it and leave, oh well.
Later on, assuming you stick with the game, you'll want to make sure whatever guild you're in fits in with your goals in game, whether that's premades, raid times that fit your schedule, no swedish people, etc.
Good luck dude.

>i'm kind of a shitter

reroll Rogue

horde if you want keep your sanity

Anathema is where the old nost characters went and the furthest progressed patch wise.
Elysium is a newer version of that, most populated.
Darrowshire is pve.
Zeth is newest and deadest, characters are all being transferred to one of the above servers soonish, elysium being the default choice.

Thanks mang

just don't join MoH on Elysium or the clique will fuck you over

>reroll Rogue
I'll probably try out rogue sometime but for now rerolling isn't an option.
I like the versatility of shaman so far and really, only having 2 classes to complain about isn't bad and I'm having fun, but still would love to learn more so i can be less shit.

What was in that squared you or someone else covered up in the bottom middle?

what are the other servers? /wpsg/ is gone. crestfall is too far away for now. was there even a decently scripted TBC server?

that's just blank space filler you retard

you want more clique leaks? here's the guy in power of it all

Zeth'kur refugee here, which server should i transfer to?
I got a max level horde character with full preraid bis along with some tier 1 if thats any relevant.

Also transfers when?


does infamy still play, did she get a job

There are uh, hellfire and wargate, i could have the names fucked up.
Both are different levels of fucked and i can't recall which is which. One of them actually achieved decent faction balance which is difficult for tbc but i'm behind so i haven't kept up on how it's doing - and again, i get them confused since the names seem similar in my head. One used to be hellground (maybe that's wargate?). bleah.
There is the warmane tbc server opening and it will probably be pretty decent, but with a fair amount of cash shop shit. You'd have to look into it to see if that's something you were into. I think it sucks, but one good part of the way they do it is they can actually pay their people to they're motivated to make shit not horrible.
Gummycraft will be "soon". I think i remember a twinstar tbc project as well but i get everything fucking confused with all these gay ass names, hell-this, war-this, something-fall, something-gate. Fags.

thank you ill look into warmane

Only real options are anathema and elysium. Anathema if you want to jump ahead to AQ and love chinks. Elysium if you don't.
Transfers are probably this month sometime as I think their server lease is up. but there's been nothing official other than it's happening soonish.

I'm sure you're having a lot of fun one shotting people with windfury lol.

please don't post pictures of my wife, I'm the only one allowed to look at her

Not really interested in doing content everyone has already done months before you so Elysium it is!

Could you recommend me any guilds on either side? Preferably ones that either do worldpvp events or raiding.

But with elite mobs doing it, like I've seen people do on YouTube in BRD's first room, they hit so hard that my bubble would seem to run out like 50%-75% into the mobs health

Also have no idea how people do it with more than like 4-5 mobs tops

Would really like to know how to do it it looks awesome

Salty dogs will definitely be raiding by the time zeth kur merges

Have 3/3 imp Blizzard and just kite them around with rank 1 Blizzard until you get used to it, they have abnormally fast runspeed so it's nothing like farming any other mobs.

Redpill me on these two

MoH trash

lndi will save MoH


Salty Dogs I want to join you with all 5 of my 60s PLEASE once merge happens

who do i message do join trandate of heaven? Need to join a vg guild on my alliance alt

message dads

Warmane is p2w funserver shit. Hellfire is the only good tbc server out at the moment desu.

Welcome to Trandate of Heaven
How tranny are ya'?

I'll let you decide

well im getting 2.4.3 client now. warmane's tbc launches on the 17 of may where as hellfire wont be until the 31st it seems. so i guess i have time to try warmane. i dont really care about p2w for other people and i don't think they are going to unban me even though i did literally nothing wrong and i don't really feel like re-rolling




hellfire launched ages ago