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It's Ryoma's birthday today.
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It's Ryoma's birthday today.
Tharja a best and canon
I love Faye!
This is the thread that should stay.
>Both of my Eliwoods are -atk
Are you fucking kidding me? Is this really SUCH a huge detriment with Hone Cavalry and Durandals innate ability? I have no other red swords cavalries besides stahl.
Xander is tonight bro.
Azura a best
Happy birthday aniki
I got one with +atk/-hp
i'm just gonna feed him to Xander though
Are these his actual stats?
You guys can thank /ourdude/ Tharjabro for making this thread the official one.
Whew, we got thread purging AND some signaturefagging btfo. They're listening.
thanks tharjacuck
It wasn't because early threads are deleted; this one was actually the earliest. Waifu threads are officially OVER
Husbando threads only. From here on out. For a better /feg/. For a brighter future.
Husbandos > waifus anyways desu
I'm a waifufag but I approve.
I'm okay with this but ONLY if the next thread is a Xander one
>Husbando threads only. From here on out. For a better /feg/. For a brighter future.
That's the dream.
How god-tier will Xander's banner need to be to justify rolling on it over Hero Fest or the mage waifu ones
Husbandos > waifus
Husbandofags > waifufags
like pottery
>echoes bad lol
Reinhardt, Effie, Cecilia, and i dont fucking know Ninian or some shit.
>5,5k feathers from arena
Only need like 13,552 feathers more to finally 5* my king
So far for dancer units purity rankings:
1. Ninian
2. Azura
3. Olivia
Where do the rest of the dancers place on the list?
>real wait, sure roll team tharja
Even wordcloud agrees my patience will pay off.
>wife cav story
It's very likely. Reminder that Ursula actually got buffed from her early leaked stats.
it will be all cavalry
eldigan, olwen, reinhart and Cecilia
>xander meme
>azura love
>waifu heroes
>run cavalry
>fe3 switch saved ghast
Honestly i cant even roll on a banner that isnt 5% anymore. Feels like such a waste, i dont have an endless supply of orbs.
Who /Team Tharja/ here?
>franchise source completely lost
>switch saved ghast
>broken xander meme
>echoes bad lol
>different lucina remake
Can't make this shit up
What is the best boon/bane/iv for Spring Camilla and Spring Chrom?
Ryoma lied
>spic doesn't actually love his waifu
>he just proved he loves being a massive attention whore instead
>he can't properly articulate a cunning and witty response and has to resort to cursing to get people to stop
Wew lad, first the BLACKED licorice, next the titninja, and now this, I don't think giving me a (You) and calling people out is gonna fix this one.
I know Ninian had less % but she was on the banner for more days. Also she wants to show you her special dance.
>eldigan on a banner for Better Eldigan
sad honestly
Please fuck off from /feg/, we don't need any waifufags here.
I will roll on it if Nino's on it. Really want one for my team and also another one to pass on Gronnblade to Camilla.
>cucked franchise
>meme series
dead slut
>getting Ryoma literally without mages
I guess I can stop expecting Sophia and Raigh when I roll on Herofest banner huh.
Maybe if it has skill fodder for the hero fest you already rolled
>sell ass silas
I always knew he's a faggot
I knew titania was bad but not that bad jesus christ
Remember his little feud with Belkabro over the whole homosexuality thing? Well...
...Let's just say everything is coming together at the moment.
I want to shower Severa with pretty pink flowers and watch her get all flustered!
Stop posting this reddit-tier shit
>switch catria around
>switch catria around
>switch catria around
Ninian cant be pure with that lvl 40 confession, RIP smelliwood
actually RIP ninian too
>mentally ill
For a +spd Ryoma, do I invest 20k feathers for LaD3, 2k for Moonbow (I have no Draconic Aura), and 2k for Vantage 3, or swap LaD3 for Fury 3 and save 18k feathers?
I want to smash her face in with a brick because she's a shitty person
Remember Rocktober 2015? Those were some good times. Someone post the cap, I lost track of mine.
petition to make /feg/ only use stock fire emblem logos and no waifufag characters
So, Lobster wins.
>lvl 40 confession
not in the localization
That's one for the whoopsie book.
>shitty Camilla
>Lucina man ass
>Azura love
Azura is best confirmed.
Tharjafaggot put in the good word for his husbando.
Kiran's NTR-gun affects everyone
>Shitty Camilla ATK
>Cucked Franchise
>broken shitty canon
>So you surely realize by now that...dragon blood courses through my veins.
Dragons have not often lived in harmony with humans...or is it vice versa?
Yet here I feel as if I can truly be myself without fear or shame. That's because of you.
You have the rare gift of seeing others, or at least me, as if there are no divisions between us. I appreciate this more than you can know. And so, I offer you all my dances in deep gratitude.
Doesn't seem so bad in comparison to other confessions
>no divisions between us
that includes clothes btw
>i dont like it so its not canon!
Thats two
Why do you keep spamming this? Is it supposed to be funny?
>There will never be enough doujins of this
>shitty Camilla
At least in that Set she seems to be a perfect Blue Mage Counter, which we are seeing a lot with Tiny Hands and whatnot, tragically her time may already be over since people are getting Lobsters more, as well as Hectors.
Won't stop me rolling for her though, I love Titania (I love all the prepromotes aside from Jaegan(as a unit))
I never knew jokes were so tabboo
I just pick the first thread linked that isn't a Tharja OP.
It being the first one made helps too.
Azura got captured and fucked by Haitaka and his men. Cheats on whoever her husband is with Kaden as well. She should be dead last.
I don't think that's what it translates to. Post the original JP dialogue.
Fuck Come On IS Create a gallery mode so we can re-play the dialogue voices already.
How are you supposed to make Kamui good? The Echoes Kamui.
>h-heh it was just a.... just a joke, yes....
>I was merely PRETENDING to be gay.... I'm straight... honest............
Yeah okay Tharjafaggot. We all believe you, don't worry sweetie.
Does Vatebro still post here? Can I get some Ryoma banging a big hairy Mexican man while Tharja watches?
Builds for this girl?
>husband just so happens to be Kaden
Checkmate, atheist.
He can be a weeb fighter so he's instantly good.
Erm that's my meme team. Back off, thieving user. This is the current version with Leo already nabbing Death Blow 3.
Also that's a -Spd +Def Titania. Doesn't matter much though because of cav buffs and QR2. I actually like the +4 Def because it gives her 1 more point of BST and hybrid defenses.
Anyways, B skill suggestions?
>azurafag deleted
>tharjafag not deleted
not defending azuranigger but ?????
Tharja has avatar AND signature
Jesus fuck, I don't know how I'd do this without my overleveled Tana. She just ate through something like 3 javelins on enemy phase.
She doesn't even have any supports except C with Eirika, imagine if she had A with Ephraim. Something for next time I guess.
He's a dread fighter. That's all you need.
Time to get 3 more orbs so I can roll for him again then.
Trip back fucking on, spic. You shouldn't have outed yourself last thread before making this request, now you're going to fool absolutely nobody.
She's been carrying me since day one. She'll always have my support.
Give him a Brave Sword
Never forget those terrible, suffering-filled, out-of-character Ryouma doujins from pixiv.
I don't have a cake cav team of my own ;_;
>-spd Titania