/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Team 5 love their players edition

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>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ Tournament
Signup Sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezW_F-LPJ8SRG7HvmDEH9ZqVTzKJMG-6wrVkRNR3BG4U2Yng/viewform?usp=sf_link
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Dates: April 28th-30th NA
May 5th - 7th EU
Prize Pool: 20$ Blizzbucks, a Gallon of Chocolate Milk

Last Thread:


>mfw playing ramp druid right now

Holy fucking shit this is so fun

Anaconda -> Y'sharaj literally makes people shit themselves and it's even better when can't even deal with it

Is Aggro Druid a honest deck?


It's an all or nothing deck

It either completely obliterates or gets obliterated to which it can never recover because it doesn't (usually) run Nourish

Yes. Extremely honest. It is only dishonest at the mulligan phase where you have to guess if it is aggro or jade.

How can a small indie company be so generous?

If only they will fix their client now

Why does this matter?

It's a fucking digital thing, it's not physical, it doesn't require materials to be imported or exported, it cost them nothing.

Holy fuck I hate reddit shills

I really want to make this card work without the apprentice 1 shot. Does anyone have any ideas on what to copy to make this card viable? If not I wont craft golden versions and just yolo Hemet or Elise

>Open free packs
>0 legendaries
>0 epics
>0 golden
>Log into Shadowverse
>Daily free pack + 3 free packs form maintenance + free pack from Street Fighter V crossover event
>1 golden legendary
>2 epics
>several animated rares
>several animated commons

You forgot the important part!

>1 dead game

How much are you paid in packs to shill?

>Game isn't literally the most popular game in the world
>Therefore its dead
Man kids these days are retarded....

i mean the other best use is just giants molten or arcane

ive won a few games just taking this off glyph and copying a big dude

you could try questing or something too

who /all duplicates from the free packs/ here

Depends how much you're paid to shill PedoVerse

It is dead


Hadn't even thought of giants thanks man I'll give them a shot

im still missing commons and rares from the set
i keep getting jank like "feeding time" and ultrasaur in all my packs

So you admit you are a shill?

Would you also say World of Warcraft is also dead because it doesn't have 5 million subs anymore?
Was Hearthstone dead a few months ago when pirate warrior was running wild?

Please reply I want to know how retarded you are

I never said I was Mr. Pedophile

Hearthstone isn't "dead" but it is "dying".

Un'goro drew the lowest interest in the games history.

I guess people are tired of digital card games or they're just tired of blizzard failing to ever deliver on any promise.

How much are you paid to shill for Blizzard.
Tell me cause I want to shill for them as well. It is so easy. All you do is make excuses

reposting from last thread because it wasn't answered
>is there a poverty burn mage deck?

The answer is probably no - how poverty are we talking?

how poverty
no epics poverty?

just find all the spells that are targetable at face and put those in with mana wyrm and apprentice and thats the best youll get

How much are you paid to shill for Cygames?
Tell me cause I want to shill for them as well. It is so easy. All you do is make excuses.

no legos
i have everything else except for one meteor and a glyph

OK, look faggots.

I don't understand why you people decide to shit on Hearthstone every chance you get. I know it's not a perfect game, but come on, no other game is perfect either.

"It's really expensive digital card game."
"Why do they charge so much for packs? You can't even trade the cards...they're all digital."

Because they can and it's up to their discretion, you dumb fucks. Nobody owes you shit.

Just get a job, honestly. You guys sound poor as shit. Gaming is a luxury, of course it will cost some money. I've put in about $500 into Hearthstone my whole time playing for a year, and it's been worth it all the way. The game is still free. You're actually fortunate they don't charge you for the basic cards you get. We all should have started with nothing at all. You're even lucky they offer quests or any giveaways because they don't have to do any of that garbage to keep you in because there will always be other people. Their model is perfect as it is, you guys just whine about so much shit. All entitlement.

There is nothing wrong with Blizzard.

just craft alex already

I can't tell if this is a modified reddit post or not

Someone help I can't penetrate the stupidity

Blizzard said the most people ever logged in during Ungoro and just reached 70 million players.

>Believing blizzard's stats


They don't even show their fucking WoW numbers anymore.

I bet you believe Riot's """"stats""" on League also.

You'll need the extra Glyph. You're eliminating probably the best win condition by not having Alex in the deck, but if that's the case you'll want to get Pyroblast. Only get the extra meteor if you're playing with Medivh, or just play Flamestrike. What's your decklist looking like right now?

>Make Hearthstone HEROES OF WARCRAFT
>They can't put Overwatch and other popular future IPs in it
There is something wrong with Blizzard imagine how much more money they could've made


>street fighter V crossover
This sounds really fucking stupid.

you gotta use real money to get anything meaningful out of it anyways

What's wrong with what user said.

Just fork over the money if you're desperate.

Are you schizophrenic or autistic?

>A full collection of gold cards would cost on average about $14,000-$15,000 dollars

Hearthtards defend this

It is but nobody uses the SFV leaders or cardbacks anyway

Stop replying to the bait. It ruined the second half of the last thread and it's already ruining this one.

Who would even want that?

that's really all that paying is for. you can still get a lot of shit free

Alright I came across a confidential document by Blizzard here. It is apparently their guidelines on how to shill Hearthstone

>What to do when someone says this game is too expensive.
Say this game is free 2 play and tell them they should stop being poor. Otherwise say you can craft ONE cheap meta deck. Ignore stuff like dust returns and comparisons to other cheaper games.

>What to do when someone complains this game is bad (RNG mechanics, meta etc).
Tell them this game is popular and played by millions and hence it is a good game.

>What to do when someone says that the developers aren't listening to their concerns.
Tell the the standard Blizzard reply™ - "The developers have mentioned it and are working on it"

>Remuneration for shilling hearthstone.
None. You do it for free.

post hearthstone memes please



Here ya go m8

I still don't understand why they made priest the thief class and not rogue

thematically its fucking retarded. priest should of been the class with heavy graveyard and ressurection mechanics

I really want to know who made this drawing, and I'm pretty sure there're a few others out there that are a bit more lewd.



1 mana 10/10 beast
battlecry: discard your deck
deathrattle: lose the game



I hate how every deck feels like shit on the first day of the season

>draw 0 mana silence as priest
>win the game


you mean every deck that you use???

Something, something, shadow/mind fuckery.
Also, once they realized that pic related was "fun", they just kept on pushing it.

Make it a demon and warlock class and we got a deal.

But priest needs a 1 mana 10/10 so they can compete.


sorry it took so long, but this is what I've put together and realize I'm missing a lot more than I thought, I might be better off going for secret mage, I have about as many for that plus the only legendary it seems to run is yogg, and I think I could just add a second pyroblast instead

>tfw Mean Streets had just come out and Rogue got all those meme cards

>tfw those shitty filler Rogue cards

People should bitch about these cards more.
People shat on Ben so hard he printed a 3 mana 4/8 so people would shut up about purify. Same goes for ferryman, ben got so made he printed rogue quest as a fuck you to everyone. What are people complaining about in Ungoro?

I unleash full Ben Brode laughs every time I see these kinds of edits

Guide to making filler rogue cards

>Take a neutral minion
>Add combo or stealth into the card text
>Change card background

play Secret Mage

It will probably get a bunch of spells and/or healing from next expansion, since those 2 are it's major weaknesses.

>inb4 more discard memery

It will get more discard memery since everyone is bitching about the quest and they are trying to make discard lock work so hard. It will probably get a card that read: 2 mana spell, draw 1 card, discard this card when you are made to discard a card.

>Kripp making excuses on why he's not top of arena leaderboards

>watching kripp

>Kripp crying about losing to bullshit top decks right after getting his own insane top deck
Im not even watching him stream

>this faggot wants Warlock to be OP again

I enjoy control Warlock but I have found the game much more enjoyable with Gul'Dan gone in Standard desu. Still top tier in Wild, though :^)

The problem I've seen with Quest Warlock is that it literally runs out of steam BEFORE finishing it's quest, and once it does finish the quest, it's so clunky in relation with the rest of the deck it doesn't even matter.
Like the quest grants a small amount of board control + value, but the discard mechanics push for aggresive plays most of the time, Warlock would need something that synergizes with both playstyles in order to make it work.
Fel Hound is a good example, but because it is a big minion it gets instantly removed most of the time.

That said, if there were cards with effects like "Put a random card you discarded back into your hand/deck" or "Discard a card, heal as much as twice the mana cost of the card" to stabilize the mid game, or for example a low cost card with good stats that says "Destroy a friendly minion to deal 4 damage" to actually make the most out of the quest/warlock mechanics, it would be pretty fucking fun.

Actually, I just need to go over Team 5 hq with a pizza in hand and they'll hire me right away to start fixing Gul'dan.

>Giving good input
Lmao. That is not good enough. It must be "How about X mechanic but RANDOM". Ben loves those.

I don't want Warlock to be OP again, I just don't want to be stuck with quests that are impossible to finish like the 50 warlock cards one.
Actually, I'm afraid that some quests that aren't that good right now, like Priest, Hunter or even Warlock's, are gonna become a pain in the ass next expansion.

The oppressive ones are taunt, deathrattles and 5 attack minions since Blizzard cannot not print good taunts or aggro will again run amok. Deathrattle is one of the core mechanics. Same for large minions for Druid.

hunter is going to need some next level card draw for their quest to not be shit.

What if warlock had a weapon with zero attack, cant gain attack, and a lot of durability but with a deathrattle effect of "win the game"? Would they be good? Also has battlecry discard a card

Just un-nerf starving buzzard

They don't really need to print strong taunts anymore. Un'goro has 2 years left and it already has some of the best taunt value since Sludge Belcher.
I agree with Druid, but it would still need something else besides 5 attack minions to not be as inconsistent as it is right now.

They don't need to print strong taunts. Just more good taunts will do.

where are the chinese numbers

i want to see the drops for hots

>winning match against ranked aggro cancer druid #567123
>already wasted both his swipes (for some reason) and living manas
>just when it looks like he's going to concede the game my power goes out

Kill me.

>mainly play pirate warrior, midrange hunter, and midrange or murloc paladin
>keep on facing mage, rogue, and pirate/taunt warrior
>drop from rank 11 to 14
>contemplating about using freeze mage to avoid actually trying to compete for board

exact same shit happened to me today

i rotated through 3 of those decks and dropped from 16 to 19. then i rotated to control and would get out aggrod before i could get my taunts up, or get wrecked by discover.

loss after loss, mostly off of shitty mulligans/draws. just a bad day overall.

>Plays Aggro Warrior, Aggro Hunter implying a 6 drop makes it Midrange and Aggro Paladin "lmao 1 Steed makes it Midrange"
>wonders why it loses to anti aggro Taunt Warrior and Mage in general

Also, you should be able to shit on most Rogues.

So basically as a new player you have to buy cards otherwise you can never win, right? Because getting matched up against people with full competitive decks while I'm running a new deck is about as fun as hitting my dick with a hammer.

>I know it's not a perfect game, but come on, no other game is perfect either.

Stopped reading right there. "Kill him and you'll be just as bad as him" useless phrases.

It is Free 2 Play.
You can craft the a 2k dust hunter deck and make it to legend.
What did you expect? Blizzard to give you all the meta decks for free.
Shut up and pay up goyim.

*topdecks you*

something like that
the worst part is you dont really get any competitive decks with just 1 investment unless you dust everything for a 1 trick pony aggro deck
also it doesnt become more "fun"

"win the game" is a horrible card text for card games in general

I should but it's always down to the last hit and I just fuck up.

>Hydrologist not showing Eye for an Eye past five games

what the fuck


>3 4-mana drops, 2 5-mana, and 2 6-mana for midrange hunter
>literally every class legendary + curator, primordial dragons, etc for midrange paladin

Look, I get you hate aggro, but you shouldn't project this much, user.

I'd like ideally to not be matched up with tier 1 decks when running a crappy newbie deck and owning basically no cards.

You think win the game is bad? Check out "can't win the game"

Blizzard is working on the f2p experience goyim.