/blaz/ - Blazblue General

Previous timeloop: Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- Central Fiction is now available in Japan, the US and Europe, as are the Es and Mai DLCs.
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are available on Steam.
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, is currently being published.
- Blazblue Centralfiction is now out on PC with the DLC included.

- BBCF Character info
pastebin.com/zVa2p4Q3 (embed) (embed)
- Match Videos
pastebin.com/e119EKtk (embed) (embed)
- News, Guides, Combo Listings
- Story Stuff
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Variable Heart, Soundtracks, Bururaji, etc)
pastebin.com/eJRLZkYz (embed) (embed)
- Player List
-Frame data/hitbox viewer
-/blaz/ Discord

Other urls found in this thread:


first for hazama

First for Jubei!

first third for best girl boy

what a lovely boy

How do I into best girl?

I love Captain Hazama every day!!!

did dubfags win after all?

9th for please play a better game.

10th for - Does anyone want to trade my extra Kokonoe card for Es/Rachel/Noel/Nine?

This is my girlfriend Celica! Say somethint nice about her!

beep beep beep beep beep beep

Worst girl in the series, at least Litchi has a few good hentai pieces.

>no character interactions dubbed
>no story mode dubbed
>no EA dubbed
>no new characters dubbed
W-we did it bros... we DUBFAGS BTFO

She has a sweet ass m8

Is he picking up his own signal?

Playing on PC for English Celica

i mean, the old character interactions are still there, such as the jin/rag interaction, it's just that the new ones are still the jap versions. honestly, one of the main reasons i'd get the PC version is so that i can pick and choose between my preferred sub and dub voices since i have the CPEX files on hand. definitely not a win, more like a violent resistance.

That's silly, books don't have dicks

>play online in a random room
>all they do play is Es and Terumi

Any EU PC friends?

Silly question. Does PC CF have the same system requirements as CPEX? I was able to run CPEX just fine on my laptop.

You guys experiencing any problems with BBCF on Steam? What are your specs?

Just curious. No problems here. (Character sprite issue isn't a bug but they are thinking of a way to make it look better.)

There are quite a few of us. Personally I can't play today.

It uses the same assets and stuff, but for some reason it seems to run poorly on some computers that could run CPE.


I don't even know what my computers specs are. It's a Thinkpad Yoga from 2014. I can run CPEX okay, but Xrd is an unplayable slideshow. I guess I'm out of luck for CF.

I'm here but I'm shit.

And I mean I get my ass kicked by Hard Bots bad.

You could try for CF, Steam has a refund option anyway.

the requirements are higher
compare this to BBCPEX in my image

Who is Blazblue's Bob Ross?


Why did Chiwa Saito of all people voice Tao

just screech my shit up

only with the laggy connection (which I blame most of my losses in)

CF gave me problems because it defaulted to my laptop's intergrated graphics card, but after I manually switched it to my NVIDIA card it has been running fine.

English Torakaka in CS.

Mai has a beautiful derriere.

you'd think so but you'd be wrong

Do you love Mai? Every thread?

dat back cover tho


BB Newfag here.
I only played the Blazblue games, nothing of the other shit.

Can someone explain to me,
Where the fuck does Azrael come from and why the fuck is he so strong?
Where the fuck does Amane come from and why is he an observer?
Where the fuck does Bullet come from and what purpose does she even have?
Where the fuck do Es and Naoto come from and how the fuck did they ended in this game?
What the fuck is a Mai?

He's blazblue Broly
He's functionally a god that just wants to put cute boys in dresses
She's a mercenary out to avenge her slaughtered squad, and none
Side materials and power of the embryo
some big-titted dude

This picture makes me think of the smell of vagina every time I see it, it's like I can almost smell it t-too lewd

>Where the fuck does Azrael come from and why the fuck is he so strong?
Nobody knows, it's just a thing in alot of japanese works to have this dude who's super powerful for no explanation.

>Where the fuck does Amane come from and why is he an observer?
Nobody knows exactly what he is but some hints have been dropped. He became an Observer because after Rachel lost the right to be one, the world designated another being to take her position, in this case Amane.

>Where the fuck does Bullet come from and what purpose does she even have?
She's Tager's adoptive daughter and is there to make it so Tager has some actual backstory to work with.

>Where the fuck do Es and Naoto come from and how the fuck did they ended in this game?
Naoto comes from Bloodedge Experience, a light novel series that takes place in an alternate timeline. He was sent to the main timeline because all of the other ones were being erased by the Embryo, since it only allowed for the single one that led to its creation by cutting off all other "possibilities". Es is just the guardian of the Azure, think of her as a receptionist with a big sword and Noel's predecessor in some ways.

>What the fuck is a Mai?

I like how you left the last one blank

The short answer is, Mai is literally perfect.

The long answer is, it's a grimoire that looks like a girl who used to be a guy, but who was transformed by grimoire magic. It's canon that the grimoire has a female soul, though. Maybe the body is the grimoire, it isn't really clear, but it's definitely Mai Hazuki's sissified soul in there.

Nobody knows why Azrael is so strong. It's never explained. We only know that he doesn't use Ars Magus, Magic or the power of the Boundary.
Amane became an Observer because Rachel lost her powers from her constant interfering. We know nothing about his past.
Bullet belonged to Tager's mercenary squad before he became a cyborg. I guess she's there to give him a bit of backstory and for extra T&A.
Es and Naoto come from alternate worlds. They ended up in the game as representatives of their respective spinoffs.
Mai is Noel's, Tsubaki's and Makoto's friend from the Military Academy. She's the heir to the Hazuki family though she uses a fake name, has a grimoire fused with her body and has a spear that's an Immortal Breaker Legacy Weapon.

I think that pose is based on Mai's 5B5B6A/C move.

Es is from a different series of games set in the same universe (maybe in an alternate timeline though), she doesn't really have anything to do with the blazblue main story
Naoto is from a series of... novels? that are also set in the same universe but maybe alternate timeline. I think he is buddies with Rachel's vampire clan, but the stories are set like a hundred years in the past.

Mai is a boy who got magicked into a girl through some weird grimoire fuckery and is the MC in a manga about her + makoto noel and tsubaki going to military school.

>travel a lot so barely play on console
>buy PC version
>online is basically dead

>(maybe in an alternate timeline though)
They literally outright stated it in Lost Memories.

>tfw shit at the game
>everytime I actually find a room, I get obliterated
>tfw I still try everyday

Same but also
so far I won two rounds, but never a match

The Nameless Grimoire didn't have a soul, if simply needed a female vessel in order to function. Mai Hazuki discovered it in the Hazuki library and it caused Mai's transformation into a woman when it fused with her. (Mai then used the name Mai Natsume as an alias, though she was still recognized as the heir to her family.) Mai's soul gradually adjusted to its new body and also pretty much turned female.

Both Xblaze and Bloodedge Experience are alternate timelines. The Wadatsumi Incident that led to all the events of Xblaze never happened in the main timeline. Also Naoto ended up killing his sister and then getting killed by Clavis in the main BB timeline, neither of which happened in the Bloodedge Experience timeline.

Here's the only tier list that matters.


user, I don't know if you realize this, but there is no left/right axis on this graph. Like, there's no arrow.

>he thinks in 2 instead of 1 dimension

it may be time for bed

Are you holding your computer sideways?

Nice. I am impressed


why is arakune even on that chart

Any tips for fighting Tager with Bullet?

Here's a Bullet tech that people often forget to use in that match-up: Remind Tager that he was your captain for that one squad and that should cause some internal damage that you can use to your advantage

How many BB girls would you behead to impress Tsubaki (PBUH, insallah)

None because Islam is a religion of peace and thus Tsubaki does not approve of violence.


>try out new character
>screw it I'm mastering this one now
>do a few bot matches
>can't do combs at all
>remember I can only play Ragna
>go back to Ragna
>rinse and repeat

have you considered using challenge mode and training mode in order to learn these combos

I do.

And then I forget them instantly because everything is Ragna.

keep at it, user. i believe in you!

Good thing I never bothered to try and learn how to play Ragna.

I mean, I'm trying to learn how to Amane but I always switch into Ragna mode, not able to hit shit with the ranged attacks.

It's not violence if you behead kuffar (Noel, in example) or non humans (Makoto, in example).

Tsubaki will never sleep with you as long as those two live.

Dhimmi should be protected from violence according to the Sharia and Noel qualifies to be one.

Only if she can pay the jizya. And since she's unemployed... how can she pay??

Church donations.

Ahhh I see what you mean.

You "donate" your "donations" directly into her "church".

I'm pretty bad at this game. Out of the 100 matches I did I only won 16. It's pretty fun though.

I've never won a game of Blazblue before in my life

You should play me then. I'll give you your first win.

The only issue I had so far were the shitty sprites and a few lines of pixelated text here and there but that's it.

From what I'm seeing there are like 500 to 700 players on average which is really good for a anime game. The matchmaking is probably just shitty or everybody's in training mode

You're still better than me, and I've been playing all the BlazBlue games, for years.

Really? Maybe it's because I'm using Bullet. She's probably carrying me.

>everyone says they are shit
>i'm literally the biggest shitter of all
I mean, I loose against normal bots

No fucking way. I refuse to believe there's someone worse than me (I can beat normal difficulty bots).

Do chars like mu/lambda/nu play somewhat like dizzy plays? What are the zoners in this game like?

So I bought a Fighting Commander (sue me, I find sticks uncomfortable to use) and it's being more of a problem child than Carl. Is there a good set-up that's generally recommended? I'd prefer not having to start up external programs every time.


Mu is the closest to Dizzy.
Nine is also pretty similar to Xrd dizzy.

Mu sort of plays like Dizzy. Nu-13 is the designated zoner though with extremely heavy keepaway.

Thanks. And how does lambda compare to the others?

Lambda is like a zoner/rush down hybrid. Guys say she has shit mixup [but I have no idea how to deal with it/spoiler] stronger than Nu this version IIRC

Is Mai for secondaries like myself?

Lambda is the rushdown character. She tries to use her swords and gravity wells and specials in a way that forces the enemy to deal with them so she can get in and attempt to mix them up. Her zoning isn't as effective as Nu and her pressure isn't as annoying as Mu but her combos are the easiest of the three and does good damage in the corner.

No, Mai is for plebians. If you're a secondary just play Noel.

Mai is for gentlemen with fine taste.

Does CF on PC work perfectly now?

Define perfectly. The sprites still look the same, if that's what you mean.

Mai is for people who need to wear a helmet when playing vidya games.