Motorcycle or Invest?

This is a dumbass question but I'll ask anyways, I'm starting college soon and am thinking of buying a motorcycle, something around 600 cc, issue is, this money could instead be invested in stocks, wwyd?

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sorry friend. You will end up wrecking. Its a fact. You will get into an accident. ALSO since you haven't started college yet I assume you are 17-25 although you could be older...but if you are in that age group don't. You are not developed enough to securely and confidently ride a bike without sperging out.

>if you are in that age group don't. You are not developed enough to securely and confidently ride a bike without sperging out.
Guaranteed replies

How new are you?

Why would I give an obvious troll a (You), redditfriend?

Go on /biz
Buy lambo next year

Yep. A summerfriend confirmed. Welcome summerfriend

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8

Hahaha, totally, im thinking of just doing some low risk bullshit so I can buy a nice car when I'm a old dickhead, Ive taken a motorcycle safety course and all that jazz, I just don't know if its all that practical to buy for college

Buy a cheap used bike for like $1000, ride it for a few months, and then if you wanna sell ti and get somerthing else, just do it.

Enjoy life instead of frittering your money away.

>he thinks investing $4000 will matter

I started on a 600 supersport and never wrecked it, eventually moved to smaller bikes because they're more fun on everything but the highway. I'd definitely go for a bike, OP, riding a motorcycle is easily the best thing I've ever done in my life.

Why would you tie your money up just to earn more money on it?
Buy the bike, at least you can enjoy your money, and they don't even devalue that much.

>buying anything over 500cc as a first bike

Enjoying maiming yourself

I wouldn't suggest a 600cc moto but if you won't change your mind I recommend a bmw 650gs.

Dad gave me one and i've been loving it ever since.

>he thinks it wont
protip buy AMD

As someone who spent his late teens and early 20s laying waste to thousands of dollars on motorcycles...invest the money now. This way in a few years you can buy even more motorcycles and all the expensive shit that goes with them like tires, suspension work, sick riding gear, taking time off work for vacations on the bike and track days.

buy a bike
>cheaper on gas
>fun and also good to clear your mind
>if you buy something decent for 3-4k it won't drop in value for a long time.

profit is profit
I invested 1k into ETH when it was mooning and tripled the money before selling it when it crashed, thats 2k that I wouldnt have otherwise


What year is that ?
When did they start putting that little piece of mesh between the headlights ?

This obviously. Sluts won't know the difference or much difference anyway.

Riding a bike to college (or anywhere else for that matter) is fucking great. Can confirm.
>Get literally the best parking
>Save $$$$ on gas
>bitches mirin'

can confirm, but I dont do it because fucking subhuman gypsies steal anything thats not literally bolted to the floor in the city

Since it's just 4k I would say get the bike. If you were asking this same question about a 50k car, I would say invest.

Enjoy your life with a few grand, but keep saving with long term goals as well.

jokes on you, i live in semi-desert CA. Nice, but not pretentious area

spotted the summerfag phone poster

Buy an appreciating death machine

Sweet guys thanks, I'm still unsure as Id like to start building assets but a motorcycle would be so fun to have

so buy 300cc biku

You may of wrecked cause it shit at life.

>why should i make money?
Are you fucking serious?

Good point. Small bikes get bought and sold at the same price for years on end. Anything bigger than 500 will lose value by the time you're out. It's an anomaly related to the hobbyist nature of riders in the US.
A CB/CBR will minimize repair costs. The 2016 CBR500R is the latest iteration, and leftovers are the same 5500 as the previous.

> Why should I tie my money up to lose money when inflation is considered

2009, pretty sure that style started in 2007. It's functional at least

It's your money, OP. I'd say both are somewhat bad decisions. At least the bike is tangible and is harder to steal from you than whatever's in your brokerage account. And they've outright stolen shit from investors before, see: MF Global. Nobody really got punished for that, not really. They sure as hell never got their money back.

At least if your bike gets stolen, the cops will care enough to put the asshole in jail if they bother catching him.

I got my 2005 CBR600RR while in college 5 years ago.

I still ride it to work daily unless it rains, then I take my car.

Get the bike. best investment you can make just make sure you can control yourself and don't split lanes with a speed differential of over 5 mph.

Stop projecting your imcompetence although I do agree a lot of people can't handle the power. You can start on a 1000cc if your not a stupid nigger.

>He thinks $4000 invested when you're in your early 20's is meaningless

Spotted the obvious redditfag troll enabler

i rode to college daily in my first year in LA. it fun and worth it. doing it for my second year. i also own bitcoin, litecoin and monacoin.

So how would go on about doing so?

I'd recommend a Honda, the older ones are fairly cheap these days but hold their value if you take care of them, you can easily get your 2k back once you resell if you've taken care of it, they're easy to maintain, a lot of resources, a lot of spare parts out there, reliable and easy to ride.

Buy the 600 and dont listen to pussies here

download the meme app called "robinhood", supposedly you can buy and trade stocks for free (not counting the price of the stock itself)