
*rides in front of you*

These cucks need to get the fuck off the road.

Pass him close enough to scare him.
It's not like he can speed up and not let me in front.

one of these days i'm really gonna lose it and just run these idiots over. i'm on my way to work, ITS THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY, what the fuck are you doing riding a bicycle on the road with no shoulder, get a fucking job you hippy piece of shit, IM NOT GOING TO GET INTO A HEAD ON COLLISION ON THIS WINDY ROAD BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE AN INSUFFERABLE CUNT

i really blame europe for this. stupid democrats in my state think they are soooo cultured so we have share the road laws to protect these faggots

just honk at them

Does it have direct injection?

>No accountability
>No responsibility
>No liability
>Never uses the cycle lane
>Uses the road as a play ground for their leasure activity
Cyclists pls leave

Tbh, if brotruckers only targeted cyclists who are obstructing traffic with their smoke, they would have a better reputation.

*doesn't use the fucking vacant sidewalk literally just one yard away*

>girl running
Does it have direct injection?


i have much less of a problem with runners as i do with bikers. at least runners can stop and step off the road to let me by

And yet most of them don't because they make a point of showing that they run to as many people as possible.

>i have much less of a problem
Do you have direct injection?

do YOU?

I'm riding my bike really often for everything under 10km but I respect the fucking traffic laws and don't fucking block the road. There's literally no reason to block the road if you're slower than cars anyways.

Especially the faggots in full bicycle lycra piss me the fuck off, even when I'm on my bike.
Those who wear lycra, have those over aerodynamic helmets and ride bowed over even at 5mph are the worst of them.

Yes, and it feels good when he does it to me.

>Those who wear lycra, have those over aerodynamic helmets and ride bowed over even at 5mph are the worst of them.
All there is in California. Every weekend they come out by the hundreds on every nice road in the state and do their best to slow everybody to a crawl. Remember, you've gotta share the road!

>cyclist rides to front of traffic queue at a light and stops in front of lead car

well there's another 10+ mins to my commute

You should directly inject the next cyclist that does this.

Just got back from testing out my downhill bikes brakes, I panic hardcore riding a bike on streets, and it was a 10 minute ride and barely had two cars pass me. I only ride on dirt trails, but felt like riding on the street today. Even when I worked 1.2 miles away, I drove there.

>i really blame europe for this.

that shit cracked me up.

It is europes fault. All these fucks think they are touring france or something.

Honestly its exactly like it being the Japanese's fault that all the AE86s and S13s got bought up and crashed into hillsides. Exactly the same process at work.

Roadies are faggots. DH is where its at.

happens every other day i swear to god. the worst is when they do it once and you finally catch up and pass them, then you get to another light and it happens again so you gotta spend a second eternity waiting for another gap to pass. also that fucking feeling when you look in your mirror and see a cyclist riding past the cars in the middle of the road. it's like you can hear all of the motorists collectively sigh

then again it is europe's fault you have a road, and hot water and the likes, i'd say it is the fault of your own shitty governement that has shitty laws and road infrastructure, son.

I miss DH so much
Thinking about getting back into it but my back wouldn't be thrilled

>ride bike
>cage cuck has to wait for me to pass before he can get out of the driveway
>expect him to overtake me first chance so I keep to the very right
>doesn't overtake
>look back
>I'm fucking gaining on him
>realize I'm doing 25 in a 20 zone
>overtake shitty scooter
I believe the average bicyclist is being a cunt on purpose.

It depends on where you are too.
Around here if you get caught overtaking a cyclist when there's not much room you can get majorly fucked

>brotruckers calling others cucks
Have you accidentally pissed out your tiny testicles yet, or are you still intact?

I'll share the road with these fudge packers when jumbo jets start sharing airport runways with me in my car.