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Dog lyns #1

cat lyns #1


I'm going to turn every girl with a male Lyn boyfriend into a cuckold forced to watch me make babies with their beloved man!

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

don't reply to me ever again

thats my line pussy

First attempt at a thick Jin and she looks like a drug addict.

shutup beaver

There's no fucking beaver lyns

it's pretty impressive that you managed to make a beaver lyn when they don't exist then

You're done what's your ign I'm taking you down

do I need to remind you again who the better FM is

LMAO your forehead is more spacious than the Necropolis

>open world pvp with gear advantages

kys yourself you boring manchild weab

LMAO your spacious is more Necropolis than the forehead

That's the hairs in this game. Doesn't give you much vertical space to work with. Original hair looks like this.

we're basically equally geared but ok

Thanks to whoever posted that stuff for converting custom images for profile stuff

Finally got around to changing mine to this

hotdogs are good and are the most american food

Good proportions, butter face.

can i feed you a hotdog

this is my favorite lyn

I think you quoted the wrong post

This is the correct post

What about burgers?

bnsg meetup when?

i want to meet aorow

its weeb

kill me

Meetups don't happen anymore, everyone's too busy with raids and their statics to make new friends.

who is this wiener cleaner


i meant a real life meetup srry

is everyone here from korea?

I wanna make friends.

check the zeemaps zeemaps.com/map?group=2191786


have fun

shadow earring

>pink chives, boy luu, and brown kilo

good times

i've always been a boy

is this game worth coming back to? I quit when i was level 20.

>you will never feed luu hotpockets while filling his hotpocket

not always

A little late to the party, dearie.

burger is 2nd best

>male lyn
Being a toy is not the same as being a boyfriend, no lynboy is ready for that kind of commitment


It's bed time. goodnight whoevernon.

Well hello there good lookin~

im boy pregnant duh

It's bacon

It's a lot easier to grind levels now and possibly worth coming back to check it out if you want to play it time to time.

>tfw got Naksun to 90K hp after his icicle bullshit but didn't backstep fast enough

what class

thats Canadian food you baka

Soul Fighter.
I think I hit me Q/E too long after the 2nd attack and it also doesn't help the banners getting in my view


well good luck yo. I'd probably just hit C since his ice phase lags so much

yeah the only reason I'm losing to him now is the randomness of the icicles

Well after fucking up my opening, the ice phase and delaying my original time by 20 seconds I did it.

Huzzah for victory

That's the only reason why I still have trouble with Naksun. I can do everything up to his ice phase without taking damage but once those ice pillars come down, it's up to RNG if I am either lucky enough to be out of the radius or I can iframe quickly enough and not be fucked by his air kick afterwards.

what class

Fresh 50 and looking into getting the HM skills and such like. Is it necessary to get the volume 2 skill through old content like E. Fleet Supply Chain? Or are there newer modern ways to get the HM skills?

Then start doing it!

Is there a cost difference if I go stage 10 baleful to Raven 1 or Baleful 12 to Raven 3?

I don't know, is there?
Path 1 is 10->11->12->Raven 3
Path 2 is 10->11->Raven2->Raven3
Path 3 is 10->Raven 1->Raven 2->Raven 3

use Ctrl I with baleful 10 as starting item and raven 3 as target item. It'll show you 3 pathways from cheapest to most expensive.

baleful 10 > baleful 12 > raven 3
baleful 10 > baleful 11 > raven 2 > raven 3
baleful 10 > raven 1 > raven 3

baleful 12 to raven 3 is cheapest and you definitely want raven 3 instead of just stopping at raven 1 since that's the stage the damage buff goes up.


i feel like i lose brain cells every time i have sex with my boyfriend

I think it's just your homosexuality slowly rotting them away.

pew pew pew

why is getting a boyfriend hard

because you're not cute

why is ncsoft keeping these race/class options from us

you don't know that!

you wouldn't have a hard time finding a boyfriend if you were cute...

I have a hard time since I'm a cute boy

what race options

post proof

lmao you gay

I'm not gay

why would I do that?

because I'm on the hunt for cute boys

Goodnight folks

but are you also a cute boy?

no, I'm a cute girl

>yun literally have no gender
fucking aliens man

prove it and post hands

I asked for proof first!

It's 'N' for Nainen which stands for female in Finnish.

It just means they are actual cute girls and none of this female (male) shit.

but I wanted a cute boyfriend...
how cute?

lmao u gay

Go to sleep, Kyoppi

the cutest

man, I'm real sick and tired of getting blamed for all this gay stuff, my dad works for ncsoft and if you guys don't stop bullying me I'm gonna get him to change your mains to destroyers

I need proof

tell him to swap my jewel powders ty

lolith is gay

What if my main is already destroyer?

just stop bullying me please ;-;


hi i mcourante and looking 4 cute girl
