/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/24
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something



>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



CCC translation when?

Sita when?

I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

Slut thread

Their bangs really do make them look different from FSN Sakura. Passionlip's hair feels like a straight line across. Melt is a lot sharper, and has it bound on the side.

Best boy.

When BL gets past the prologue.

>You said I was just a mere human didn't you? You're slow on the uptake, King of Heroes. The one you're facing is a true imitation of a Heroic Spirit!
What did Shirou mean by this

My wife

If I'm not wrong, by this time he had enough contact with Archer to gain his skills and memories, essentially making him an "imitation of a Heroic Spirit"

???: ……Mm……you mustn’t, Pharaoh. Pulling my hair like that…… Though they might look like ears, they are magical catalysts representing Horus……most definitely not a bedhead……

I find this heartwarming. Didn't knew that I would appreciate seeing these two reunited.

She's an innocent cute idiot. Daughter tier personality, not for lewd.

Zepal is possessing BB right? It's not connected to Mooncell anymore because he summoned her.

So never?

They may be awkward together, but they are sisters at the end of the day. Its nice to see how they've grown and can finally face each other a bit.

Its almost reminiscent of Rin and Sakura reconnecting. Which is ironic since they're both Sakura, but Sakura's M side and Sakura's S side.

Well now

Post servants

Hoarding for Seminari ?

You know it baby

>Hurr they're all slow as shit because that one guy I hate who did Hollow Ataraxia

The guy working on the event does fast work. He did all of Foxtail and some F/S I think in a few months. He translates the chapter almost as soon as it comes out which is why they're up to date now.

He gets shit done. A few guys in BL do good work, this guy and the guy doing F/S novel are two of them.

To be clear I mean the CCC event. Guy they got working on it is decent.

Will Parvati be a titty monster too

Next amputee servant when?

Nips are convinced Zepal is going to get a new humanoid looking body and it's going to be female. They said Zepal is the demon that rules over romantic love and passion, aside of many things. And the connection of going under in there with Agartha underground thing is too strong.

Parvati will just be normal Sakura body, but Sakura has nice tits.

>Zepal is going to get a new humanoid looking body and it's going to be female.


>the guy doing F/S novel
he dead though


but the thing is, the 72 demons of the ars goetia each in actual occult lore have individual appearances, none of them look like a pillar of eyes. This is what buer looks like allegedly.


It is also speculated that Gaap looks like this.




>we won't see that pure smile again
CCC event was a mistake

This is the reason why Nasu make FGO. To give both his CCC waifu a good ending.

how in the fr*cking h#ck do you prnounec ars goetia


I liked the friendly bickering Melt and Gawain had, they were becoming nice friends.
I really don't think Melt would kill him.

He's not even dead, its a fake. He'll show up again just like he did with passionlip.


Didn't Romani / Solomon said something about that very early on?

Farming guide is more important than story so I prioritized it. Just bring your strongest units and ignore bringing event Servants (you'll get fixed drops like pieces anyway) and you'll be fine.

So far for me, Ibaraki and Merlin are melting all enemies with ease.

I'm not sure. Can I get a link.

Where did you pull the l from?

arse good, ya

>Want to clear the event for BB and ascention mats.
>don't have any motivation to go through it

>Farming is more important
>Ibaraki and Merlin
user please, where are your extra servants?

>tfw want to use Jaguar Man
>but Cu Lancer is better than her

Sounds Gawain keikaku to conquer the moon cell will be what ignites part 2.

do it for you waifu user

> Gawain was Zepal all along

That is straight up wrong

Literally everything is sebar

And he would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

Do it for HISSATSU


>Main Quest
Bring Ibaraki and Merlin to obliterate bosses. Drops are irrelevant so you don't need to nerf yourself with event Servants and CEs.

>Free Quest
Bring EXTRA Servants equipped with event CEs to nerf yourself to the maximum while also maximizing drops.

Fucking gacha! Give me Passionlip REEEEEE

My wife Sanzou is so cute.

>Marrying a Buddhist
They are literally no fun.

Can someone please summarize this?

Dressing like that I bet Goku knotted her up every night

Your wife is a monkey fucker.

I don't think that's how monkey dick works.

Gambling is sinful. Thankfully Martha is here to destroy all slot machines.


If BB is a Beast then why doesn't she have Independent Manifestation?

Heaven's Hole when?

>BB is a beast guys
>Clearly shows that she's MoonCancer class
Kiara is the Beast you fucking mongrels.

BB being a Battle Beast is just some meme from ARC-V.

Yeah I think it was in Septem when he first saw Lev turn into a pillar. Something about how Solomon's demons didn't look like that.

Is this the worst event yet? I don't remember having to grind this much for shit before

The fuck are you on about? This event's been great so far.

There's only one event currency and it's handed out like rape whistles at a college campus

>mission event with only one currency
You kidding, that's a godsend compared to what we usually get.
Every stage being 40 AP is annoying though.

I kinda like the event actually. It has only one currency and the music is good to play with.

>one currency that drops like candy
>interesting story
What are you on about? It's a pretty good event so far

>shitter can't handle the best event
I don't even remember last time we got so many quartz.
The currencies is raining and the mission are easy.
And the story seems good.

>sakuracuck is mad as fuck someone sees this garbage for what it is

Gareth-chan when?

>user so desperate to claim the event he's too shit to handle is shit that he makes up accusations wholesale

7 swordsmen chapter, maybe even agartha

On the flipside, my good user, I do not remember any recent event where I actually felt like the shop is clearing up steadily.

>female Melvin
Hopefully never

The fact that she still loved and idolized Lancelot after her killed her in cold blood to rescue Guinevere is bullshit.



UBW looks like shit

Shiki looks like sh-
Oh wait, he doesn't have an anime.

>>Clearly shows that she's MoonCancer class
Fake Solomon was the Caster class at least one of the times we fought him even though he was REALLY the Beast-class Goetia.

I want to ravage Helena!

I think that's because the CE is cheap as fuck and the coins stack up incredibly quickly, without having to grind at all.

My only real complaints are that every story mission is 5 AP (or 0) and the farming's all 40, nothing inbetween, and that you need to spend pink tickets to unlock other free battles, but also need them to open up further parts of the story.

>ibn4 BB steals Kiara's 5th * and knocks her down to welfare status

>2 welfares in one event
DW would literally go out of business if they did that


I wonder how Medb and Kiara'd interact.

Then they'd put 5* BB in the gacha. It's not like people actually care about her anyway, they just want a free 4* with a shinny new class attached.

BB will be in gacha with new skillset
It was all a ruse,just like the """beach""" event

Slut-off, duh. It would be like an instant Mizuryu Kei doujin.

Is it safe to assume the new HF PV will be published once the final screening is over (Saturday morning)?