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first for US Sargeras

All fem goblins must be filled with cum.


hello Uther

you can stop samefagging anytime now, beaner

enjoy your ban

is pescado our guy ?


what about pescatta?

say something nice about Pëzädö


you niggers haven't even BEGUN to experience this level of nostalgia
I'm going into overdrive

i liked his nostalgia wotlk transmog

>need to have some sort of social skills to be accepted as a part of guild clique so that i get invited into clique shit
>if i wasnt autistic i wouldnt be playing WoW in the first place

I have no social skills and I'm in a decent guild
being good gets you far

cliques a shit
whole raid being one big clique = god tier

just spam wowg with your fucking screenshots and you'll be famous in no time

I wanna start playing World of warcraft. I'm looking at like a troll shaman. Am I doing good?

>tfw you'll never be a paladin so you'll never have a Goblin cocksleeve

Is Obelisk of the Void a good trinket for afflocks?

Just got a 900 ilvl relinquished one

I need a goblin gf!!

>now we're making threads that give attention to the local retard
fuck this i'm off to reddit

>tfw no pisedo bf (female)
just end my life lads

Meant M+ key climbing etc, I get invited to raids and I parse 95%+ more often that not/rarely makes mistakes but the guildies rather 1chest keys with the shitter dpses :(

i left you a subforum in the OP

>I'm creating a character
>did I do good?

no minmaxing allowed on your first character
blindly experience the World of Warcraft*

*an Activision product

oh well I do that with pugs generally, got more success there
few people do high m+ anyway in my guild

>i'm off to reddit
this lads
reddit is undeniably better than /pezg/

But user this thread isn't about you


taking my chances


Cheesy as it sounds, the best thing to do is whatever you enjoy.

alejkum salam wowg

yeah it is
i am pezado

>leveling my demon hunter
>pick up the class hall upgrade that lets me kill a demon for loot or something
>enter the crystal thing
>demon kicks my ass
umm... wowbabs?!?!?!?

what is he looking at wowg

look at this shitter lmao

>he didint pick all the good talents for 110

I am pezado

I've been pugging as well, I'm trying to subtly fuck with the guildies by getting the guild keystone leaderboard rank1 by pugging, altho it will be hard once they hit 20+

tho theres a chance that im super autistic about this and nobody else even checks the leaderboards lol

no, i am

>dwarfs are alcoholics because they cant look further then the table

Start applying to guilds.


gona fap to that goblin and calling it for the night lads

If I was a dwarf, I'd climb onto the nearest table and jump off to kill myself. Fucking pathetic. Make me ashamed to be Alliance. At least you can fuck gnomes and pretend they're children.

what was this guys name again

Which one should I open?



>follow a zone's quest lines
>no heirlooms
>end up outlevelling the zone

>Mimiron's Head
I own Mimiron's Head too but it's not listed on my profile

Is it because it's not rare at all and every idiot has it?

Fucking kek good post tbqh

gonna do a server transfer for an old 85 warrior i had and quit during cataclysm.

what realm do i transfer to?

I like female Pandas

They've sped it up since then broski


forgot my pic


>queue for heroic as heal
>highest health


Just know that wpvp is more busted than it's ever been because the bg/arena rules are more important than ever

>Mimiron's Head
>Attained by 9% of profiles

always open the biggest one

i don't mind wpvp being in a sorry state, always has been since the beginning of time and that's okay.

just want to get off a lowpop normal server with this warrior and experience all the expacs since cata, as I haven't played since then either.

is there anywhere i can check pop ratios? and a pvp server sounds good, i wont do arena probably.

>deletes posts about this autist
>doesnt delete porn

hey kid want to learn about shadow magic


how do i get to this room

is there a cheevo for doing a +20?

if anduin actually became a shadow priest

that would be nice desu

>Tomb of Sargeres NORMAL gear is better then Nighthold MYTHIC gear

Why didn't I wait to do heroic until the nether disruptor went up with the seal of broken fate refund up

so? content becoming literally useless with every new patch hasn't been news since wotlk

what the fuck?

This clown needs to be fired.

nerds lmao

arms or prot for wpvp shenanigans

is there any point in spending shards on anything but relinquished trinkets

>tfw Mean Streets of Gadzetzan won't be reality
>Neutral captial city featuring three PvP factions you can choose from


why doesnt anyone want to do this

because CoEN, Teeming+Fortified, and Quaking are all cancerous as standalones
together they're supercancer

coen is the new black rook hold
tons of trash that you can't skip by normal means and its all aids

I'm really cofused. I've done what I thought was all quests in Darkshore a few times and I don't remember that one where you go up to the ruins where all the nelfs are and you attack all those trolls. Is that only for certain races or classes or something?

Similarly, I remember in Elywynn Forest because sent on quests sort of N/NW of Goldshire, with bandits in a house with like a vineyard around it or something, though that doesn't seem to be there anymore. I don't remember that being so long ago it was pre-Cata.

>worst dungeon with the three worst affix
boy I do wonder

plz rate

>hit 101
>no legendary drops
who do i report this bug to?

>players will have well over 1000 ilvl by the next expansion
dps measured in tens of millions when?

>three Relinquished Trinkets in a row
>three PvP trinkets in a row

ion this is rigged

ion where are you

ion explain this

not if you're already above 900 ilvl, no

how do you know?

>has "back alley" pvp areas that has "supply" delivery and intercept quests
>no skyscreaming or groundscreaming allowed

>Summon Charger
>Summon Warhorse

>a profession mount is rarer than invincible

whats the most chill rppvp server eh
you fucks

I don't think I've seen anyone in the thread with pets THIS rare.

i cant be the only one here that is saving up to like 100k nethershards expecting some gay shit requiring all of it right

the grain in the moulding

Just go for pop, lad