/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

This thread is for all strategy games that do not have their own thread, focusing on 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
tags: /cbg/ /rtsg/

- Pastebin: pastebin.com/YHdisqem
- WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1: pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh (embed)
- Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5: reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/
- Wiki: stellariswiki.com/Stellaris_Wiki
- The Development of Stellaris gamasutra.com/view/news/274018/Postmortem_Paradox_Development_Studios_Stellaris.php

>Endless Legend
- Manual: cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
- Wiki: endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

>Endless Space 2 soon

- Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors: dropbox.com/sh/ljdms8ygix2btcs/AACC_IGIy7zAkomwA6S4DJp3a?dl=0
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE): well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot: multiplayerrobot.com
- District Cheat Sheet: hydra-media.cursecdn.com/civ6.gamepedia.com/2/29/District_Cheat_Sheet.png?version=07510f0f43d7188e00e7046c90360dba

>Alpha Centauri
- Essential improvements: pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories: mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

>Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for city building

Is there any fancy mod for Cities Skylines that replace the building by some aliens stuff?

What are the essential DLC's for Skylines?

I played it waaay back at release and had fun with it, but I haven't touched it since. I'd like to try it again

there's about a thousand individual mods.

They're all incredibly tasteless though.

There's no way you just happened to come up with an identical idea, don't be a faggot.

A bit of a shame. I'm in a sci-fi mood and I'd like to make Giedi Prime, Arrakis or some other fancy stuff in my town.

Hell, even Chozo Ruins would be fun.

>wars for resources
>big guys realize they will annihilate everyone if they dont stop
>some time of no war
>too much ppl for planets resources

and believe it or not I didnt ever read comonwealth bio before writing it

and yes it isn't

Surely you posses the ability to see the mythic themes behind those creations and re-arrange them your own way?

Tolkien didn't write about Atlantis. he wrote about Numenor, etc etc.

maybe I read it and then forgot I did so it just poped out in my mind

You linked the wrong post, friend.

Well fuck. I was saving an ascension perk for synthetic evolution but I've taken Galactic Contender now instead. I can't see inside their borders. Right now I have 4 fleets at 17.5k, 13.1k, 13.3k and 13.4k and a fuckton of armies garrisoned on every world leftover from my last 3 wars bullying my neighbors.
do I stand a chance here?

>wars for resources
How do they get sufficient resources for wars for resources while keeping the people needed for the wars for resources fed? You'd think they'd find another way of fighting each other. Single combatants or something. You can't fight wars on empty larders.

>big guys realize they will annihilate everyone if they dont stop
That's not how war people think. war people would think: "So we need to kill them first"

>some time of no war
>too much ppl for planets resources
If population pressure caused the wars before that and the people haven't fundamentally changed since then, they'd just fall back into their old habits.

What exactly is the moral of this story intended to be?

Okay i'll be more specific.

You have desire to create things you appreciate. Why do you choose to just copy what other people have made in other mediums? Why not take the core of what inspired those people and use it to make your own works?

Numenor is basically atlantis, but with a new twist. What is it about the Chozo that you like? Bird people? Mystic aesthetics? or the Metroid series? Do your own thing.

Because I play video games, read books, and listen to music.
I don't create video games, write books, or compose music.

I want to get immerged in a wonderful, wonderful world that I will have pleasure exploring, discovering every nook and cranny, observing pixel after pixel, uncovering every small story suggested by the design.
I don't want to create a world without surprise, I want to explore someone else's. I don't want to be understood, I want to understand.

>What exactly is the moral of this story intended to be?

theres none?
just wrote bio that somewhat makes sense for desert living military birds, and justifies having 2 very similar races in the galaxy

Is it worth being Pacifist to take Agrarian Idyll, or should I be Authoritarian for increased mineral yields and the ability to relocate and purge?

I was planning on going Spiritualist, also, so I'll be able to build Temples to generate Unity and Ethics attraction.

What are your thoughts?

If I went Pacifist/Spiritualist, I'd probably also take Egalitarian and have Agrarian Idyll/Corporate Dominion as my Civics.

With Authoritarian/Spiritualist/Militarist I would take both Corporate Dominion and Mining Guilds before grabbing Slaving Guilds once I get my third civic.

So, you're spending time tracing other people's ideas? and other parts on just absorbing information like a sponge?

so their struggle is a meaningless justification for two species?

Why bother, if that's how you're going to solve it?

I'm not interested in creating my own world. I'm interested in exploring other people's worlds.

I still have my own vision of things, but I'm not interested in making it a reality.


I don't think plopping down assets from that world in a game like Cities would accomplish that.

You mean you don't sometimes zoom in on your city to spot all the little details?

This is going to be a mistake, but 27 years and 1600 influence later, too late to back out now. 200+ hiveminds and 18 worlds is going to kill my science and unity.


Best build coming through.

am I supposed to roleplay writing bio's?



152 years since game start, this AI only had 2 built up planets. The rest only have two building, a planetary capital and an energy grid. This is garbage. And they're all Desert, Arid or Tundra.


Every Desert planet is being terraformed to Arid. Every Arid planet is being terraformed to Tundra. Every Tundra planet is being terraformed to Desert. All of them. And these are hiveminds, they don't care what the planet is. Why.

Big meanie detected.

>Moving friendmakers into position.
>Beginning high-velocity gift barrage.

Genocide time

>be xenophobic pacifists
>either choice goes against an ethos


Night life is good, the snow one doesn't add much, disasters is a joke

That's almost cute enough to keep around as a vassal instead of purging outright.
Put by purging organic components we no longer have a need for anything cute.

>new game
>end of the spiral arm
>get boxed in by some fuckwit with barely any planets to find
>new game
>open map
>end of spiral arm AGAIN
>"alright, if you want an end-of-the-spiral-arm-run you want, then it's an end-of-the-spiral-arm-run you shall get"
>"wait a second"
>zoom in
>see this
Is...is this some kind of JOKE?

>ultimate tallmeme

Our extermination taskforces are extremely busy at the moment, but don't worry, we've done some creative scheduling and managed to pencil you in for purification next Tuesday.

They didn't expand at all. They declared war on my old rival who's still pathetically weak after I broke all his mining and research outposts before sending him peace demands.
All because a few hundred years ago he conquered the friendly fuzzy federation builders that I was going to be the token evil teammate for.

Literally comfiest start position.


Is Stellaris really big in China or something?

I'm just seeing one of the more popular mods is a chinese localization - and other top commenters on other mods asking for chinese localizations of their mods

Or does this happen with a lot of games and I just hadn't noticed before?

Technically still winnable

I do. But i'm not going to get a better version of the source material second-hand like that.

Aren't you? Why bother writing the bio if you're not roleplaying? Why does it need a backstory otherwise?

Then you scan the system and find 0 resources.

Oh, one of their fleets is passing through my borders 212k fleet power, while combined my fleets are roughly 50k

it's a feature

Unless I by some freak accident discover another form of spacetravel or a way to significantly boost my range, it don't see any outcome other than vassalt state within 50 years.

Bumping for advice.

Shoulda picked hyperlanes :^)

Can't you just offer to be their vassal until you build up your power more?

They sent that demand within a month of waking up. I refused.

So yes, i restarted my game. Now I'm already limited on one side by a massive purging faggot HAVING LITERALLY A HEART FOR A SYMBOL
Yeah, get ready to be assimilated and turned into food, you fuckwit!

If I play as an Extremely Adaptable hivemind and increase my habiltability by another +10 through perks or techs, can I colonize 0% habitability planets like gas giants and barren worlds? Or are they permanently locked out?

Is 'Rapid Breeders' a worthwhile investment?

Hey! They stole my idea!

How the fuck are you going to colonize a gas planet nigga

Are your space bugs just gonna float aimlessly in its skies forever or what

Put on a movie and enjoy your comfy game. Build super tall

Those planets are never colonizable (though some barren worlds can be terraformed under certain conditions)
You would be able to colonize tomb worlds though

Iuno, it said "0% habitability", not "uninhabitable". You can colonize any planet that is 40% habitability, and you can stack bonuses so that you get +40% habitability to all planets for your species. If you have a hive mind with adaptable, you can colonize any of the main 9 planet types without any penalties, right from the start of the game.

>If you have a hive mind with adaptable, you can colonize any of the main 9 planet types without any penalties, right from the start of the game.
I tried this and for some reason 20% planets were marked as 35% habitability. I had to research a +5% habitability technology before I could do that.

Thanks for the info.

I don't think it's even worth it to chase after tombworlds though, just because they are so rare.


>tfw your corpedos are stronger than your destroyers

which 4x is this?

Is this mod worth having?


How about the Multiple Crisis one? Or Asymmetric Starts? Do they really ramp up the difficulty very high?

space mod for vicky 2

Distant Worlds

Faraway Surfaces

I know you're joking but do people really compare it to Victoria?

You cannot colonize planets like gas giants or barren worlds. Habitability doesn't apply to them. You can, however, build the Habitat megastructure on them if you get the appropriate ascension perk.

The Technoocracy has been blessed with an abandoned capital ship

What should I name it

The KeK


I ran into some star systems that I can't explore or anything because of hostile ships, way stronger than mine. Or maybe they're defense platforms or something? I'm confused about what they are supposed to equate to. I've run into two other types of aliens. One just minds their own business on their own planet so I built the observation thingy. Then the other is another civilization with borders that's hostile to me. But what the fuck are these weird ones in just these two star systems? How to I go about dealing with them? Is there a way to make contact with them or do I need to wipe them out?

The Old Antelope

>getting any precursor event other than the Cybrex

They really need to make the other ones worthwhile. You just can't beat a free ringworld, even if it is fucked up.


Stellaris I assume?

There are pirate and hostile life forms. Insuch cases, you deal with them when you can. don't let them drain all your fleet down or you will get killed in a war.

Yeah, Stellaris, sorry. They are a lot more powerful than what I have, from what I can tell. I ran into pirates and they weren't a problem though. Is that normal or am I probably too far behind in fleet power? Also, I still don't completely understand the assault army for my planets, or whatever it's called. Defense makes sense to me, but how does the assault army on my planet work and how is it different from my fleets?

I never once even finished this shit

Smug rat faction

>Turks win in Stellaris
>Jews win in Distant Worlds

>implying those ones are the jews

I just got Stellaris, and just recently completed the sentient robot research or whatever. I have a few rimworlds on barely habitable planets that were full of droids that got converted to these sentient robots.

Now, most of my factions have this 'Free Life' modifier, and are pissed that I'm enslaving these robots. I'd change it, but I need the 'materialist' government ethic. Is there anyway to change mine? I looked this shit up and people said it got added to the 1.5 patch but I can't find anything else.

If I can't change my ethics, what the hell should I do?

Distant worlds is comparable to Victoria 2 in terms of economics. It is missing the political aspects of the game though. Really it's only design flaw other than not being able to shut off certain features for better sandboxes.

>when you just absolutely need to grab that assortion of lifeless rocks at the borde rof your expanse

How is Caste System? Is it good, or is it actually terrible?

If I'm playing with a Syncretic Species, is it a no-brainer to upgrade my main species to Full Citizenship and get rid of Caste, since I have my Syncretic guys to do the dirty work?

show us the system view

embrace a faction you like to change ethics

Did they finally nerf Planetary Survey Corps in 1.6 or is it still broken as ever?

Is preferred Tradition order still

>Prosperity Opener - Beeline PCS in Discovery - Finish Expansion - Finish Prosperity - Finish Discovery


>can't have slaves unless I'm a xenophobe

The fuck?

>Did they finally nerf Planetary Survey Corps in 1.6 or is it still broken as ever?
They changed it from one third to one tenth.

>encounter kaiju
>people in my government consider making burgers out of them

Why though? Why is that even an option?

After some shitty event started.
Funny thing is: I'm a hivemind and what seems to be happening here is that a hivemind took over some research station there and now launched a major attack

you can have slaves as an authoritarian

Bumping again.

>Delicious Titans
I know Imagine an american fast-food joint with the slogan "MOUNTAINS OF FLAVOUR!"

Which features do you have in mind that you'd want to shut off?

>finding a second capital ship

Achievements are stupid, but I want them, so I can only play on Ironman. Which means I keep having to restart when things get fucked.
Is there some way to give fallen empires sleeping pills or something? I'm not sure how I can stand against them now that I have half my fleet and I'm missing 3 systems and a bunch of territory