/pg/ - Persona General

Previous: Healthy Skepticism Edition

>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


Other urls found in this thread:


I love Anne!

makoto and goro posters should be gassed and are sub-dangan characters

Makoto is love
Makoto is life
Makoto WILL be my wife

Super early claim

obligatory Makoto post

Shuake shuake medusa head on me like i'm illuminati

Darnger is a sub Ace Attourney series

i like to take their money over and over until they get mad
then do it again


So whats with Atlus new domains they registered?

Persona 3 Dancing All Night?

Persona 5 After Golden? P4 P5 mashup?

Persona 5 Dancing All Night?

Persona 5 Racing? Redux? Remix?

Persona 5 Ultimate? Ultimax? Universe?

Idk, more dance games

Persona Q 2?


The year will be 2050 when P10 releases on the PlayStation 12

Also their weird survey thing they did asking opinions on:

>Persona 6
>Persona 1 2 and 3 HD remakes

Please let this be true. Really curious what Atlus has in store for their big August 2nd announcement and their new Persona games they will talk about later this year.

Perfect wife material.


>anons posting the exact same thing they post at the start of every general like clockwork

I have to commend the hivemind that perpetuates these every thread like clockwork

It's time to make a decision peegee



Man I'm just sitting around all day recovering from my surgery. Can't even fucking lift more than 10 pounds for next few weeks

Ryuji = best boy.

There's no hivemind I just make the same post every thread

God I wanna suck Makoto's pussy so bad


I want to create new life with Makoto.

>no spin-off about Elizabeth on her journey to save door-kun
>no spin-off about Shadow Operatives

Instead we get awesome games such as PQ and P4DAN.


Is that a mother fucking god damn Persona reference?

>You spent the entire day online.

What Persona did you summon at the beginning of your NG+ run?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And in my eyes, Fuuka is the most beautiful girl in the world

image ruined by including goro

the thin skinned makoto defense squad are bad but they're not as aggressively awful as goroposters who've never once made a good post

They're literally the same exact posters who are still trying to force another TORtanic

hey guys its me yusuke what's going on in this thread?

Please post moer Makoto

fuck off normalfag

that's literally me every single day

We know Akechi. That's why only she had your number at first.
fuck off

Someone post webms from the twin fight

I usually writefag for /aco/, I've been thinking of doing persona shit if that counts.

Man something about murdering them in cold blood after they have paid me to spare them just hits the right spots for me.

>Makoto x Joker
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5

I hate Futaba because Tumblr and Fujos love her

alright that's it i fuckin warned you

Izanagi Picaro
Izanagi is the only true waifu in this series


Sorry to hear that user. I didn't mean it sarcastically.

Even more impressive

It's a line from P3's Hermit social link, you sperg.


Need you even ask?

I want you to fuck Akechi

There's not much to be said about Elizabeth's journey. I really wish she would have made a cameo of some kind in P5, and then in P6, and then P7 etc so we can subtly piece together her journey.

same, cept when irl forces me to do otherwise

i have no friends :(

Does anyone have that image comparing Igor's nose size and showing how it shrunk exponentially?

No wonder you're so weak

Bonds make you strong


I also have no friends

Where is the option for people who don't stop complaining about all these groups


For the user who wants a proof that Akechi is a part of the main cast

How do I into P4 combat?

it's time to fucking purge them all.

Fuck off Inari...

>Hey lets take a picture to remember the trip by!
>oh by the way lets not include our leader and best friend who changed my life

>tfw since playing persona games I've actually enjoyed hanging out with friends more because I feel like I'm getting closer to them by spending time with them

Because you don't want any. Stop being an attention whore

If there's ever a P4/P5 crossover (and there probably will be), this will be the interaction I'll hope for the most. Just imagine Haru and Kanji bonding over the cute toys he made, then Haru gleefully slicing up Shadows while Kanji watches her her with a mild sense of dread.

>neglecting your irl social links
wew lad

What the fuck is Yusuke's problem is he gay?

Reminder Makoto and Goro WILL fuck in Persona 5 Google Moogly McDoodle Dick


>Shiki Ouji

the 12 year old in me thinks dragons are really fuckin cool and i just assume any dragon in a game is super buff

I have nothing better to do. On my days off I'm in these threads for 12+ hours a day and when I'm at work I always have the threads open on my phone. Maybe I'll play NG+ someday to break up the monotony of it all.

Here's the page list where his put as one of the main cast

What about everyone else? Naoto x Akechi? I actually can't think of anyone else.



All good. I wish I didn't have the time to post at the start of every thread though.

I haven't had any IRL social links since I was in 7th grade

When I try to bond with the people who are my friends, they usually don't want to...

Seems more asexual to me desu, maybe "artsexual" if that's even a thing.

P3 Hermit is a proof that you don't even need to go out of your room to form a bond

>MC was an orphan
>Yukari's father is dead
>Akihiko is an orphan
>Mitsuru's dad is dead and since she's the new head of Kirijo group I'm assuming her mother is as well
>Shinji was an orphan
>Koromaru's parents where most likely long dead and his owner died
>Ken is an orphan
>Kanji's father is dead
>Naoto is an orphan
>Nanako's mother is dead
>Yusuke's mother is dead
>Makoto is an orphan
>Futaba's mother is dead
>Haru is an orphan
>Goro's mother is dead

Do you need to have dead parents to be cool in Nippon?

I'm glad to have contributed to our general.

Good taste user.

It's like P5, but exponentially simpler because it has exactly half as many elements and is missing primary mechanics like gun and party member swapping


Margaret said something about how her journey will take her eons of time, pretty much implying that we will never hear about her or Door-kun ever again

Which is actually kind of infuriating, because why they fuck would they give anybody hope that he could be saved then? They should either finish that storyline up, or not have done it at all.
I was fine with his death up until they pulled that shit in Arena

what the fuck does igor do with all the dosh you spend at the velvet room

>call him a main character
>he's actually a side character

Pretty clever trickery, like advertising Igor had a new VA

that and to a lesser extent "muh cooking" are the banes of this series

Is there a version of this but with joker and mona?


Belladonna music royalties

>Ryuji Yosuke
>Section with Teddy, Morgana and Koromaru

I never knew I wanted this

buy more velvet attendant

Persona 5 has no plot holes.

>Yu's parents told him to fuck off.

Self-sacrifice is a part of leadership

Sandalphon may have better resistances

But is he better at expunging son's of man?

The mini choir chord the boss angels made when they appeared in the final dungeon were amazing.

holy shit is kawakami holding up a white nationalist alt-right symbol???

How would P4 be different if Nanako actually died at the end in all routes?

satanael cause I finished out strength confidant

finagled pulinpa/confuse boost onto it too so I didn't have to min/max a luck stat to farm money in mementos because fuck that

then later in the game remade it into gun skill persona. bought thanatos because its just cool to look at

Well for starters I would hate it

>No bad at cooking joke
>No bathhouse scene really
>Operation Babe Hunt was like 10-15 seconds instead of a long insufferable joke stretched out into 5 minutes

I-Is this a Persona game?