Who is truly responsible for WW1?

Who is truly responsible for WW1?
Obviously you can only choose between A-H and Germany since, as you can see pic related, it's the only choices that make sense

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A Serb kills an Austrian official.

Hard to untangle the chain of events.

>A Serb kills an Austrian official.

Cool story bro
If an American nutjob kills a Russian official, will Russia be justified in invading the US?

Germany and A-H turn a balkan shitshow in a global war by pure autism.


>serbia wasn't russia's pawn to dominate the balkans
>eternal ruskie didn't still have ambitions of dominating eurasia
>krauts at fault for wanting to muzzle the bear

Germany was responsible for giving Austria-Hungary a blank cheque and A-H was responsible because they used it.

In the same context of brinkmanship? Yes.

If an Austrian had killed a Serbian official and that would've set the war off you would be getting daily notifications from Google right now reminding you how evil Austrians are.

Slavic apologism is the worst.

Both Austria-Hungary and Germany. A-H for giving Serbia an insulting ultimatum so they could use Serbia's refusal as a Causus Belli (and then declaring war anyway when Serbia agreed to 99% of it), and Germany for using that little play as an excuse to increase their power in Europe by declaring war on Russia and France.

>Wow, Austria just attacked a tiny country
>Better attack Russia and France lol

Germans, not even once

Serbia should had just take the pill and agree with ultimatum, but no they choose to ruin Europe forever.

They couldnt guess Germany would attack France, Russia and Britrain (Belgium) as soon as Austria attacked them

They did you fuckstick. They agreed to everything in that ultimatium except the military occupation that would have reduced them to a defacto part of the Habsburg Empire. Austria STILL declared war on them.

Russia is more to blame than A-H, but Germany turned it into a world war for no reason.

>daily notifications from Google right now reminding you how evil Austrians are.
What do you mean?

This, germany definitely tried to take advantage of the situation.

>Russia is more to blame than A-H

Actually they didn't, and I'm a Serb.
However when you observe everything in it's context it's really hard to argue Serbs were to blame.

I'm German, and looking at the context, Germany is definitly at fault

It's Germany's fault, then Austro-Hungary's fault, then Serbia's fault, in that order.

Germany uses Austrians as an excuse to do things they would have done anyway.

Germany didn't start it but they sure as hell escalated it

Germany almost pressured Austria inri attacking Serbia

>On 2 July, the Saxon Ambassador in Berlin wrote back to his king that the German Army wanted Austria to attack Serbia as quickly as possible because the time was right for a general war since Germany was more prepared for war than either Russia or France.[42]
>On 3 July, the Saxon military attaché in Berlin reported that the German General Staff "would be pleased if war were to come about now".[43]

Prussia is at fault*
Prussia was a mistake.

lol are you in middle school bro?


Yes... Who could be responsible here?

It was Germany and France mostly who were both looking for a fight with each other. The British became involved because they had agreed to ensure Belgium's safety and were afraid of German aggression which gave them all the more reason when they were warned not to invade Belgium and did so anyways. Besides Germany and France everyone else was a side show.


>If an American nutjob that is funded by the American government kills the President Elect of Russia, will Russia be justified in invading the US?
FTFY and yes, state-sanctioned murder of the next head of state is an act of war.

France did not want a fight. The pro-war faction had little to no influence after the Moroccan crisis.

This fucking meme needs to die.

How do you figure?

They knew russia would gobble up the balkans and knew they had to war them to give austria the time to get its shit together. They were playing 12th string(see string theory) chess on a 19dimensional plane

It was the T*rks

Really, it all goes back to them

there really wasn't one nation responsible for ww1, but I must say that Germany's invasion of Belgium was unjustifiable

mentioning serbia in the same sentence as germany and A-H is... it's just not fair
they had done the impossible and agreed to all but one (or was it two?) of the points of the unprecedented ultimatum - one designed to be rejected outright, mind you

>Actually they didn't,
??? they literally did (agree to most of the ultimatum)

France did all it could to avoid the war
They withdrew their army 10kms from the border, they didnt react when Germany declared war on Russia, and yet Germany still attacked them

The War was set in motion several years before that happened, that was only the perceived cause.