/eog/ - EVE Online General

>What's EVE Online?
A space-based sci-fi MMORPG known for its steep learning curve, massive scale, and unique depth. It's also known as "Space Spreadsheet Simulator" and "NEET Space Gods".

>Can I play the full game without paying for it?
Yes. Eve is F2P, with some restrictions, and you can earn enough in-game money to get a subscription ("PLEX").

>I want to play EVE, what should I do?
Get 250,000 free Skillpoints by using a referral link (chaining them with friends works best). If you have no friends you can easily create two accounts and refer yourself - you'll need an alt anyway:

If you buy a subscription on the referred account, then the account used to create the referral link will receive in-game money. Therefore some people will ask you to click their referral links, with the promise of monetary returns. There is no guarantee that you will actually get your share, if you click other people's referral links.

>Now what?
Do the Tutorial then the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and consider finding a corp. Corporations are a great way to connect with people and learn the game properly. The game is only as boring as you are.

For career suggestions, see this graphic:

>Read the /eog/ pastebin:

>Game information
Eve University UniWiki: wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page

>Maps and regions

>PvP information

>Fitting, structure, and skill planning tools



>Previous thread

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>flying caldari unironically

Threadly reminder that new characters should pick Gallente for drones (VNI ratting).

New player here working on mining, but I'll probably move into drones next. What is VNI exactly? I see that mentioned a lot.

Vexor Navy Issue

hourly reminder that if your plan when starting is to rat all the time then kys

>new pirate skins
That serpentis user is gonna kill himself.

I can fly a vni now how do i fit it? i'm short on money

>it took ccp this long to turn victory rattlesnake into a skin

>frigs web me
>frigs web drones
>have to manually target frigs every other wave

Please halp

Worst part of ratting in a drone ship is waiting for your drones to come back, get tedious when an unreported neut gets on system. With a turreted ship you can just align and leave right away.

if it werent afk i'd be using something else

Guys, I'm scared. Is this game going to shut down soon?

Of course not you retard. People have been screaming "ERMAGERD EVE DYIN" for years.

yes, with the increased liquidity of PLEX, injectors, and now requiring real money for character transfers they're hoping to create a momentary spike in profits to make it look more appealing when they sell off EVE


how can i increase my training speed, holy shit this is slow

Going Omega if you're alpha (2x speed), remapping your attributes, or getting implants that improve your attributes. There are also events a few times a year that give out boosters that improve your attributes temporarily. Alternatively you can just be impatient and get skill injectors.

its a sticky in the bazaar

>With the release of the 119.5 update to the PLEX systems, there are some technical difficulties that are preventing the use of the New Plex in regards to the Character Transfer system.

>A single character transfer involves a transfer fee in form of a credit card payment of 20 EUR/USD, 17 GBP or 1199 RUB.

Forgot to add there's some article posted somewhere about CCP being willing to sell the IP, but the source is dubious to say the least.

that doesn't say what you said

CCP already got sold years ago, it's owned by investement funds. It's a wonder that the game has survived this long

does the CCP guys even have the majority or they just bailed out?

I'm alpha, +2 implants i haven't remapped my attributes tho. kinda scared to fuck up

aquire omega

sorry i meant omega, i fucked up

any word on the T3 focus group

Covert ops cloak + cyno = tears

The founders cashed out a long time ago, no idea if they ever owned the majority of the company.

Find out what kind of damage whatever your ratting does. Put an armor hardener and an armor rig that resists that damage type. Put another armor rig for their secondary damage type. Small tech2 armor repper. 2 of whatever the mid slot mod is that improves drone tracking with a tracking script. 100MN afterburner(this is the important bit). Drone link augmenter and a set of faction heavy drones. The fit MUST be stable with at least the AB on because if it shuts off you are going to take a shitload of damage so use the rest of your space to fit mods that increase cap regen and use left over fitting on drone damage amps.


What would be the minimum dps for it not being shit?

400 probably.

i've got an alt doing forlorn and forsaken hubs with just 500 dps, with 670 dps you'll get 20 mil ticks

400 if your sites spawn battleships. With good skills that fit can do 600 DPS.

Thank you guys i will toy with the simulator for keeping it the bare minimum, how is the program called. You know which one the one you guys always post

Pyfa or EFT.


Zor's Custom Navigation Link is dirt cheap and helps with cap. I use this setup on my alt:

[Vexor Navy Issue, shield sansha]
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
EM Ward Amplifier II

Drone Link Augmentor I

You can also do 10MN AB armor setups, they won't be able to do havens but for hubs they're ok and you can squeeze in a med neut and have no explosive hole

or 100mn armor

Thank you both, this community is helpful af

>shield tank

>this community is helpful af

where my dogs at


inb4 the only thing that can solo an orthrus is another orthrus with better skill
that shit dont sound balanced to me

Don't listen to this faggot and run a shield tank into rats that do EM damage. Only shield tank if your rats do kinetic/explosive damage.

>this community is helpful af

It's not, but the vni is unbalanced too


>This community is helpful af

>drones in pve
>drones in general

>not fucking retarded

Is the dog guy the resident shitposter?

It all makes sense now. The lowered ship skin prices are now right back to the bullshit they were before the reduction thanks to the PLEX conversion. The Taipan SKIN is BS. inb4 re-release of it after the SKIN is no longer for sale.

>Cosmetics don't matter though.
True but it still pisses me off.

Was it released at who was thinking of buying EVE from CCP?

Any news about EVE:Legion?

Does anyone know about the Alliances Out of Sight. or The Culture? I saw they weren't in a Coalition and wanted to know more.

Is Goon still fags from Something Awful? I mean are they still a /b/ tier group? Like scat, gore, ect.

OoS are horsefuckers, TC are some retards from fountain or something. Goons are public alliance now.

What if newbro systems had a plex similar to novice plex, but no tech 2 modules? No concord involvement within the confines of the arena. Just a place for cheap t1 pvp.

>retards in charge of pvp ideas

This guy complains about drones but probably flies RLML botes.

no I complain about rapids all the time

Learning PvP from FW is retarded and there are corps that teach t1 PvP.

Then stick to that and learn to web and kill drones.

I wasn't really thinking FW. Just steal the arena, put it in high sec, keep concord out of it, and limit it to faction frigates and below.

Or maybe a limited time thing to see if people like it.

Is it meaningless to put rigor/flare on a phoon?

>battleship drones from an afk cruiser kill your frigate in 2-3 volleys
>web and kill them

>Learning PvP from FW is retarded
nigger FW space has bred the best solo and small gang pvpers in the game. if you prefer targets over some isk here and there you obviously shouldn't join a militia but if you spend a couple months roaming there at least you'll know how to fly your ships and have fought some of the best pilots in the game

there's more to eve than brawling at 0 in t3c or dropping supers on BRAVE

>I'm a retard in a shitfit frig slower than heavy drones

Post your exploration music faggots



>being poor

Skill injectors are literally pay to win. prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't

The entire game is designed around pay to win dumbass why do you think CCP hired economists to balance their shit. The thing is even if you pay you still wont win unless you are better/have more people.

>designed around pay to win
>even if you pay you still wont win


>The entire game is designed around pay to win dumbass why do you think CCP hired economists to balance their shit

>high sec PI

>falling for the obvious bait

Look you dumb nigger. You may think that FW is elite peeveepee all you want but whenever you shitters decide to leave your kids pool and come near us we shit on you if you actually chose to fight. Almost universally your gang comps are as bad as most of the other null blob f1 monkeys that we normally fly against. No logi maybe some ewar usually kitey shit that dies when we get on top of it. And say what you want about BRAVE but at least they come out to fight you with comparable sized ships instead of trying to drop a super carrier on 8 t1 frigs.

queued both.


don't you have some pocos to bash

Or you know you could just tackle it in an interceptor like most people do.

If your feeling a little ballsier you can tackle with a buffer frigate and warp off when the rest of the gang arrives and gets point.

No I'm not in a big blob alliance. Don't you have warpstabbed frigates to chase for "content".

>he thinks stabbed deplexers are in the popular pvp systems


>you will never know the joy of pushing a SOV holding alliance's shit in so hard that they cry to your landlord in an attempt to get you to stop even though they have about 5 times the people you do.

But keep doing your thing man. Drop by if you like we can give you a quick trip home when we're done.

>It's literally a Moa

>with double the tank and dps and frigate application

Followed this guy advice, i mostly will rat in blood raiders and i can't reach 400 what do my goys?


Why does pinning a window not make it un-drag-able.

it's what happens when you play an indie game

Well this is with my senpai the ogre


I run armor tank with a med rep and a reactive hardener. I dont give a shit about the explosive hole though.

So, how do we make EVE the most popular MMO.

[Vexor Navy Issue, Orbit @40km PVE Sansha]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Armor EM Hardener II
Small Armor Repairer II

100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Cap Recharger II

Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Anti-EM Pump I
Medium Anti-Thermal Pump I
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet II x5
Imperial Navy Praetor x5

Tracking Speed Script x2

My skills are ok and I get 450 DPS

>selling point is the big fights
>big fights are a fucking chore because you only anchor and press F1
Probably something to change that.

The selling point is experiencing something relevant and in the only sandbox-space MMO, potentially flying huge shit. The game isn't worse off because rare TiDi fights are boring or whatever. Those same fights *should* happen on a small scale, and it's really simple to promote these just by lightening up on the restrictions. I get that everybody having Dreadnoughts could affect PLEX, but so what (if characters are going to then PLEX more because they're more invested into the game because there's more to experience).

>been out of the game for a couple of years
>finds out everything has gone to shit

So... fags. Hows the 2 billion monthly grinding going?

Bought a character and got instabanned
User EVE-SSO-CONNECTION is banned pending investigation
Anyone else had this shit?