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Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

Yes really.

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Step up or step away.

its the thread maker



Vampires and stuff

What's wrong? Can't stand the sight of a strong girl's eyes?

Your textures don't match

go to sleep

I just noticed the other issue, and if it were a snake it would have bitten me. Mainly because the eye-issue is so glaringly obvious, but the nose needs adjustment too.

Is there a way to make devious underneath show items when naked?

Say I have a chastity belt which is hidden when fully armored, i'd like it to show up when stripped


Seek Jesus.

I mean that and the fact that she's ahegao-tier crosseyed

Not an issue

I'm on it!


Skyrim's a dangerous place for a woman

lefties btfo

I don't know how many times I've masturbated to that episode

Unrelated but this reminds me how bonerinducing Blackfire from TT was

was it autism


To be fair it's pretty dangerous to men too since nobody discriminates.

It's more tangentially related give that the two shows are at least from the same general properties.

Also Jinx was the best lady villain in TT. and extremely shippable with Raven. BBRAE shippers have no goddamn taste.

how good is LOOT at sorting load orders?

yeah that's just nasty it's Robin and Terra or go home

Also I think they shared the animated universe

>buckets thinking about blackfire cucking her sister with robin

The best.

The whole purpose is to only display stuff when you are naked. You must have fucked up the settings in the MCM, or you are still wearing something with a blocking slot.

I hate my life.

I admittedly know nothing of slots and how they work, this is the only thing i've changed in the underneath menu, be gentle

Just short of perfect


I hate your life too

Robin was official couple status with Starfire and also a massive jerk like his mentor but not as cool or right to make up for it the majority of the time. Terra was pretty cool and she does keep BB occupied so Raven is the free woman to pair as one likes.

Also hero x villain couples are the best. Don't even know why they decided to make Jinx switch sides and end up with fucking Kid Flash.

Not a good feel.

can't go outside again without it CTDing and i haven't even done anything apart from reinstall ningheim

Pretty good, but not to be relied on completely.


None of understand the pain I have been going through for the past month and a half.




You set it so that when you wear something that occupies slot 49 (such as chastity belts), chastity belts will be hidden. Change that to none and post devices underneath (1) too.

mearas waifus have the exact same issues, especially the nose

let's see your waifu user

Just keep looking forward, user.


she wont change what i said tho

Thanks for the explanation user, I got it sorted

No, you said what you said and that won't change, but it may or may not validate what you said.

dude just look at his waifus, especially his newest one. just look at the nose

I see them all the time, they look good. I do especially like Laura. Now hurry and post yours', stop delaying.

"Right back atcha" as is the saying. We all inhabit our own personal hells, realms tailored to our own dark neuroses which none can experience other than ourselves. Our only shared experience is suffering.

I can't when it hurts to much :'^(

Looking good isn't the same thing as not having any flaws.
The fuck kind of defense is this

You still haven't posted your flawless waifu.

grow up, you big pussy. if you're privileged enough to be able to kill time posting on the internet, your life doesn't suck.

>Also I think they shared the animated universe
No. The Teen Titans cartoon wasn't in the same "reality" than the Batman/Superman/Justice League cartoons.

Now post your slutty waifu, you slut.

Well there's no point in looking backwards, user. All you can do it pick yourself up and move forward. Sleep on these feelings, at the very least. Things always look different with time.



So my Serana is bugged out. I once cured my vampirism and she stopped talking to me. Can't even interact like picpocketing or general conversation with her unless I force her to follow me via EFF mod. I've tried deleting/respawning her but no cigar.

roll back and repeat

Thats what you get for using that old skank.

Oh no, I get it. You're seeing flaws where there are none, because you're a random shitter who can't make a decent waifu. It's my point that's flying over your head, as you have yet to validate your opinion. If you're not going to post your waifu, just say it so that we can stop wasting our time.

You are a little late there, yarti

Just like how you were a little late to hop on pop

No one needs to post their waifu to prove that Meara's waifus have busted pencil-thin noses.

The Perfect Waifu is the one that's yours. Love her, flaws and all.

I'm sorry you're blind. Must suck not being able to see what's literally pointed out for you.

If you truly love your waifu you should fix her flaws.

>still not posting their waifus
I rest my case. If it's such a glaring flaw, it should be easy to do better. Surprise surprise, you can't.

>you can't say a movie is shit unless you're a famous top tier director

Already posted, you just ignored it.
Guess that blindness is really messing with you.

>eat this stale shit because you can't cook any better
Not an argument.

If you truly loved your waifu, you wouldn't need to.

I feel sorry for your waifu, user, she deserves better.

>Galena telling the truth

there is always time

without flaws, nothing will be perfect

This is true. A director's opinion is valid, a random shitter's opinion is not. Random shitters unironically like Transformers. That's you.
Todd can't be a waifu
Read above. Your claim that it's stale shit means nothing unless you can produce a dish worthy of a chef.

If that's the case you'd hit randomize and love her all the same. You dumb nerd!

>Todd can't be a waifu
Actually that wasn't me.
But also fuck you he's the best waifu.

real autism hours

Nice try retard, everyone can see this shit

also these are not flaws that give character, these are simply big fat issues with the vertexes. its like a minute in sculpt to fix this.

This is some modern art mentality right here, holy shit.

It's either really sad somene's defending a waifu that isn't even his when the poster isn't even here
or it's him just posting as user, which is sad in a different way

Todd was the only thing that was posted when I requested you to post your waifu. Guess you're the blind one.
You still haven't posted anything better.
Not an argument.

I told her to fuck off at the end of the quests, but I think she took it a bit too personally.

>general devolved into a hugbox akin to reddit

You don't like dynamic lighting, do you?


>these flaws aren't real because you havent shown me you can do better

Don't act like you know waifus if you can't acknowledge that Todd is one.

Wait, why would your opinion matter then? Post your waifu.

>dynamic lighting
Meara. Please. PLEASE. Go into sculpt and just smooth these edges. Stop with the diana behavior, and just smooth the nose a little. I know you see it too. Just DO IT. There is just nothing wrong with fixing some vertexes, everyone gets told to do that. EVERYONE. And they gladly take the advice, you are the only one who, for some reason, refuses to do that and even makes it worse. That is exactly what diana does.

Hey guys this is my waifu and she's perfect and if you say anything negative about her you're a shitposter and autistic and whatever the flavor of the month insult is~
Don't worry silly americans, I also spoiled it so your jerbs aren't in danger aren't I clever and unique no one ever posts lewds here!

Nah, it's just funny that the only "criticism" that gets posted here only comes from random user shitters who haven't made a single passable waifu in their life. I just like pointing out bullshit when I see it.
Wow user, did you make all those?
You misunderstand, your perception of a flaw is flawed because you don't know how overcome flaws.
I'm not the one making things up to criticize. I'm not the one with an unvalidated opinion, you are.

follower when

I forgot, what are the lines in enblocal that need to be set for windowed full screen?