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Competitive Season 4 is OVER
New season in 2 days

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Reposting, answer me this time

What's going on, the season ended but I've gotten ZERO comp points. I deliberately got myself banned form comp not to play it until summer season. I'm still banned and I'm starting to worry. Why haven't I gotten any points and why I'm banned from OFF-SEASON mode when it never happened before?


you can only post in this thread if you are good at overwatch

>I deliberately got myself banned form comp not to play it until summer season.
im confused why would you do that


How do I stop being bad at this game

>Shit Genji duo queuing with free weekender
>He's Mei on my team who can't even deal with a symmetra

what counts as "good"

Post their lewds

Jamison Fawkes!

why aren't there more MLP skins? i would enjoy this game more if there were mods and stuff.... im too autistic to like things that dont have my ponyfu in it

Two console questions:

1) What should my controller aim method and aim smoothing be?
2) How do I improve my aim as a console Tracer?

Ana is for thorough impregnation.

Reposting, answer me this time

what is wrong with lawbreakers that will make it bad?

>really good with ana/lucio
>really good with zarya and great with the rest of the tanks
>want to branch out to dps
>literally can never dps because those roles always get instafilled

Old Ana is for impregnation

not being bad

Well, I guess I'm out

see you around

What's more dangerous?

Nano-Blade or Nano-Visor?


I don't think that's how it works
menopause and shit

Here comes T.Racer!

what happens in the backyard???

>all these 3 seasons gold then suddenly GM mercy and lucio mains

And they called s3 D.Va brain dead pick for easy climb.

>when people think you are baiting
>but you are really just very autistic
feels bad, man.

Well did my placements and got plat, guess I'm awful. I let you down rein.

ok tru

You're right, it's even better. Don't have to worry about babies and you just have endless creampies

>You will never witness Phara getting pumped into Ana

>you'll never shoot in Ana the load that created Pharah

The KOTH dropships are really comfy.

There you go I can post what you posted

depends on the genji. Probably nano visor if you're playing under gold

ethnic cleansing

Probably not i dont usually get matched with bronze players :\

nothing worse than a lucio main bragging about finishing in top 500 when they clearly got carried in a 3 stack by pro players

Buy an SSD.

Good shit user. Glad to see another /owg/ member make it to top500

speaking of lucio. When is it ever appropriate to use speed instead of heal? besides the beginning of the match of course

Nano-blade, but nano-visor is more reliable.

Nano-max-charge-Zarya is the most dangerous

is it trolling if i do my placements with heroes i'm not good with? it's basically the only way to practice if don't buy an alt

he doesn't have any self control and needed to focus on his studies so he got himself banned from comp

>Americans will never have to deal with Russians polluting every online game they play

Fucking lucky bastards

we get the shitty koreans

When your team is about to engage, when your teammate is trying to chase a player that's retreating, when genji/soldier use their ult

just practice in QP, no one cares

Season high 2658
Career high 2658

>they're almost the same age
That's bullshit.

At least koreans are white, unlike ruskies and other slavshits.

>free weekend
>in skirmish for 5 minutes so far

ded game


Like 75% of the time, honestly. Use heal (boost) when more than once person is low and don't bother with using healing song pre-emptively.

If you're the only support, switch to someone else


>Koreans are white
>but slavs are not

Golden guns will not save you from your crippling depression.

Also, when your teammate is low on health and outnumbered, you should try to speed them outta there. Escaping DVA's ult is also a good situation

What the fuck is honestly so attractive about Hanzo

Why the fuck does everyone pick him, he's so fucking boring

if there is another healer it is good to have the speed boost so that people can move around more easily; also during ults. When you hear dva, give speed boost to escape.

If you are contesting a point the speed boost is really good for people who want to dash around and jump like spastics to avoid damage.

So it's canon that Widow was the one who impregnated Ana right?

Is it by Allah's will or is the Aryan doing it?

I know a couple who 99.9% of the time goes Pharmercy (she used to one trick Ana until lol nerfed.)

They recently made smurf accounts so they can "not worry about being such tryhards."

He only made Diamond on his main account a few weeks ago and she just hit it before the season ended.

They're currently complaining that the smurfs are getting matched with Ms and GMs.

Bow and arrow

Yup, Widow's 40 inch blue popsicle made Ana's most reluctant orgams the most powerful one, too.

Plat is better than average and you're probably meant to be in diamond at least if you placed anywhere in the top half of platinum.

>2959 competitive points

Well I played Reinhardt all week after not really touching him since launch, holy shit he's actually really fun, but far more stressful than I had anticipated. The mind games you get to play against enemy reins are also incredible. I may now be a rein main.

>first legendary in event
>it's carbon fiber orisa

could have been worse i guess senpai desu

because fags like the bow and arrow combo

I ended up being like 2350, the lowest I've ever been (Every passed season I was 2700 or above), I honestly just care less and less about the game as time goes on. It killed my rating but...I enjoy the game more overall, far less stressful trying to carry bads and assholes that don't even try to win.

I was about 200 sr short of the next rank, I got DC'd in spawn during one of my placements and the game ended before I could reconnect on my last game though. Wonder how much that cost me?

Why not do placements with someone you're good at then ease your way into new heroes by playing them on maps they have an advantage on?

Like if you wanted to learn Widowmaker for example you would learn more by playing her on Kings Row attack than you would playing her for ten games straight regardless of map/game type.



but that cute top 500 spray will :^)

You could easily have gotten diamond if you did placements earlier. DCs are like 50-75SR in a normal game, no idea how placements even work but it's probably about the same.

>muh power fantasy

you have to be an actual child to pick heroes baased on their design

>Pick Junkrat in quickplay
>"Junkrat is shit and useless"

t. Soldier who can't aim, McCree who can't aim and Sombra playing healthpack minigame

I carried them, I always carry them, then I rub their fucking nose in it

Can you earn competitive points in the off season?

you also have to be an actual child to play video games, so it fits

>QP is a shitfest of tryhards and just plain retards
>there's also no point in playing off season because it's literally the same except there's no risk and reward

How do i farm exp for loot boxes now.

You get more SR the earlier you do them or something? I guess I'll set diamond as my target for next season then, thanks man. Is Reinhard a good tank to climb with? I found every team was always missing tanks and he's the only one I can play well.

By ethnic cleansing he means that Mercy and Pharah will take showers together and clean one another.

easy mode
if your aim is shit and you play other characters you get nothing, if your aim is shit and you play hanzo you get rewarded

how the fuck do I play pharah
I just don't understand how she can be good
I always instantly get countered and I can't lead for shit

Well I didnt get as high as I wanted but I ended s4 on a good note

hitting phat headshots with an arrow is fun

For the same reason people pick widow.

>zomg mlg 420 noscope blaze it kid XxxxxDDD

Too bad snipers are so useless in this game not even pros that can actually hit something sometimes can't make them to work.

>Playing a tank
>DPS players can't kill the enemies junk
>Spend entire game being pelted with explosive shit

It's truly the worst. I both hate junkrat for being a pain in the ass, but love him for destroying my teams shitty gengos.

So is winning

>You will never work with Ana as she has to take a suspiciously hasty leave
>You go to look for her because she's been missing for hours
>Suddenly you hear loud clapping coming from a room
>Peeking in you witness Widow inseminating your favorite girl

Why even live

>Widow ults, enemy team lit up like christmas tree
>Have rip tire ready
>Watch them all retreat back scared shitless
>Right next to torb turret
>Quad + Turret

Nah, I mean you would have had time to grind out the (small) amount of wins it would have taken you. I assumed you did placements today from your post. Every hero is good for climbing if you're good at them.

>you'll never be Ana as she gets ravaged by Widow

Dude what is wrong with you

Use vertical cover to poke at range from flanks, then dive in on their back line when your team pushes for quick close range kills. Use concussive shit for speed. If they have hitscan look for opportunities to bully them, they tilt pretty fast when you fuck them up. Also speed a few hours shooting the training bots to get used to the travel speed of your rockets.

Concerning S5 since S4 was my first time playing in comp, do I need to rather play solo Q or is it better to play with a group of people I know? I just dont wanna get semi-carried seeing that means my individual MMR will just put me in a low shitty rank because I dont perform good enough

Or how does it exactly work? I play support heroes if that means anything

Nice english lol

>Pros don't run Widow on Illios Ruins, Anubis and Kings Row in tournaments

If you're going to cite "muh pros" at least be factually correct.

Ah okay, yeah I just jumped in spur of the moment. Actually had a lot of fun, while there are still idiots, people at least try to get together the semblance of a good team comp.