Sisterfucker Morde Mains edition



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xth for being a 5'7 qt all u tallboys are jealous


post dick

reposting this. its important to me.

Anyone ever been banned for a zoom hack? Is it a temp ban first and then perma? I had my eye blown out in Iraq so its hard for me to see so Im wanting to know if I can zoom the camera out a little bit.

why is Morde a sisterfucker?

No thanks, I'm not gay

See this, what do you do?

Syndra mains have no idea how to lane at all if Riot ever gave her reasonable amounts of damage I'm convinced they'd all drop at least 1 tier down below their current elo

go top regardless

He's a man of culture

int top

gragas gutting when

I dont know if they have been banned for zoom hack specifically, but tampering with files in any form is banworthy.

Although custom skins are a thing. I would do more research, or send in a support ticket to ask.

>Complaining about Syndra's damage

How shit are you?

>Syndra's damage
>in lane
until level 5 she has no damage, git gud shitter.

Xth for not getting an S with a kill every minute until the enemy team surrendered because I gave whatever farm I could to our Twitch

Go top, make do. Report afterwards.

gas riven players

Maybe in silver she does low damage since people can't read her passive but not anywhere above that

>Syndra's passive
>in fucking lane

can't gut Gragas, his kit is inherently too good.

It's not hard to get 3 balls down in lane pro players manage to do it perfectly fine this must just be a silver problem

Is anyone else here a newbie and want to queue up together?

I'm level 19. I can discord


If people don't get their account out of bronze in 2 seasons they should straight up have their fucking account banned, I'm playing with some guy who has been bronze since season 3. Just fucking end their accounts

Have you never read what her ultimate does? Maybe this is why you think Syndra is bad when you play her

it's alright to be bad, but complaining just for the sake of complaining, holy shit my dude.

If Lulu was my sister I'd main morde alright

is there a gift box I need to find or something to pick up account rewards? I never got my Xayah and Rakan icons for playimte & gifting a Xayah

We go full ARAM and 5 stack top lane.

I recall hearing this about Camille.


even if you have 3 balls on the ground there is no way any good player will ever let you get near him, her ult has no range

Play Mordekaiser bot

>her ultimate
>since people can't read her passive
Are you just retarded dude?

>caring about normals

it takes at least 10 seconds to get a 6 spheres ultimate, if you are bad and can't get the fuck out before that don't come here and complain.

xth for breast metal waifu

>lolgen ruins another champion I like
I don't even have a sister

This is just utter bullshit. You're not getting a 7 ball ultimate until at least you have your Q maxed

say nothing in champion select, then go top immediately when the game starts. when riven goes top, ping her away and start talking in a non-english language that is common in your area

It wasn't normals

>tfw no liszt sona

Have you changed experiences today, lolg?

>being this new

why do you have bronze niggers in ur ranked bro

>still no Illaoi buffs

being 5'7 is ok when you're a girl(boy)

I wish morde was as badass as this ingame


Camille is still great, though, just shooed out the faggots.

You ever see what an at least Diamond III Camille OTP/main looks like? Fucking nuts.

Her early game is absolute ass relative to her competition but her Ult is still one of the strongest spells in the entire game

Buffing Death's Dance as a fucking mistake. Shit like Fiora Riven and Yasuo are ungodly tanky while shitting damage

>Riot are too fucking proud and arrogant to simply revert DD back into its previous state where it wasn't a problem and will instead gut it into the ground

Its unlikely you will get a perma ban for just zoom hacking. For scripting yes. Zoom hacking isnt as game breaking. Its very easy to detect though you will be flagged the moment you alter the max zoom distance.

>promos to d4
>smurfing zed probably masters/challenger as my lane opponent with an 80% winrate in platinum 1 and a zed-themed summoner name
>absolutely take his fucking boypussy to pound town in lane, rape him in trades, flash mastery every time he misses q
>he tries to allin me at level 10 but I dodge his shurikens and flash taunt him for the kill
>go around the map and rape his team in rotations
>I allchat trashtalk him in-character as shen
>he starts inting like a silver zed into our team with questionable ultimates and shitty plays

I love it. I love seeing you shitter master and challenger players get thrown off your high horse. You sit up in high elo all high and mighty but in the end you're fundamentally the same as us low diamonds. Never forget that you shitters.

Hate to do this but


Was this link legit and Riot took it down or a ruse?

Her youtube is Jellybean nose or something like that

>Someone on my steam friends list has an avatar of their OC quite clearly drawn by Lendo

I thought Lendo was dead

I want to mock Sona for having such an absurdly sized chest!

You're getting really salty in your old age riddler

I'm not Riddler. Riddler's a lot calmer than that except when his teammates fail to notice they're being ulted and do anything about it, and he's stuck in lane with a plat 4 illaoi that permashoves him all day so he can't do anythingg.

i haven't played since last season, what adc's are meta atm

Cait and Lucian with the occasional Xayah and Twitch

xayah lucian caitlyn, ashe only in competitive

draven as a counterpick to xayah

laddering isn't fun on a losing streak

>playing ahri
>lose control of what im doing
>dont even know my cds
>panic and spam the keyboard
>win anyways
what did riot mean by this?

Any Xin Zhao or Rakan mains?

Right that's why she's almost 100% pick ban in pro play because it's so hard to get that combo to work

Would you guys buy trading cards for this game?
What if the trading card game was actually pretty good?

Is he done?

Also ashe.

>My normal mmr is bronze/ unranked. High gold ranked
>Never carry because i'm 1st timing champs in roles i don't play whilst team feeds hard around me.
Should i just stop even playing normals to learn new shit. Ends up being so frustrating because everyone is so bad.

Probably only if they gave exclusive skins, or something.

that's also why most of the pro players do embarrassing things like ulting with 4 spheres a tank at full hp I guess.

What champions did Riot greedily exploit for cash and memes for a time before violently raping them in the ass with outrageous nerfs, leaving them for dead, and moving onto the next scam?

100% donezo. We saw him jizz on his stomach, that's not exactly riot friendly.

>came on his own chest

what's wrong with european "males"?

I want to mating press Nidalee and give her kittens.

No they do that so it's easier to land 5 man e stuns you're just silver so are incapable of comprehending anything above a superficial level

was Udyr played a lot when he got the ultimate skin? Of all champs to get one, he's the last I'd expect.

5 man stuns like that happen only if the enemy team is grouped like retards, and most of the times that won't happen. user, being Gold 5 isn't much better than being Silver you know...

maybe it's you faggot

I wish Karthus was good. His ult is so fucking cool.

They don't need to be grouped when the balls spread in an arc but again you're silver so it's impossible for you to understand such a concept

>Play flex
>Get autofilled
>Ask lad two tiers below you for your main
>He says no and first times a new hero

i could play with 1 hand and climb out of bronze in an afternoon
you deserve to be there

>cant get out of bronze
>"muh teeeem!"

could they fix sejuanis e?
that'd be great

Has lolgen forgotten me yet? Just wondering...


do you think its legit ?

Tired of playing support. Everybody looks down on you as an unskilled slut even though none of them actually want to play the damn role. I'm officially becoming an elo terrorist. Don't want to trade? Enjoy clarity/cleanse Nunu

>Enjoy clarity/cleanse Nunu

Just went 31/16/21 on Pantheon.

Should I get burgers or pizza for lunch?


Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

What is it about Singed that compels following him

his juicy butt

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

probably because running away is a sign of "im weak and will die if i fight this" so people think they can kill him easily

>tether that steals AD over time
>passive that reflects magic damage and mini-stuns
>AoE damage field

Razor is complete uninteractive point-click cancer just like every DotA hero.

I have some buffs/changes for my favorite champs lolg, tell me why I'm retarded

>Q first cast unchanged, second cast (split) missile speed is doubled

>current passive removed
>new passive: Zyra can see into brush

>Ult impact aoe increased
>Ult damage now scales with HP
>Ult now damages structures

someone said on /v/ that one of riot's top casters was outed as a pedo, whats the story on that?