League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us


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so why do we have a little girl champion, but not a little boy champion?

First for impregnating fertile wombs

I am a shitpost connoisseur. I don't like the regular garden variety /v/ or /b/ (I repeat myself, but I digress) tier shitpost but the cerebral shitpost that is able to spawn multitude of shitposting by its presence. Its what I do in this general since I gave up on the game quite a long time ago.

And I must say, that "contests" are truly a marvel of the shitpost age. Waifu shitposting disgused as somehow on topic. Contest "updates" that generate hundreds of more shitposts, all with zero real content or worth. And this to span the general over WEEKS at a time at nearly any time of day. And at the end of all of it you "commission" a picture that any one of the participants could have got themselves. And in fact, the dissatisfied do anyway while shitposting.

You, contestfags, are a next level of shitposter. I tip my fedora to you.

Yes /lolg/ anons, you would all be diamond players if it wasn't for those pesky boosted supports crowding the high ranks :^)

what is teemo?

>Krepo will never fuck you in the ass

>[ALL] Cucklet (Soraka): This raka doe

>Shitters are going to get Cait and Lucian gutted
>Xayah and Twitch will just take their place
>Riot will nerf them too

I don't know why the fuck I even bother with this garbage role, fuck riot

I prefer consistent posts, comfy bfs was the most recent every post every single thread but now that hes gone it looks like a lulufag is topping that shitpost level

league comics pls

post >yfw support bitch tears itt

>Adcucks complaining so hard they preemptively complain about nerfs that aren't even being considered yet

In bronze should I play lethality MF or more traditional ER crit build? I never see any MF played lethality down here.

>false damage

better players build lethality for a reason

crit garbage

a yordlelet war veteran?

did you forget about nunu

The salt in that rebbit thread is hilarious. I'm amazed that there are any self-aware support mains at all though.


yeah. i always think of nunu as the yeti even though that is willump or whatever his name is.

my favorite

what thread

I dont know hwo to operate reddit


Reminder that every Shyvana skin is amazing except ironscale

you forgot to post the one with youmuus, cleaver and ga with a 69% winrate since game amounts dont matter to you


>False damage

Every fucking time lmao


What should i buy in this item build instead mejai's on Annie?
Boots of mobility,BV,Ludens,Rabadons,VoidStaff,Mejai's
Even though i got max stacks and i was speeding around more CDR or gap closer aka protobelt would have helped more.

its that time again

What champion pisses you off the most?

I figured this out when playing Wukong against Galio. Also when he tries to E you, turn the other way and activate your decoy to make him whiff it.

Xayah is obnoxious as hell but probably because I mostly play divers.



>no date with Poppy

This is Draven, the glorious executioner!
Say something nice about him!


ignoring the fact that EUW still has three times


the population of NA, a meme region with the same amount of circiut points of other joke regions like CIS and Turkey.

>Keep dreaming NA

>Haven't played in forever
>Find out about Elementalist Lux
>Think that's pretty fucking neat and see it's on sale till the 22nd
>Start to install the game
>Realize it's the 29th
>Cancel the install

I think I dodged a bullet, I haven't played LoL since a little after Sol's release and my life has been better for it.


>Hey guys I don't play the game



But I'm already diamond and hate myself.

I want to support him! He has a cool brother! Um... he's a funny guy and has a great voice! I want to deep fry him and eat him!

I am so fucking sick of jojo

>Your favorite champion
>Why you like them
>Something you don't like about them

t. Senator Armstrong

Sorry user, I just wanted to share my coloring skill.

>otp my favorite champ this season
>played a total of 212 games this season with champ
>47% winrate on my favorite champion
Kind of depresses me to be honest.

xth for being the cutest and shortest lolg boy.

>anything but free orange essence
baka senpai you were so close too

Is Swain broken right now?

It feels good right now like a better broken Vlad.

Clonk Clonk Clonk, controlling an enemy champion
>325 ms
Code monkey/Sister fucker

This picture looks so dumb. Her body proportions are so wacky looking.

Bored, add me for norms/clan stuff.

>tfw you havent had McDonalds in months, and that first nugget hits your soul

I need Urgots rework asap. Someone infiltrate Rito to make it happen.

If you're bored want to smurf in my bronze games?

Swain has a 50+ win rate in all divisions. You can definitely one trick him. You can build him both tanky or like an ap mage depending if your team needs more damage or tank. I would main him too if he wasn't so boring.

>visit xayah's page on the wiki to see her lines
>mfw her and rakan are the most cringe worthy champions in the entire fucking game
>they're so edgy that they make zed, yasuo, katarina and riven look like law-abiding christian citizens
>they're so autistic they make teemo and jhin look like they're mentally stable and healthy
>they try so hard to be whacky and random that they make lux and jinx look like they have a good sense of humor

Jesus fucking christ. I feel unclean after experiencing that.

I can kind of tolerate Rakan's lines on his own. His paired lines and his stuff with Xayah are fucking horrendous

post that wallpaper boi


>he still plays WoW

its dead jim...Mr bones ride has finally ended
you can get off now

Funny part is you post is even more cringy.

>ls says supports are retarded
>normally true
>but then you get one that spoonfeeds you the lane and hard carries you with clutch plays

Today is the first time I have ever seen a sona properly use her W empowered auto to win an all in level 2 against a draven who suddenly realized he did no damage. I think I will never see it again but sona was one I wanted to have my babies

>get dumpstered 5 games in a row
>pick teemo top
>farm like a god
>rush 40% cdr
>ap teemo
>keep shrooming the complete toplane jungle and lane
>perma push
>never group
> /mute all
>just sit in bush and watching the enemy team slowly dying trying to catch me
>they start using sweeper
>doesn´t matter thanks to almost infinite mana and 40% cdr
>team starts getting objectives
>push down to inhib
>start shrooming their base too
>enemy team surrenders even though they lead in kills heavily

What do you do to untilt yourself?

How braindead i am?

Sona is kinda like Lee Sin and Yasuo in that you get so used to playing with/against turboshitters that when you see a good one you forget what the champion can do.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

Very important poll - gg edition cont.


Rakan gameplay with Xayah was fun as fuck, Xayah seems fun. I put on Basil Poledouris

Yasuo's player base is cringe.
Yasuo himself is as chill as Twisted Fate.

I want to hold hands with jinxanon


what is worse to be in, platinum 1 or diamond 5?

>finish game of ascension
>get a survey asking me about Xayah
>not even Rakan just mostly Xayah and questions asking me about her lines and thematic and skills
>Describe her in 3 words "Edgy,Millennial and Groan Zone"
>overall give a negative review and in the last "any comments or question" portion type out how her synergy with Rakan is forced and gimmicky and also that I could achieve similar results by simply picking Twitch minus

Did I do good?
how long before Riot deletes her with a rework? I remember the last time Riot did a duo champ release with Gragas and Pantheon and it was a failure too. when will they learn?

I play teemo

I wanna hold hands with Shyvyanon

Sent request. Going to make dinner right now though

>Tfw Taric and Ez ship isnt even a meme anymore since the Taric update and Lore revamps

its not fair! It was one of the few League memes that got a chuckle out of me!

Whatever elo you are at, that Sona doesn't deserve to be there
All support players should be forced to stay in bronze

I want to lewdpost with jinxanon

>tfw out of all people rakan could have dated he chose a bipolar edge queen

I'll admit that Rakan by himself isn't that bad, yeah.

t. butthurt xayah main

P.S. you know you're a colossal edgelord when this is your taunt quote for Ivern vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/6/6f/Xayah.tauntIvern01.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20170422023553

Kek, you did great. I hope they hire better writers for the next champion, if this is the norm then I'm going to be really disappointed.

>When he accuses Riven of killing the Elder through wind technique
>Despite there being no proof and Yasuo is retarded enough to think Ki is wind technique despite being master of the latter so he should be able to distinguish between what is wind technique and what isn't
>This is called chill

Think of your top 3 champions

Got em? Good.

find a compilation of them on youtube that isnt cringy

t. Riven apologist

this is the most autistic thing ive ever seen, saved

Xayah might have the worst death in the entire game to boot
>Ugh crap... lame...
Seriously what other champion is annoying when they actually kick the bucket minus postmortem passives? Remember when champions had cool deaths?
>Jarven telling himself he can't fail and trying to get back up
>Irelia's own blades turn on her and all impale her
>Zed crawls into a portal leaving his death ambiguous
>Sejuani gets crushed by bristle and Braum gets crushed by his shield
>Jinx falls over and her twin tails make a heart
>Rumble's mech explodes so violently it sends him flying off screen and he slams back into the ground on fucking fire
>Thresh's lantern takes his soul in a twist of fate
>Shaco fake stabs himself and lets out a goofy ass scream, perfect death for a clown

There's that line about stabbing someone that's also 100% cringe


you have not seen many autistic things then thats for sure

You've literally made this same argument every chance you get. We get it. You don't like her. Move the fuck on.

>Not Yauso

Pretty sure Rivens ultimate is called WINDSLASH but maybe thats just me

Also Im like 90% sure that Rivens abilities are charged

as with all people from Noxus riven is a victim of society!

>Seriously what other champion is annoying when they actually kick the bucket minus postmortem passives?

these get a chuckle out of me when I hear them ingame




mostly because I'd have the same reaction too If was playing against Rengar

Please never stop posting. Let us never forget how awful Burch is as a writer.

Xayah and Rakan are proof that all design at Riot is now entirely by committee and focus group studies

Not even the same guy as the first poster, Xayah is just cringe as fuck and worth making fun of like Taliah's stupid nose. It isn't even an argument, I'm just saying her death is fucking annoying.

She uses a runic blade and ki to fight. She doesn't manipulate the wind. Are you saying Janna is the one who killed the elder? Nah that's even more retarded

>admits to being a bandwagoning fuck
Summer can't end fast enough...

Lulu is cute! CUTE!

took me 3 seconds reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6dzgt7/ls_opinions_on_support_players/