Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >>>[Restless Drunk Demon's Capital: Rashoumon Rerun]
>Period: 5/31 to 6/8
>Ibaraki Douji and Shuten Douji rate up
>New 4* Fou (Events rewards, not in the gacha)
>Fou cap raised to 2000
>New Ibaraki interlude

>[9 Million DL Campaign]
>Period: 5/24 to 6/2
>Login every day to get: 9M QP, 90000 FP, 9 Fous, 9 bronze/silver/gold apples ,90 MP, 9 EXP card, 9 tickets
>Daily reward change to Chains of Fools
>Double success rate when lvling
>Weekly missions now give 4 Quartz Fragments
>FP acquisition doubled up for a week
>Ishtar and all the other goddesses rate up

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna has been announced to be released this summer.
>Two new Servants have been announced: Caster of the Nocturnal Castle and Assassin of the Nocturnal Castle.
>A new summer event has been announced in which Minamoto no Raikou will receive a swimsuit version.
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


10.0 thread.


LOVE thread.

a shit

News when lads?

Best dick wizard

Go away.


Proto event soon I hope


best quest to farm bonds? I need 4 quartz for a grand

Best boy.


>Shit taste faggots unironically rolling for Ibarashit and falling for this bait gacha


Ushi a cute.

>not having her since last year


>ywn be the protagonist of Caster Route.

Last year 20 (or 10?) quartz were given for fully defeating Ibaraki or was it for an apology? Can't remember right but I'm not sure if they will give those quartz again.

Irisviel is the cutest.

I burned that bitch, and now I have the Mona Lisa CE

Best mom thread.

I agree


She's pretty cute, I'm glad she spooked me 4 fucking times

Not a chance. There's this event going on right now, and afterwards it's most likely gonna be either Agartha or another padding event. It's not implausible that Onigashima will get a rerun at some point during the summer. And then there is the swimsuit event to consider. If they rerun it from last year, that's a full month's worth of the game if the event is padded on both sides by a week of nothing. And I don't think they're gonna be running a big event right after that. And then there's likely to be an anniversary campaign of some sort. And of course, let's not forget Apocrypha.

Prototype is way, way off into the future.

Saber Ushi by Rata when?

Impossible, Illya is cuter.

>want to watch carnival phantasm

>haven't finished F/HA
>haven't read anything about sukihime
>haven't played Melty Blood

Why even bother living?

I only just noticed how fucking weird his stats are for a Lancer.

God though I miss the days when A rank personal stats were rare and most servants had a mix of D/C/B for the majority of them with some + thrown in for variety.


>the anti-banana autist is at it again

Just fuck off already no one wants you here.

>how fucking weird his stats are for a Lancer.
I would bet my life that perseus is a rider


>The pro onishitter butthurt faggot nigger defense force is here
eat shit faggot with shit taste

He's a Rider, Riders have shit stats but lots of good NPs and skills

I know Proto's is, but I thought the Shinjiface one revealed post SN was a Lancer.

I'm probably wrong though, in which case yeah his stats are reasonable for his class.

You sperg out anytime anyone even posts her as a reaction image. It's fucking sad

What's best for farming gourds with drop CEs? 1BP or 2BP?

>we will never get a SN remake with a Caster route where Issei is one of your primary allies

>DW is gonna be forced to lower the daily amount of damaged needed since everyone already farmed the ladder the first day

IT's going to be like the pillars in reverse.

Post supports

Illya is pretty cute.

Best sun has great stats.

>nicest Greek hero is a villain


I really should start working on looking for Ushi artists on twitter because most of my images are from pixiv and I think I'm missing out.

When she becomes more popular. She only needs a bit more focus like in Babylon.


Shut the fuck up, retard. Don't talk to me, onishitter

cute raccoon

I still haven't read the maid routes in tsukihime when it was my first VN and first introduction to type-moon.

and I never will.


I could see it happening soon if Ibaraki's interlude is any indication that Tomoe Gozen is coming in the relatively near future.
Afterall, Yoshitsune is the reason Tomoe's lord Yoshinaka told her to fuck off because dying alongside a woman would be super fucking gay.

He learned how unfair the world is.


Who? Hector?

I'd say the nicest Greek hero is probably someone like Orpheus or Chiron maybe desu.

How should i upgrade my CE's with the 2x success rate event going on right now?

>one kid dies from illness
>Red Shinji puts on mask
>less than ten minutes later all the people who'd treated the kid are dead
Perseus is obviously a loon.

You can just read the tsukihime manga to get a general idea about the setting and main characters and jump into Carnival Phantasm beacuse it's worth it.

>same facing this hard
dw is dead


I'm about to roll for Ishtar so I can easily get that mystic code, wish me luck anons!

>tfw you'll never be this pathetically mad about a fictional character being in a mobile game

Good choice. Hisui's route is literal filler that only exists to set up Kohaku's and Kohaku's is fucking trash.
Doesn't he murder a bunch of innocent doctors or something?


Ryuki tie in would be based.

Never read tsukihime. Still enjoyed the hell out of carnival phantasm.

Don't think FHA actually comes up, but it's been a while.


>mfw this is my fetish

sadly most artists only draw her occasionally at best

shimo (@fnds00) and pinta (@kiwoterau) are really dedicated though

You're able to replace any Servant in F/SN with a currently existing one to try improve it. Who do you pick?

Hard Mode: No alternate forms, e.g. no saying Cu -> Proto Cu just to give him a better design
God Hard Mode: No saying Gil -> Current Gil
Impossible Mode: The Servant you swap in has to be a Higashide or Sakurai one

The doctors were magi keeping Isemi alive just to summon a Servant, I think.

Artoria with Rama.

but herc is a hero

I pick my favorite of each class because it's fun to see them in action

Replace Gil with Ozy

Herk with Kintoki. It would be funny.

>God Hard Mode: No saying Gil -> Current Gil

It's the same Gil

Replace Medusa with Kintoki, watch as he fucks shit up and doesn't take Shinji's shit.

Sakurai makes the best characters this series has seen in years though. I don't get how it's hard mode?

alls well that ends well

Swap Gilgamesh with a Lancelot Berserker that can talk.

I wonder if we'll ever get any of Illya's installs as Servants. It would be easy money, but other than Saber and Liz I can't see them putting in seven versions of the same character.

Fair enough then.
Any of these.
Medusa -> Drake
Artoria -> Lancelot
Gilgamesh -> Moriarty
Herakles -> Beowulf

Not even shitposting about Lancelot by the way. I legit think he'd have some fascinating chemistry with Shirou and the potential for a redemption arc is huge.

Gareth-chan when?

The story falls apart completely if Gil's not there. There's not really any other established character who'd be a good fit for his roles in Fate and UBW.

He's already shown that he can talk. He just chooses to yell the name of his cuck victims cause he's that much of an asshole.

replace kojiro with king hassan - watch temple gate become dark souls

replace cu with some moralfag to see kirei stabbed


I knew of Pinta from pixiv, and I'm liking Shimo already. Thanks user.

thanks, i';ve been looking for this

Replace Cu with Fionn.

Gil for Enk then

>Drake with Shinji again
Why would you do that to her? If it's with Sakura thatd be interesting though. I like the chemistry between the servants/masters you brought up too. Especially Beo and Ilya and how evil Moriarty and Kotomine would be.

Am I allowed to complain about not rolling a 5* for 6 months if I've rolled 9 unique 4*s in that time?

>skipping the only part of Tsukihime worth reading
nigger what the fuck are you doing

Moriarty could do it desu. He'd want to be evil for the sake of it and would consider releasing the Grail mud a suitable method of doing so, have some cool chemistry with Kirei, look fabulous, and have more of a personality.

One problem is his powerlevel is nowhere near high enough to act as a proper endboss but that can be written around to justify a big boost somehow, or he could use his wits to fight at a level beyond what his capabilities should allow.

UBW's final fight would lose a lot of meaning though.

No. You'd sound like an entitled cunt who wants DW to go bankrupt.
