Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Power of Gaia, Power of the Memes Edition

>/mffg/ FAQ + resources: (Mahvel'ed)

>/mffg/'s Guide to T2s and Roster

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D action RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and monthly updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play and offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers: [Curly moustache!]

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
>REMINDER to donate Gold to your Alliance and participate in Alliance Conquest, and MAKE IT RAIN

Current Events:
>3.0.0 Patch Notes

>3.0.0 Known Issues

>Balance Patch: Captain America/Black Widow

>7 Day Check-In

>X-Men's Classified File #1: Rightclops & Black Weather Goddess

>X-Men's Classified File #2: Power-Stealing Cutie & Mutant Traitor #1

>X-Men's Classified File #3: Muh Phoenix and Sniktbub

>X-Men's Classified File #4: Mag-fucking-neato

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post yfw we actually got muties during our lifetimes


>energy over cap
>2 million gold and barely no crystals before an update
what the fuck are you doing nigga?



>want to get Dormammu, like one hidden route a day
>splurge and spend crystals on route tickets after the last update was a bust
>3 or so days later, muggas announced
just let me die

why the fuck do people rush for dormammu when they don't even have the resources?
It's reminds me of that guy that wasted one entire sub on getting enchantress to *6

We comparing dic-I mean rosters?

Well, sure, let's check

is storm cold or lightning damage?

So what are the chances we get him in a future update?

I was honestly gonna just dick around till July, figured I could start at some point

wait he didn't use any tickets or anything on her?
we will get new, weather damage obelisks

Both for sure

And I forgot the pic like a damn idiot.

Also, before you complain about many crystals I have right now, saved a lot of tickets and bio selectors for my muggas.

>get mutants
>they are not all top tier
Can't wait for the outrage, plebbit can't even get into maximus so I'll just wait for the rage

Polaris is my mutie-fu and we might get her I'm so happy

>that gold
I seriously hope you donate mugga, also why no uni for yondude?

>t2 Loki

neato, I have selectors and a fuckton of exp tickets
it's gonna be slow but Magneto will be mine

Hopefully high. I need my mugga.

I didn't use any tickets because I didn't have any to use, and as mentioned in the last thread, I was already half way done with her by the time I was told that this was a terrible waste of resources. With the help of this user and others, I intend to make sure no one makes my mistake again.

Lightning with ONE cold move.

It's okay user I used my bio sub to natty t2 enchantress and I knew better the whole time

>tfw my Mad Max can beat BD without meme strikers and much effort
Why plebbit so shit in this game?

what's a good obelisk for Strange
I finally got him to 6/6/60 today

Don't worry friendo, I actually unlocked hyperion and wasted a mega rank up ticket on him

Because they take cynicshillex advice.

this is a reddit """big name""" like cynicalex, people take his advices seriously

Oh, of course I donate every day, it's just that I'm VIP2 and I'm also saving for the eventual native T2. And also, for the yondude issue it'sbecause I was expecting him to get his GotG2 look.

Because otherwise Loki doesn't do good alone in SL fights.

A RR/Invulnerability/Crit Damage one, or a DMG Increase, it depends in how you feel about your Strange's playthrough.

>Loki doesn't do good alone in SL fights.
>RR/invul on strange

>Maxmius and Karnak
>nothing special
>mentioning Gorgon as only decent but with a great leadership, yet not mentioning Moon-Girl in the same category
Fucking reddit.

Read, nigga, I said also a damage increase obelisk does good on him, or what do you have on him to claim you have a better Strange?

I natty T2'd Hyperion and have 0 regrets. Give him a ITGB/RR/Damage Proc obelisk along with a damage ISO and he'll do work.

damage increase is the only option for strange.

He needs gbi 2bh don't listen to Otherwise you get punched out of skills constantly

>tfw 5/5 ebony maw in under 7 minutes
why do you people bitch about him

How many levels are named "Homecoming"?

hyperion is bad and not good

in the game but not irl, he's p. cool irl
ebony maw is gay

i-frames are annoying.


Is she never ever? If not, how?

I finish him with 4:40-4:50 seconds remaining, they nerfed really hard all world bosses.

She probably will be in for the next X-Men patch, alongside Iceman, Magik, Psylocke, Gambit, or who knows.

Speed type
Attack: Intango Kick
1: Intango Punch
2: Slide in ground, slide out of ground and hit someone
3 (Passive): Chance to become immune to all damage
4: Go Intangible, hit someone, reform inside them for stun damage
5: Become intangible. Raise guaranteed dodge rate to 100%
6: Summon Lockheed (Speed) to breathe fire on dudes

something like that
alternatively, replace one of her moves with an air raid from the blackbird or summoning Colossus or something

>no restrictions


>no restriction
>tfw finally going full cancer with dormammu, odin and strange
we did it mobirum

I like you cuz you get it

eat my tight reddit ass

Jean will have mind damage, r-right?

teaser tonight?

>tfw starog on enemy team
>she uses gravity ball
>kills my guy
>new guy spawns
>gets caught in the ball and dies
fuck this

no more teasers until patch notes m8

Gwen, Clea, Odin, Robbie and Riri in the next row

>x-men soon
>still feel like natty t2ing luke cage

MFF is going to be at D23.

Nope. Magneto was the last of the teasers. Patch notes are Monday night. Update tuesday which actually means wednesday because of the new maintenance schedule.

>Spiderman , Elektra, GreenGobbo
Which one is the better speed char that I should invest resource into?

>mfw Doctor strange is on netflix now

So is Ancient waifu a good skin?

Elektra atm
but maybe Spidey since Homecoming is incoming


You used my image. I feel honored.

Worth getting if only for the change to female. The boost to buffs is also helpful if you're using an attack set, which you should be since her DPS leaves much to be desired.

>No CoC & AA

>tfw CoC is getting put out to dry after their only advantage over MFF was X-Men
time for MFF to reign supreme

so is this why NM bought the Kabam studio behind CoC?

sorry for the late response
you are in




>24h stream

Don't we have still like, 5 days though?

is he going to buy energy or somethng?

gonna be LITTY

expecting some RAUNCHY humour from my boy alex


But what does this mean for Jean? Is she native T2? Ally Shifter? Pay Wall?

our boy magneto is the t2

>JJ bios from AN yesterday and today before reset
>JJ on my recommend list for Timeline
what did they mean by this?

>Jean is going to be ANOTHER fire-dmg character
fucking give us a break

M-maybe she'll do mind damage that cause burns since it's psionic flames. R-right?

Why would she be fire when she doesn't have any fire based powers? Thats just the graphic for powers.

no you gay nerd

Maybe it will be mind based damage with additional fire based damage or vice versa

>NOT fire based

I tried shang chi on SL and I don't get guard broken without the ITGB obelisk, what happened?

All I want is Rogue to be good. Please

Dumb casual poster next thing you know you're going to post a frog.

>p h o e n i x

>Trying to do WBI
>Shitters after shitters after shitters after shitters
>Game regularly drops to 5 FPS while two whole life bars pull a houdini

Are you retarded? Do you know what the Phoenix entity even is?

what iso set for luke?

Clearly you're the retard. Jean grey as the phoenix never had fire based powers.
>Cosmic Pyrokinesis
Silly willy.

That's pretty sweet. Here's hoping we get a glimpse of what's coming, mechanically-wise, since the teasers aren't yet done after all.

>yfw new cards, new obelisks, new iso sets, and yet another tier of TL

If you mean that you didn't get guard-broken even if you weren't using a GBI obelisk, then that's what usually happens when a character stunlocks the enemy.

Regardless of comic canon, NM will just have Jean deal fire dmg
NM hates mind dmg, see Mantis and Maximus

Yeah but what attacks has the biggest chances of getting guard broken?
The fact that you can let his clone/shadow figures do keep attacking means that he is pretty much one of the few that can stunlock enemies in two different places.

>people speculating beast will get the buffslut t2
please no, I want it to be cyke, I refuse to t2 wardoggo or coulson.

Sometimes, depending on the attack, he can get guard broken during his 6*, since it has a relatively long animation before the clones appear.

Personally, considering it was such a minor thing, I don't really consider GBI a MUST for him.

Doubt it, she has already Phoenixforece

true memesters go for binary power / recovery+hp+inv or heal procs / hp urus