/emugen/ - Emulation General


Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (Speccy screenshot), operating system, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.

Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Remember to submit bug reports or shit won't get fixed.

Other urls found in this thread:


This general is dead.

Retroarch was updates, that's cool.

Bumping my problem from the last thread, is there a netplay plugin that works for pcsxr-pgxp?
The only netplay plugin I could find was for ePSXe

>Comcast is blocking archive.org
Fuck. Better download them videogames before it's too late.

How many fullsets are available there?


Dear lord... I'll download the Saturn fullset just in case

Woah, I didn't know the wiki had so many sites to get games on

can cemu finally run BotW without major hiccups?


Matters what you mean by major hiccups. The game has been playable (100% completable, runs fullspeed on highend CPUs) for almost 2 months now, but it randomly crashes.

merging with /srg/ when

they're constantly dead AND have tranny drama

it's a perfect fit!

well shit

>runs fullspeed on highend CPUs
bullshit, unless the i5-7600 is not high end anymore

cemuhook and shadercache, m8

I think that the way Cemu uses the shadercache could be improved (perfomance wise). Could be asynchronous (effect is not rendered the first time the game ask for it, keep on going while the cache is created and load from the disk the next time), would be much less painfull to create a new cache for each game everytime


+1 Sega RingWide game dumped:
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Arcade







What emulator is this?

wat game is that?



byuu sure takes Twitter unfollowing personally. He locked his twitter feed over someone he knew unfollowing him and then wrote this huge article:


Such is life in the tortured existence of an emudev


Eff off m8

What's the best Dreamcast emulator for MvC2?

For those who can't access his board


see I've honestly never seen a person yet who wasn't a worse person for having used twitter/Facebook.

Take your own advice, shitcock. If he is who I think he's pretty chill.

For the record, I can access just fine (but I'm pretty sure my ISP, though American, isn't Comcast).

Prolly a good idea. Bless ya, man.

The wiki is a good resource, even if it is run by insufferable twats. Good crash-course on emulation for the reasonably intelligent.

eff u 2

Go fuck yourself avatarfag.


Can anyone spoonfeed me on that anti-jitter plugin for the PS1? If you can even download that that is, because I just can't find it.

This will run on Teknoparrot, you don't need to emulate it, it's more like a loader to bypass the protection (or something likes this).
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Arcade user

shut up faggot let him post

I'm in the same boat as you, but a little further ahead, as I've already got the emulator setup but have no idea how to actually turn on the Z-buffer stuff or whatever its called.

Can anyone help out both me and this other user?

Thanks for the answer man. I'll get to it as well and if I find out anything I'll hit you up.

Suck my dick mooch.

user dont be rude

Guys throw some money at patreon.com/jayfoxrox
so we can have better 3DS emulation.


Mooch is mad.

Can I play Initial D with this?

on PCSX2 are Jak and Daxter's eyes still fucked up and do you still need shitty OpenGL for shadows in Sly 2?

The dev is working on the protection of the games he has and the games that are released by the scene, I don't know if anyone has dumped Initial D yet

He's working more on the XBox emulation than anything else, this is why the Geometry Shader is still no re-implemented on Citra. I've tested the GS code with my library, and I can tell that the compatibility has much to gain from it (and I don't have to say that the visuals on the game that use GS reach near perfection)

is it in bleeding-edge yet?

1. Open the emulator
2. Run a game (it's better to change configurations in-game because you can check the difference in real time)
3. Open the menu "Configuration/PGXP"
4. Turn each item on and go see the results (on PGXP Mode I would recommend "Memory Only")

This can cause performance problems for some people, if the game don't run well, you can go to "Configuration/CPU" and change the "CPU Overclocking" value (I use 3x for Silent Hill at 60 fps)

GS has been removed from Bleeding Edge for months now, last one with it is the build 86

Rekt by his own incompetence

Then don't be mooch, mooch.

>Suck my dick
i knew you were a faggot

Is there any older decent bleeding edge build for playing Shin Megami Tensei IV and/or Soul Hackers? Been updating for a month now and they all perform the same (10-14fps on dungeons and cutscenes)

Is there even a point in updating bleeding edge? I've seen 0 changes so far

>If he is who I think he's pretty chill.

Who do you think is he?

You need to read the code (or at least the changelog on GitHub) before expecting any change. Everytime something is merged (even a simple typo correction), a new build is compiled by the Bleeding Edge bot, so you don't need to update everytime, just wait for changes related to what you want improved/fixed. And nope, performance on SMT IV is still bad, I can't remember about Soul Hackers

So when it comes to CEMU the only things you can do to increase fps in botw is the skiphack and overclock your CPU?

Hello /emugen/
I want to experience the metroid prime trilogy in the best way possible for my first time, I'm sure i'll be palaying on dolphin, just not sure wether i should play the GC or the Wii version, keyboardmouse or controller, help me out

1. Update your games (if there is any update available)
2. Use CemuHook and enable the GPUfence
3. Overclock (if you can)
4. Lower your resolution if everything above fail (not very effective)

Emulation wise, the Wii ports of 1 and 2 are buggy in some departments
Gameplay wise, 1 and 2 were not intended to be played with a wiimote in the first place, they were not balanced for it, and the GC controls are very responsive and easy to manage in the anyway.

3 is a Wii exclusive, so not much to say about it.

Fuck off and die you piece of shit.

He hangs out on #medafen and he was one of the few chill people there besides Ryphecha.


Get a real job.

Being an Emu dev is a real job.
>Has to listen to pissants complaining about shit nobody cares about about in some obscure game form the 80s that barely sold 100 copys
>Has other emudevs bitting at heals to claim credit and score points in game forums
>Shit hours of work
>Shit pay
>Added bonus of being looked down upon if you even ask for a donation
Seams like anyother 9-5 to me.

Reading this makes me sad, because it's true

If you have to post on Veeky Forums begging for money, it isn't a real job.

>Added bonus of being looked down upon if you even ask for a donation
Seems appropriate don't it.

Im sure emudevs are smart enough to make easy dev bucks on the side

>spoonfeed me
Here you go - It's buggy and glitchy.


Patreon was a mistake

>last GlideN64 update was for RE2
SHIT, is the game playable now?

I will test it later and post results

looks like neither are fixed sadly. i get sly 2's shadows being fucked up but why is something so simple as just the eyeballs unfixable in jak? seems like such an easy fix but i don't know shit about pcsx2

SP must pay for his crime.


By any means necessary.

Is byuu the most autistic human on the planet? Who gives a shit?


He spent 10 years on his life on nothing but SNES emulation

He's also a redditor


here, disregard that, I suck cocks.

cyka blyat


Well he looks sexy as fuck, not the face I'd identify with emulation.

What's the source of this? I've seen it repeated a few times before but I don't know where it comes from.

I am aware that he's a lolcow engaged in more than one decade-long feuds with autists on the internet and I understand why people don't like him, but I don't know the backstory behind these pedo allegations.

He uses shota avatars, that's it

Bump, still really interested in playing Wipeout with a friend
Do I even need netplay, or does link cable do what I'm wanting?

>not just playing ballisticng multiplayer

First I've heard of it, is it good? and how similar is it to wipeout?

>is it good?
idk, I can't play those games for shit
>and how similar is it to wipeout?
Pretty sure it's just wipeout with the name changed to avoid copyright infringement.

It's true that most emulators use only 2 threads? Why? And how is the workload generally distributed?