/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

This thread is for all strategy games that do not have their own thread, focusing on 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
tags: /cbg/ /rtsg/

Last thread: >Endless Space 2
- Official Wiki wiki.endless-space.com/
- Community Hub games2gether.com/
- Soundtrack - soundcloud.com/flybyno/sets/endless-space-2-soundtrack
- Wiki wiki.endless-space.com/
- Planets Stats pastebin.com/3huefXGy
- Ships Stats pastebin.com/aabCNGau

>Endless Legend
- Manual: cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
- Wiki: endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

- Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors: dropbox.com/sh/ljdms8ygix2btcs/AACC_IGIy7zAkomwA6S4DJp3a?dl=0
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE): well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot: multiplayerrobot.com
- District Cheat Sheet: hydra-media.cursecdn.com/civ6.gamepedia.com/2/29/District_Cheat_Sheet.png?version=07510f0f43d7188e00e7046c90360dba (embed) (embed)

>Alpha Centauri
- Essential improvements: pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories: mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

Other urls found in this thread:


First for winning the game on turn 1

>no embeds

shit op

by the way, we """""play""""" in a few minutes


It IS revisionism. /civ4g/ literally died until Stellaris revived it long before civ6, you colossal retard.
The genre is too time-consuming to play and post in the thread at the same time.


rigged4.cc/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_8_Qualifiers

Get into the smashcast link now to see us smash /egg/

Unfallen with 2 planets colonizable in their home system and the +production luxury on both of them. That is an unstoppable snowball from turn 1.

>ad hominem
You lost again. Let this be a lesson for you.

Enjoy only having systems with 1 tiny colonizable planet in a 7 hyperlane radius


I've not finished a single game. What does that mean for someone who's just starting? How are the unfallen different from everyone else?


If you haven't finished a single game, don't bother with that.

>losing to /pg/

Is anyone's game running like shit after 1.6? I can't even get past the early game due to the lag.

>he said meanie words so he is wrong BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW
t. commie who can't resist rewriting something as small as the story of a general

Oh boi

If you're having lag issues, don't play online.

Problem solved.

Unfallen shit out food so fill their planets fast and that luxury gives bonus production per pop so that home system fills up super quick and had ridiculous production. This is ontop of them being almost always at 100 happiness for MORE bonuses

Neat, thanks.

Unfallen are always at the top of the score what the fuck

I only ever play SP. Game ran fine in 1.5.

>Rule 6 : The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Then you're not having lag issues. Lag means you're not synchronized with other players. What's your problem, just slow? Stuttering?

Hell March > all other themes

Just sort of general frame rate drops and it taking ages to switch between empires on the start menu..

>calling someone a fag is worse than rewriting history

Either you get more RAM, or you pray that Wiz stops blowing his money on whores and fixes his shitty game.

Missing :

- Pastebin: pastebin.com/YHdisqem
- WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1: pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh
- Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5: reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/
- Wiki: stellariswiki.com/Stellaris_Wiki
- The Development of Stellaris gamasutra.com/view/news/274018/Postmortem_Paradox_Development_Studios_Stellaris.php

Is ES2 playable without gamebreaking bugs yet?


>there's one /civ4xg/ player who's invisible
I'll laugh if he's called "paradox customer support".


I can reach the main menu and start a game now. Seems to be the case. Doesn't like being left alt-tabbed though.

Hi Wiz.
When will you realize that shitting on other games won't magically make Stellaris good?

>everyone is talking about Endless Space 2
>meanwhile I'm sitting here playing Endless Space 1
S... So, if I pick "close-ranged missiles", they're shit at long and middle range, right?

Mate I'm being serious. I know it's had a lot of launch issues and I don't want to start it up until the critical ones have been fixed.

That shoahlepoof guy look like an underage retard.

probably lol

long range kinetics are the way to go anyway

are you retarded?

Well, I know that, when the game started, it was:
- missiles = long range
- lasers (or plasma) = mid range
- kinetic = short range

But apparently they changed it recently so that you can have short ranged missiles...

>Rule 6 : The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

No, close range missiles are the best long-range weapon in the game.

Why is this a question?

So these tiny blue guys in the bottom right of the galaxy want me to take on the bright pink fuckers to my north and the big ass combine to my south.

I've already decimated the bright pink guy's fleet in a previous war but i'm kind of scared of the massive blob to my south. What are the odds that i'll be able to focus entirely on the bright pink without having the blob rape me from behind?

What's the point of the planet cracker in ES2. It only destroys one planet, takes 5 turns to charge once you make the jump to the system, and is an era five tech and costs an insane amount of industry.

Why not just siege and take over the system?


You're a fucking shit player and you belong in the Gulag

t. totally Hyperlanes only

It runs fine. Nothing game breaking, few annying ones like minor quests getting stuck, but none major.

Its >No Bio

I like hyperlanes. They make the galaxy look like a giant web.

Well, they shoulda changed it.

save us manlet

How would you make missiles to be actually worthwhile in Stellaris?


I once had Deserted Cities and Huygens Rings in my starting system

the game went poorly

manlet cabbage needs to save us



OH SHAKA will come on and save us.

somehow I'M the foul guy


>win 8-1
>lose 1-0

I'm ashamed to browse this thread

Well we lost that much but we still qualified for the main Veeky Forums league anyway.

So we have at least 3 matches over the next two weekends.

Dear /civ4xg/,

You got fucking owned.

Love, /egg/.

it's not fair

it was 1-0

Unfallen are just OP

>tfw gonna get gulag'd

Yeah, you LOST.

>doesn't qualify

How do I into fortress in Stellaris?

>didn't qualify for the VGL

The only thing I had was the battle turn bug and that's gone now. Even fixed it for an in progress match, which i was crossing my fingers on.

The choke guy really blew it

There are no gulags, you will simply perform voluntary labour in Siberia out of love for your great Motherland.

>I got up for this

Reset your patch to 1.5

You don't, they're a waste of resources.
>can only build one in an entire system
>their weapon ranges won't even cover half a system
>so pathetically weak even a shitty 2 system empire can destroy your fortress their badly optimized fleet
>not that it matters because enemies will just ignore fortified systems and go after soft targets because fortresses are so pointless and stupid there's no point in even destroying them


RA3 is 9 years old what the fuck

How do we make fortresses actually worthwhile?

>moving goalposts
Sad and pathetic! But typical from sore losers.

>can only build one in an entire system
what, you can build like 8 can't you? You just got to position them properly, the build area restriction from one isn't that big. They are still shit tho

>increase hp more
>remove the power necessity
>add 1 more special slot to all bases
>increase damage by around 6-8x on each
>add an all small slots part to each instead of split PD/small
>make their special effects be a galaxy-map AOE instead of in-system only

You clearly haven't played since the 1.6 patch. They changed it so that you can only build one defensive structure per system by making their exclusion zone take up the entire buildable space of a system. God knows why they did that since even multiple forts and bases were just one step above useless.

>Playing Vodyani
>Staring sector had 2 planets from turn 1
>1st to find academy and shit
>3 minor races under thumb
>2nd ark out kind of late
>Sector right next to my 1st has 4 usable planets
>Plant it down
>Never able to build shit from it though
>Just says there is no factory present
Did my shit bug out or did I mess up something?

>haven't played since the 1.6 patch
I just haven't built them since 1.6.
>one defensive structure per system
what a fucking meme

It's not exactly one per system, but the AOE is so large that in the vast majority of systems, 1 is the limit, since most are so small. You can still cram fortress in some extra large systems, but still, utterly useless.

Increase HP by factor of 10. Increase damage by factor of 4. Extend sensor range so they give you vision of many systems in a wide radius. Fortresses can now garrison and repair fleets. They can also build corvettes and destroyers, but not larger ships. Admirals can be stationed at fortresses, bonuses they provide are to fire rate, ship repair/build, tracking, and upkeep reduction.

Also rework XL weapons to not be total garbage then make fortresses capable of equipping a single XL weapon.

There, I just made fortresses formidable and worth constructing.

Make it so they can be fired from outside engagement zone. So, for example, you can warp a fleet in and have them fire missiles at Spaceports, etc. without actually engaging in combat and moving into their firing range.

Also, make it so that fired missiles reroll to hit another target after the first dies.

>just go around the fortress

still doesn't help them secure "strategic" locations due to engines. If the FTL inhibitor pulled fleets from nearby systems into the station, then it'd be great. Like how you have the circle for sensor range, that can be the ftl inhibitor's range, for example.

I was asked to make fortresses good, the game itself is still shit when it comes to strategic warfare but that's not the fault of fortresses, it's just shitty game design

What the fuck is this gay shit? If I can plant only 1 station of whatever size in my system, it better be able to fuck up 200k stack

I want to turn all wars into slogfests, the post.

If you want that then it needs to cost as much as a 200k stack.
Not saying that the current state of defensive structures is acceptable mind you.

For shits and giggles.

Okay, I just finished game with Riftborn, won by Dominance. Previously won with Sophons with Science and custom with Wonder.

I want to play on Normal or even Hard now but since Im not a good player, I will play custom again, just different one.

What visuals, trait (omniscience, gene splicing, etc) and galaxy settings would you suggest for me for maximum comfy game?

Thanks for replies!

A single defensive structure shouldn't be able to hold off an almighty doomstack, but it should be enough to deter small raiding parties. A fortress though should be strong enough to fuck up anything under 20k power. It can still lose to 20k> fleets, but it will absolutely maul anything that doesn't have at least that amount.

That still wouldn't make fortresses good, though. Fortresses have no reason to exist; their whole FTL trap thing is useless since Spaceports effectively have a giant zone of control. If you engage ANYTHING in a Spaceport system, your Fleet is just going to resort to fighting that Spaceport which is ridiculously cost-effective compared to Fortresses and gives you plenty of time to bring in a backup Fleet.


>design problem horatio
>better play stellaris

>be asked to make fortresses good
>don't address the fundamental issues that make them worthless
try again

So... who still plays CivVI?

Am I the only one who still likes it?

>dlc free
>ass humans
>wiz making 4x


>space planet science seems kinda shitty guys